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Messages - Arie

Tracks / Re: confused.
February 14, 2006, 07:20:40 PM
Quotewell would there be another way to figure out who has created the song?
it's not a bad song, i just need some sort of closure.

I'm downloading the track at the moment to see if I recognise it. I suggest that you ask for an ID on this track on a general music forum and not here though. I think you'll have more chance there in finding out this tune's ID. But I'll see if it rings any bells.
Tracks / Re: confused.
January 20, 2006, 03:36:57 PM
Quotei'm fairly new to the prodigy, i've purchased many of their albums and enjoyed many of them, but i found this song on a mix CD that a friend burnt for me and apparently the said song is the prodigy...i'm unsure of what song it is, and even if it is the prodigy...could someone help clear this up for me?

thank you.

click <a href="">here</a> for the song.
I can't download MP3-files where I am at the moment. If you don't know it, the chance is big that the file is a fake. If the track is not listed on the Tracks section at, it is unofficial. I will check the file later and give you a more proper answer ;)
Tracks / Re: Casanova & Everybody say love???
December 10, 2005, 10:29:58 PM
QuoteAre this tracks is made by prodigy?
I have a lot prodigy traks what i can't find in releases.
Bass under siege
Everybody say love
Instruments of darkness
made in two minutes
Release Yo'Delf
Take Me
The Time Frequecy Retributtion
Yes and no ;) No, none of them are Prodigy tracks. They are all remixes that The Prodigy made for other artists. See for a list of all official Prodigy tracks and all the remixes made for other artists.
Tracks / Re: Rat Poison is better than Poison
April 12, 2002, 09:47:24 AM
Salut Ness :)
Moi, je n'aime pas les smilies ;)
Tracks / Re: Rat Poison is better than Poison
March 11, 2002, 09:38:41 AM
Also, Scienide was released as a white label before the release of Poison. Liam Howlett describes it as German style house or techno music if I'm not mistaken. Read the booklet of Select Mixes For The Jilted Generation. Rat Poison is indeed a very good version cq. remix.
Tracks / Re: 10-track demo tape
January 31, 2005, 10:30:07 PM
It's in the XL vault ;)
Tracks / Re: 10-track demo tape
January 31, 2005, 09:46:19 PM
Tracktitles are correct, although one title is unknown to me at this point in time still. Track order itself is unknown. The whole What Evil Lurks EP is on the demo, together with Spacehopper. All other tracks have never seen the light of day I'm afraid... ;( but who knows, perhaps one day... ;)
Tracks / 10-track demo tape
January 30, 2005, 11:53:01 AM
Since we can't seem to keep it somewhat underground, here's the tracklisting for the original 10-track demo tape which Liam Howlett sent to XL-Recordings.

1. What Evil Lurks
2. We Gonna Rock
3. Android
4. Everybody In The Place
5. Charly (an unreleased version)
6. Spacehopper
7. Demons
8. Drumscape
9. I Come Correct
10. ? (still unknown at the moment)

Ta ;)
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
December 29, 2004, 12:07:11 PM
Quotesure the did.......

i love the fact that u got shut down by xl. because u love them and the prodigy so much.

pwned like a noob
You're boring me. Shouldn't you be at school or something? You know, education and all? How's puberty coming along by the way? Get a life and get your facts straight.
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
December 24, 2004, 07:26:24 PM
Quotewell XL recordings did shut down his site for a while and removed his mp3z due to ME :D
No one shut down my web site. I got an e-mail from my ISP asking me if I was kind enough to remove the files and so I did. No threats, nothing, they simply asked me kindly. However, while doing a search on my web space they accidently turned on directory listing. It took them a few days to fix their mistake, so in return they offered me a year free of charge. Will you ever get your act together?
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
October 27, 2004, 12:49:25 PM
You know, this isn't even worth a reply, but of course I couldn't resist. You are a very, very sad person. You have been proven wrong a few postings above and you don't even have the heart replying. Making false statements, no arguements to support your claims. You are a little ignorant child. So very sad. On the otherside, you made me laugh a lot though ;)
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
July 25, 2004, 12:38:42 PM
Shame that you can't even reply properly. Lets end this thread.
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
July 13, 2004, 08:12:39 PM
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
July 12, 2004, 08:34:19 PM
Looks like this thread will become endless... ;p ;)
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
July 12, 2004, 11:53:45 AM
Quotelike i said evens reopend the thread again look at the dates idiot
It took Evans two and a half months to reply thus re-opening the thread (back then). Lassa and myself replied to his posting shortly after. It then took you four months to reply to Lassa and myself, thus you are the last person to have re-opened it.

Quotealso you were posting after a gap of months hence reopening the thread before i did.
I read back a few pages and cannot find what you are talking about. You re-opened the thread again after four months of silence. Please proof the quote above.

Quoteonce again u are proven wrong.

damn im good ;D
I have just proven that you were the last person to re-open this thread after a four month period. You are unfortunately wrong.

And you still have not answered my question if you have downloaded the new album... ;p
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