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Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned

A comprehensive list of samples that The Prodigy have used in their Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned album and live shows in that era.

Action Radar

Sample: melody
Taken from: 'All Day and All of the Night' by The Kinks (album: Kinks' Greatest Hits, 1966)

Sample: Synth Effect (1:40)
Taken from: Propellerhead Reason - woodelayed_elab

Baby's Got A Temper

Sample: break
Taken from: Steve Miller Band -" Take The Money And Run "(Fly Like An Eagle, 1976)

Sample: distorted guitar riff
Taken from: As you can hear it's from Firestarter

Sample: synth-sound fading
Taken from: probably taken and re-used from Mindfields

Sample: squeeky distorted vox (0:15)
Taken from: Firestarter

Sample: sirens (2:21)
Taken from: Funky Shit

Sample: the drum loop
Taken from: almost same as used in Diesel Power

Track also uses portions of the army march-intro from the live-show


Sample: main melody hook sample
Taken from: D Train - "You're The One For Me" but re-created for the track.

Sample: Male rap part ("Imagine how it would be, to be at the top making cash money. Go tour all around the world, tell stories about all the young girls")
Taken from: Broken Glass - 'Style Of Streets'

Gun (later evolved to Shoot Down)

Sample: Reverse Guitar
Taken from: Goblin - Dr. Frankenstein [Roller, 1976]

Sample: piano + drumsticks
Taken from: Sagittarius - My World Fell Down [Present Tense, 1968]. Excactly same line used in Trigger but mixed up.


Sample: harsh electric guitar drone at the beginning
Taken from: "Double Dare" (1980) by Bauhaus from their debut studio album, "In the Flat Field".


Sample: Guitar
Taken from: Ciccone Youth - Macbeth [The Whitey Album, 1988]

Sample: Vocals ('up, up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon')
Taken from: The 5th Dimension - Up, Up And Away [Up, Up And Away, 1967]

Vocals re-recorded with Juliet Lewis. The source is documented in the Always Outnumbered album booklet, Never Outgunned: "Hot Ride" contains elements from "Up Up And Away" written and composed by Jim Webb. Published by EMI Sosaha Music Inc / Jonathan Three Music Co. Used by permission. All rights reserved ".

Medusa's Path

Sample: Main ethnic loop
Taken from: "ELAHAYE Naz" composed by Rooholah Khaleghi and performed by Gholamhossein Banan.

In an interview, Liam mentioned that the track Elaheye Naz was playing at the restaurant while he was there with his wife. He heard an interesting moment in the track and thought that he could make a loop out of it for his track.

The sample source is documented in the Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned: "Medusa's Path" album booklet contains elements from "Elahaye Naz" composed by Rooholah Khaleghi and performed by Gholamhossein Banan, the copyright in the composition and sound recording of which is owned by Iran Seda Art and Cultural Company. Used by permission. All rights reserved. "

Sample: Main drum loop
Taken from: Jaydee's - 'Plastic Dreams (Hohner Retro Mix) written by Robin Albers.

The source of the sample is documented in the album booklet Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned: "This title includes a sample from "Plastic Dreams (Hohner Retro Mix)" performed by Jaydee. Licenced courtesy of Antler-Subway Records, division EMI Music BV. Written by Robin Albers, published by TBM Publishing / EMI Music Publishing Holland BV. Used by permission. All rights reserved ".


Contains various samples from - Shocking Blue - 'Love Buzz'

Sample: Snare
Taken from: Noreaga - Superthug (Original Instrumental) [Superthug, 1998]

Under My Wheels (Original Mix)

Sample: flute-type riff 34" from the start
Taken from: G.T.O. - 'Pure'

You'll Be Under My Wheels

Sample: the intro
Taken from: The Chemical Brothers - 'My Mercury Mouth'

Sample: Vocal sample
Taken from: Poppa Large by the Ultramagnetic MC's

Shoot Down

Sample: piano line
Taken from: Sagittarius - My World Fell Down [Present Tense, 1968]. Excactly same line used in Trigger but mixed up.

Sample: Reverse Guitar
Taken from: Goblin - Dr. Frankenstein [Roller, 1976]


Sample: main drumbeat
Taken from: Jay-Z '99 Problems' (which uses a beat from Billy Squire's 'Big Beat')

The Way It Is

Sample: Main bass line
Taken from: Michael Jackson's "Thriller" but Liam has recreated it because Sony music didn't let him use the original sample from the track.

In live gigs Liam usually plays various other Thriller samples on top of this track. Like these horns.

Wake Up Call

Sample: Alarm bell
Taken from: Pink Floyd 'Time' (same sample as used in Claustrophopic Sting)

Sample: electric guitar feedback loop
Taken from: Slayer - "South of Heaven" (1988)

Sample: atmosphere (used live before the track)
Taken from: ?

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