This section is done for all those trainspotter Prodigy fans who are also interested in the equipment Liam uses when he's creating Prodigy music. One reason is that I'm also very interested about them myself. And that's one of the reasons why I have collected this huge list of gear and lots of info and pictures about them too!
Liam`s kit list, compared to some other bands is not that massive. Some of the synths are for beginners, because he's collected quite a bit of gear since the early days. But the Prodigy sound still revolves around certain pieces of kit Liam has had for years. You should also remember that this list won't be ever complete or as up to date it could be! Liam maybe won't buy anymore new stuff but he has so big collection of them and I think he gets so much gifts from the big companies too. He has also sold or given away some of his gear over the years and some are of course simply broken up. So, if you know some other hardware/software he uses or has used (seen on stage or magazines), please mail and inform me!
Liam's first home studio was originally called Earthbound. After success of the Fat of the Land Liam moved and built a new studio to his house and that was called the Dirtchamber. These days he rarely visits his gorgeus studio. He likes to write in his garden, plane or bedroom with his Apple Macbook Pro laptop. He has also used many other studios over the years like Strongroom, Rollover Studios, The Lodge and Tileyard Studios.
Nowadays he also uses laptops in live shows. Although he has been always more keen on hardware gear than software and computers. One of his laptops crashed at manchester 2005. Liam took a microphone and asked who dick destroyed his laptop. Later at the end of the gig asked if anyone would like to buy a cheap computer. There are also some other known reports of problems with his Macs.
In 2005 someone called "mallorca" posted to Prodigy fansite Nekozine and said Liam doesn't do anything live apart from press a button to start each track. Liam angrily replied with a diary entry on the Official Prodigy Website and explained what he is doing live: "let me explain to the dicks out there who r apparently confused about what i do live. i got two apple mac laptops running ableton bak to bak. with ableton u can trigger audio in any way at any time.the carcuss of the tunes run from the laptops with maybe some of the keyboard parts -samples missing that i play live.most guitars r taken off and rob plays them.ableton is basically about triggering parts of the songs and thats why the set is different everytime. there is no bakup but the chance of both computers goin down is slim.whoever that tit was who said it was a cd with shouting over is a prick and i find that insulting. bye bye"
I have mainly spotted the gear myself, but some other people have also helped me a lot with building this massive section. Some stuff is spotted from various interviews and reviews. (Like Roland's and Korg's own interviews and different music interviews).
I would like to thank all people who have helped me with this section. I would also like to thank Analogue Heaven for some nice technical infos.
Respect to my mind and to my equipment.
Selected articles where Liam Howlett talks about his gear of choice and/or production style.
30 Jul 2019 MusicTech magazine
Prodigy engineer/co-producer Neil Mclellan remembers the Jilted Generation sessions
02 Nov 2018 The Guardian
The Prodigy: No Tourists review – music for the jaded generation
15 Jun 2018 UKF
We Need To Talk About Leeroy Thornhill
22 Jun 2015 Universal Audio
Producer Neil McLellan mixes The Prodigy with UAD plug-ins
18 May 2015 MusicTech magazine
Landmark Productions: The Prodigy – The Fat of the Land
23 Apr 2015 Martin Audio
Jon Burton mixes The Prodigy through MLA
01 Oct 2010 Sound On Sound
Jon Burton: Mixing & Recording The Prodigy Live
01 Jun 2010 PSNEurope
Jon Burton and The Prodigy - 'His law'
08 May 2010 Hot Press
Leeroy Keeps Swinging
05 Mar 2010
Leo Crabtree Interview
30 Mar 2009 XLR8R
The Prodigy: Fire Starters
01 May 2006 The Mix
On the Road: Jon Burton
01 Feb 2005 Keyboard Magazine
Trim the Fat
01 Jan 2005 Native Instruments
NI Kore is a Key part of The Prodigy's Live Set
01 Jan 2005 TC Electronic
PowerCore FireWire Used for Worldwide Prodigy Tour
01 Jan 2005 Mackie
Interview with Liam Howlett
29 Nov 2004 Korg magazine
Never Outgunned: Liam Howlett
01 Oct 2004 Sound On Sound
Liam Howlett: Recording Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned
01 Aug 2004 Remix
Behind the Curtain
19 Jul 2004 Sonic State
Prodigy Dig The Mackie Sound
15 Dec 2003 Propellerhead Software
The Prodigal Reasoner
13 Aug 2002 BBC Radio 1
OneMusic interview: The Prodigy
30 Nov 2001
Massive Attack take MIX to the max
01 Dec 2001 Korg magazine
Liam Howlett interviewed by Korg mag in winter 2001
01 Dec 2000 Future Music
DIY Prodigy
01 Jan 1999 Power On
Catching Up With The Prodigy
01 Mar 1997 The Mix
Playing with fire!
01 Nov 1996 Future Music
Favourite 50 - 1 Korg Prophecy
01 Oct 1996 Sound On Sound
Liam Howlett • The Prodigy & Firestarter
01 Sep 1993 The Music Technology Magazine
Issue 83: Liam Howlett of The Prodigy
01 Feb 1993 Future Music
Prodigious talent
01 May 1992 The Music Technology Magazine
The Lone Raver
01 Feb 1993 Future Music
Prodigious talent
01 Nov 1996 Future Music
Favourite 50 - 1 Korg Prophecy
01 Dec 2000 Future Music
01 Dec 2000 Future Music
DIY Prodigy
01 Feb 2005 Keyboard Magazine
Trim the Fat
This section is updated regularily and needs your help. If you got some new interesting info, pics, articles, or you have seen Liam using new stuff in the gigs or somewhere else, please send all infos to me. I would be very grateful if you can contribute this project. You can contact me via mail
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