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See and learn what equipment Liam Howlett uses when he composes The Prodigy's music!

About this section

This section is done for all those trainspotter Prodigy fans who are also interested in the equipment Liam uses when he's creating Prodigy music. One reason is that I'm also very interested about them myself. And that's one of the reasons why I have collected this huge list of gear and lots of info and pictures about them too!

About the list

Liam`s kit list, compared to some other bands is not that massive. Some of the synths are for beginners, because he's collected quite a bit of gear since the early days. But the Prodigy sound still revolves around certain pieces of kit Liam has had for years. You should also remember that this list won't be ever complete or as up to date it could be! Liam maybe won't buy anymore new stuff but he has so big collection of them and I think he gets so much gifts from the big companies too. He has also sold or given away some of his gear over the years and some are of course simply broken up. So, if you know some other hardware/software he uses or has used (seen on stage or magazines), please mail and inform me!


Liam's first home studio was originally called Earthbound. After success of the Fat of the Land Liam moved and built a new studio to his house and that was called the Dirtchamber. These days he rarely visits his gorgeus studio. He likes to write in his garden, plane or bedroom with his Apple Macbook Pro laptop. He has also used many other studios over the years like Strongroom, Rollover Studios, The Lodge and Tileyard Studios.


Nowadays he also uses laptops in live shows. Although he has been always more keen on hardware gear than software and computers. One of his laptops crashed at manchester 2005. Liam took a microphone and asked who dick destroyed his laptop. Later at the end of the gig asked if anyone would like to buy a cheap computer. There are also some other known reports of problems with his Macs.

In 2005 someone called "mallorca" posted to Prodigy fansite Nekozine and said Liam doesn't do anything live apart from press a button to start each track. Liam angrily replied with a diary entry on the Official Prodigy Website and explained what he is doing live: "let me explain to the dicks out there who r apparently confused about what i do live. i got two apple mac laptops running ableton bak to bak. with ableton u can trigger audio in any way at any time.the carcuss of the tunes run from the laptops with maybe some of the keyboard parts -samples missing that i play live.most guitars r taken off and rob plays them.ableton is basically about triggering parts of the songs and thats why the set is different everytime. there is no bakup but the chance of both computers goin down is slim.whoever that tit was who said it was a cd with shouting over is a prick and i find that insulting. bye bye"


I have mainly spotted the gear myself, but some other people have also helped me a lot with building this massive section. Some stuff is spotted from various interviews and reviews. (Like Roland's and Korg's own interviews and different music interviews).


I would like to thank all people who have helped me with this section. I would also like to thank Analogue Heaven for some nice technical infos.

Respect to my mind and to my equipment.

Liam Howlett's gear list

Ableton Live software
Access Virus TI Polar
Akai CD3000XL MIDI Stereo CD-ROM Sampler, (10MB)
Akai iMPC Music Production App for iPad
Akai S1100 sampler
Akai S2800 midi stereo digital sampler
Akai S3200XL Professional Stereo Digital Sampler
Akai S5000 sampler
Akai Z8 Digital sampler
Alesis BRC MIDI machine
Alesis compressor/GATE
Aphex Type C Aural Exciter
Apple Logic Pro software
Apple Macbook Pro laptops x4
ARP 2600 analog synthesizer
Arturia Analog Factory Experience 32-Key Keyboard Controller
Arturia MicroBrute
Arturia MiniBrute
BBE Sonic Maximiser 322
Behringer Ultrafex II EX3100 2-Channel Multiband Sound Enhancement Processor
BOSS guitar pedals (distortion, overdrive, phaser, flanger)
BOSS SE-70 Effects unit
Casio Casiotone MT-41
Casio Casiotone MT-65
Casio Casiotone MT-68
Celestion speakers
Clavia Nord Lead Virtual Analog Synthesizer
Critter & Guitari Bolsa Bass
DBX 160A Compressor/Limiter
Drawmer DL221 two/dual channel compressor
Drawmer LX20 stereo compressor
Dynacord Leslie Effects cabinet
Dynaudio Acoustics M3A monitors
E-MU Orbit 9090
E-MU Proteus 3 World Ethnic Sound module
E-MU SP-1200 sampling drum machine
Electrix Filter Factory
Event monitors
Gemini MX2200 DJ mixer
Genelec 1032A monitors
Genelec 6010A monitors
Gibson Les Paul (Steve Jones Replica)
Joemeek compressor
JVC AK-22 HI-FI Amplifier
Korg ARP Odyssey
Korg ER-1 - Electribe R Rhythm Synth
Korg Kaossilator KO-1 Dynamic Phrase Synthesizer
Korg KM-2 Kaoss Dynamic DJ Mixer
Korg Kontrol49 - midi keyboard/controller
Korg Legacy Collection - soft synths
Korg MicroKorg Analog Modeling Synthesizer with Vocoder
Korg Monologue
Korg Monotribe Analogue Ribbon Synthesizer
Korg Monotron Analogue Ribbon Synthesizer
Korg MS-20 keyboard
Korg MS-2000 Virtual Analog synth
Korg Prophecy Synthesizer
Korg R3 synthesizer vocoder
M-Audio Oxygen 49 (3rd gen)
Mackie 8 buss 24/8/2 analog mixing desk
Mackie CR 1604 Mixer
Mackie Onyx 1620 16-Channel Mixer
Manley Enhanced Pultec EQP1A EQ
Manley Massive Passive stereo Tube EQ
Moog Minimoog Voyager Synthesizer
Moog Prodigy
Moog Sub Phatty Analog Synthesizer
Morley Dual Bass Wah
MOTU 828 Audio Interface
Mutable Instruments Shruthi
Native Instruments KORE
Native Instruments Maschine Mikro MKII
Novation Bass Station analog synth
Numark Blue Dog DM900 2 Channel Mixing board
Oberheim Four Voice
Oberheim Two Voice analog synthesizer
Pendulum audio Quartet
Propellerhead Reason software
Roland AIRA System-1 Synthesizer
Roland Alpha Juno-1
Roland Alpha Juno-2
Roland E-660 Digital Stereo Parametric Mastering EQ
Roland GAIA SH-01 Synthesizer
Roland JD-990
Roland JP-08 Sound Module
Roland JP-8000 analog modeling synthesizer
Roland Juno-106 synthesizer
Roland MC-303 Groovebox
Roland MC-505 Groovebox
Roland REON Driftbox-R Limited Edition
Roland SDD-320 Dimension D
Roland SH-09
Roland SH-101 monosynth
Roland SP-808 Groove Sampler
Roland Space Echo RE-201
Roland TB-03 Bass Line
Roland TB-303 Bass Line
Roland TR-707 Rhythm Composer
Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer
Roland TR-909 Rhythm Composer
Roland VK-7
Roland VP-330 Vocoder Plus
Roland W-30 Sampler Workstation
S-CAT Casio Casiotone MT-41
Sequental Circuits Pro One
Sherman Filterbank 2
Sony DTC 1000 ES DAT machine
Sony DTC 750 ES DAT machine
Squier Fender bass guitar
TC Electronic Finalizer 96K
Technics SL1200 turntable
Thermionic Culture Phoenix stereo valve compressor
Thermionic Culture The Fat Bustard II 12 Channel Summing mixer
Thermionic Culture Vulture stereo valve distortion
TL Audio valve EQ
TOA 280 ME monitor speakers
Unity Audio Boulders & Avalanche
Yamaha HS50M 5" Powered Studio Monitor
Yamaha HS80M speakers

Gear that has been in use over the years

Aiwa Dat
Akai DR8 Digital Multi Track Recorder
Alesis ADAT mk2
Alesis Quadraverb stereo effect unit
Apple Mac G4 laptop
Apple Macintosh 7100 computer
ART Multiverb Alpha 2.0
Dynacord DLS300 digital organ
Dynatech hard drive (270MB)
E-MU Vintage Keys module
Ensoniq DP/2 Parallel Effects Processor x2
Glyph Drive Scsii
HHB CDR 800 CD recorder
Kenton pro 2 midi to cv
Korg Electribe EA-1
Korg EM-1 - Electribe M Music Production Station
Korg ES-1 - Electribe S Rhythm Production Sampler
Moog Minimoog Model D synthesizer
MOTU Midi xpress XT -serial port/rs422
Octave Cat
Park GB15/10 bass practice amp
Peavey Analogue Filter
Philips CD 624
Propellerhead ReCycle!
Roland DJ mixer
Roland JD-800
Roland Jupiter-6 synthesizer
Roland Jupiter-8 Synthesizer
Roland U-220 sound module
Roland VP-9000 VariPhrase Processor Sampler
SansAmp Tech 21 NYC PSA-1 distortion box
SCI Prophet V - Software synth
Sony Laser Disk MDP850D
Steinberg's Cubase on the Mac
Syquest EZ135 Hard Drive
Tascam CD401 MkII-CD player
Tascam DA-20 DAT recorder
Tascam DA-30 MKII-DAT
Tascam DA-40-DAT
Tascam M-3500 32 track desk
TEAC V3000 stereo casette deck
Vestax PMC07 pro DJ mixer
Yamaha SPX 1000 FX Unit

Other Info

Articles & interviews

Selected articles where Liam Howlett talks about his gear of choice and/or production style.

MusicTech magazine
Prodigy engineer/co-producer Neil Mclellan remembers the Jilted Generation sessions

The Guardian
The Prodigy: No Tourists review – music for the jaded generation

We Need To Talk About Leeroy Thornhill

Universal Audio
Producer Neil McLellan mixes The Prodigy with UAD plug-ins

MusicTech magazine
Landmark Productions: The Prodigy – The Fat of the Land

Martin Audio
Jon Burton mixes The Prodigy through MLA

Sound On Sound
Jon Burton: Mixing & Recording The Prodigy Live

Jon Burton and The Prodigy - 'His law'

Hot Press
Leeroy Keeps Swinging
Leo Crabtree Interview

The Prodigy: Fire Starters

The Mix
On the Road: Jon Burton

Keyboard Magazine
Trim the Fat

Native Instruments
NI Kore is a Key part of The Prodigy's Live Set

TC Electronic
PowerCore FireWire Used for Worldwide Prodigy Tour

Interview with Liam Howlett

Korg magazine
Never Outgunned: Liam Howlett

Sound On Sound
Liam Howlett: Recording Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned

Behind the Curtain

Sonic State
Prodigy Dig The Mackie Sound

Propellerhead Software
The Prodigal Reasoner

BBC Radio 1
OneMusic interview: The Prodigy
Massive Attack take MIX to the max

Korg magazine
Liam Howlett interviewed by Korg mag in winter 2001

Future Music
DIY Prodigy

Power On
Catching Up With The Prodigy

The Mix
Playing with fire!

Future Music
Favourite 50 - 1 Korg Prophecy

Sound On Sound
Liam Howlett • The Prodigy & Firestarter

The Music Technology Magazine
Issue 83: Liam Howlett of The Prodigy

Future Music
Prodigious talent

The Music Technology Magazine
The Lone Raver

YouTube videos

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Article scans

Future Music
Prodigious talent

Future Music
Favourite 50 - 1 Korg Prophecy

Future Music

Future Music
DIY Prodigy

Keyboard Magazine
Trim the Fat

See other scans on the article archive

Help Wanted!

This section is updated regularily and needs your help. If you got some new interesting info, pics, articles, or you have seen Liam using new stuff in the gigs or somewhere else, please send all infos to me. I would be very grateful if you can contribute this project. You can contact me via mail

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