There wasn't a reply in this thread for four months and you re-opened it. So, did you download the new album? ;p
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Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
July 07, 2004, 08:05:51 PMQuotewell i only annoy people wjho rip off the prodigyYou must be proud of yourself, to re-open this thread again and I bet that you didn't download the new album... *cough*
which i have clearly succeeded in doing
have a nice day :D
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
March 05, 2004, 02:45:36 PM
Thank you Evans ;) I do my best ;p
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
December 10, 2003, 12:11:51 PM
And we all lived happily ever after.
The End.
The End.
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
December 03, 2003, 04:57:25 PMQuoteI posted three times because I had the time and to keep editing the same posting into one big message isn't very clear. You have misunderstood the reason. If you have read other posting by me on this forum, you will see that I have done this before, so this time is no exception.
lol, has to post THREE time and says oohh im not annoyed..yeah right
QuoteFirst of all, why I would I have to leave this person (if not you are the same one?) alone? This person is flaming me and making silly threats. Is it not my free right to reply? I suggest to drop this topic, but this other person would not. Still you state that I should leave this other person alone. I believe that you are mixing things up here.
good work flightcrank !!!!! and he said a few posts ago that he didnt even think you actually contacted XL heheh looks like he was WRONG yet again, but i guess he's used to being wrong by now !
any way flightcrank wont want any harm to come to any other cool sites like this one or any others because they are cool prodigy sites not crap ones! you brought this on your self arie i told you to just leave him alone but you didnt. well, what else can i say, its your fault.. have a nice life my work here is done!
As for only reporting me and not others, why would my web site be considered "crap"? I'm curious about your answer. The reason this other person gave for contacting XL-Recordings (although I believe this person contacted the hosting provider straight since XL-Recordings can't really be bothered) was because of the files I was hosting and linking. Now that they are hidden and not linked anymore the problem is gone. But others are still hosting files and linking to them. If this really was the reason why he contacted XL-Recordings, why wouldn't this person have contacted XL-Recordings about all these other web site like the ones mentioned earlier?
I wonder how come that you know that this other person "wont want any harm to come to any other cool sites like this one or any others". This other person had stated that he would "report" me because of the hosted and linked files. Seeing this as well as the same writing style and silly flaming, I wonder if we have a serious case of MPS going on here as mentioned before by other (respected and more well known) fans as well? ;)
You state "zion" that I'm probably used to being "wrong" by now. I wonder what you base this on. You state it in general, as if I would be "wrong" all the time. Still, I reply seriously to all questions asked and most of the time give the person asking the right answer. Seeing this, it seems like you are basing your opinion on one thread only and that doesn't sound very reasonable. I wonder why I don't see you replying on other forums, giving people the right answers? If I would be "wrong" all the time, I wonder why I have been made a moderator for a part of this forum.
Once again my suggestion to stop this thread. Also, the invitation to post on other Prodigy related forums and answer some questions there.
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
December 02, 2003, 11:08:01 PM
...and, have you informed XL-Recordings yet of Brainkiller's web site, Neko's web site or even this one? ;p It seems to prove that you were not offended by me offering commercially unavailable material, instead, you hold a grudge against me for not helping you illegally obtaining commercially available material. Very sad, and you have annoyed plenty of people by your actions, except me, and that was your purpose as it seems, which makes it even more sad. I feel sorry for you.
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
December 02, 2003, 10:54:25 PM
Regarding the fact of being right or wrong, my god, don't you read this thread at all? This issue was already settled. My point was that you are ripping the band off more than I, together with all the people who downloaded the mentioned files, am/are in my humble opinion. You want to download commercially available music and that is something I do not offer for download.
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
December 02, 2003, 10:50:24 PM
My domain didn't get "shut down". I do not host any files on my domain and I have never done so. All that happened is that I was requested by the ISP where the files where hosted to remove the links to the files offered, so they are now hidden and cannot be downloaded. With your action you do not cause me any harm, but you have probably annoyed a lot of fans all across the world. And you call yourself a fan... Seeing that you requested commercially available material... I can only assume you're jealous or something alike... Tut-tut ;p By accident, the ISP on which the files were hosted, turned on directory listing. I have sent a complaint about this and they promissed me to disable it as soon as possible. As a compensation I do not have to pay for their services for 2004. I guess I should thank you for that then ;p
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
November 28, 2003, 12:36:46 PMQuoteguys, where the hell you get time to read/post this stuff in this thread? start a better thread, this one is too pointless...I wrote a Perl script which monitors my e-mail account and when I get notified of a reply it triggers a program written in VB which generates random answers, using the text of the previous poster in it, and then posts it into this thread, so basically it doesn't cost me any time at all.
Hehe ;p
But now, seriously, I said earlier already that we should quit the discussion. It is indeed pointless. On the otherside, how often do you get to practice your psychology knowledge? ;p Retorical and silly question, no need to answer ;) As a second point I would like to add that it keeps the forum at least a bit active. It should be promoted more I think.
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
November 27, 2003, 03:24:10 PM
I wonder how come you never post on the official forum ;)
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
November 27, 2003, 03:22:06 PMQuotewoha,A lot of words, nothing to say. You sure do cry a lot "zion". There is no meaning behind your words. Jussi should start a psychology section; we seem to have someone here with three personalities. I'm still waiting for some statements to underbuild your opinion... ;p
aire do you need some tissues because you sure do cry alot :'(
heh heh heh
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
November 22, 2003, 01:12:44 AMQuoteFirst of all, you wrote my name wrong. I'm tend to believe that "-flightcrank" now has three personalities. If not, then I wonder who you mean with the word "everyone" in the quote above. You don't know me, yet you seem to judge me and the most funny part is that you do this without any explanation what so ever. Whom can be trusted more, me or some totally unknown person? I wonder... Underbuild your statement... or simply shut up and get a life. Oh, and thank you for your words...
man i hate spam about as much as every one hates aire ;D lol
i dont have to back up my statements because, i have a life;D lol
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
November 19, 2003, 11:30:02 PM
Two against at least three. Seems like I'm "winning" ;p Funny again that you wrote my name wrong the same way "Mr w-3o" did ;p As for "zion", this person doesn't bother to reply anymore to backup his or her statement. I wonder why... ;)
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
November 05, 2003, 03:38:05 PM
"zion" made a few postings in the Equipment section, but only recently I believe (lack time to confirm). I don't care if he or she is the same person once again or not. This thread should simply stop since it's all a waste of our time. Although it does make me laugh ;)
Tracks / Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
November 05, 2003, 09:42:42 AM
A totally unknown person, pretending to be several people, trying to obtain... I won't go this way again... ;) A person who doesn't discuss, instead "threatens", acting childish, and I should leave him alone? He is the person who started this discussion, not me. Please remember that. I tried to end the discussion since it was obvious we wouldn't agree, but the other person didn't seem to want that. Then you ask me to leave him alone? This is unbelievable.
A totally unknown person, pretending to be several people, trying to obtain... I won't go this way again... ;) A person who doesn't discuss, instead "threatens", acting childish, and I should leave him alone? He is the person who started this discussion, not me. Please remember that. I tried to end the discussion since it was obvious we wouldn't agree, but the other person didn't seem to want that. Then you ask me to leave him alone? This is unbelievable.