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Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)

Started by Arie, July 03, 2003, 01:42:31 PM

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Everything you wrote doesn't justify that you want others to upload commercially available music. As for the rest of your posting, blah. I'm getting tired of this and of you. It will be an endless discussion and neither will we apperantly change our minds, so I suggest that we end it and both think of it what we want. I don't agree with you and you don't agree with me. Just buy the items you want to download in the shop as you should.


im not trying to justify anything!!!!
i wanted sonds i dont have ...THATS IT how is that trying to justify anything ???

you dont make any sence at all !!

its not a matter of us not agreeing with each other at all either its a matter of right and worng i dont have to spell it out for you just accecpt it!!

to stop making a fool out of your self like you have been doing i have a suggestion.....DO not reply !!

every comment you make brings you deeper and deeper in to a hole you digging for your self just forget about it and move on with you life man !!

do as i said contact XL see waht they have to say on the matter

again it's not as simple as you dont agree with me or i dont agree with you.

it is FACT ..i say again ITS FACT YOU ARE WRONG.

read over that sentence about 1000 times and maby just maby it will sink in, because you seem to skip all the important sentence's i write in all my post's.
(this is just to help you out man other people that read this will think to them that arie guy must be really fucken stupid)

no offence dude,

stay cool

later ;D




-flightcrank, you are probably more into arguing so that it'll look like you're RIGHT, right ?



have you even read the fucken posts man ???

do us a favour and but out !!


Honestly, I don't think that you have read the whole thread yourself. You ask for commercially available tracks to download, I refuse because it's commercially available material. You reply that if I would upload commercially unavailable material, I could also upload commercially available material. Copyright is copyright afterall. Then we have a discussion about what is stealing from the band and what is not (or less harmfull) and for some reason you insist that what you want to do is the same as uploading commercially unavailable material. You want something which you don't have, but you don't want to pay for it. This was a discussion we would never end since we don't agree. This discussion made us go away from the starting subject, and that is that you want commercially available music without paying for it and that is wrong. I have to agree with Stuff, you seem to like to write a lot, argue, to get it your way, to try to prove that you are right... but you are not when we talk about the original subject (and you have to agree on that!) - you want music without paying and that is wrong. But here I am replying once more whereas I shouldn't...

Mr w-3o

hello all


=aire have you gotten relly stupid or were you born that way.

YOU ARE RIPPING OFF THE PRODIGY. as that flightcrank guy said.

XL even says you steal there money by posting there songs. i love the prodigy and i dont like the fact that you are posting there songs on the internet. i pay for my music unlike you.

fligtcrank said he didnt tell XL what you web site was. but because i believe what you are doing is wrong i am going to contact XL and ask them if they could shut you down. ill give you time to take them off before i contact them.

please read what that other guy said and stop ripping of the prodigy, how would you like it if they did that to you?.

i cant belive you are so you did this and then say that you not ripping them off. ever heard off copyright. it is a international law which says you can not reproduce, copy or GIVE TO THE PUBLIC which is what you are doing just read the back of the cd or record covers you got those songs from.

you are a liar and a thief please take the prodigy songs you stole off the web site before you get in trouble with the law.


hello  ;D ;D

poor poor arie look's like he is always outnumbered and outguned.

becuase people are actualy READING my post's. maby you should take mr w-30's advice arie. everyone is against ya  :D

to bad better luck next time  :P

just on a side note, i got those songs i was looking for. all you had to say it NO i dont have it.

insted you chose to publicly humiliate your self. heres some advice next time dont try to be a smart ass because you come off second best as you did in this case :P :P

have a nice life. unlike you i have better things to do with my time. meaning I HAVE A LIFE i suggest you try to get 1 to

lol....just kidding stay cool( im mean >:( arn't i ? )



am i the only one thinking Mr w-3o and flightcrank is the same person ??? :D


Quoteam i the only one thinking Mr w-3o and flightcrank is the same person ??? :D
No, you're not. It's obvious I would say too.


Quotehello all


=aire have you gotten relly stupid or were you born that way.

YOU ARE RIPPING OFF THE PRODIGY. as that flightcrank guy said.
Pardon? I agreed with that, but I defend myself stating that the music I offer for download cannot be bought in the shops.
XL even says you steal there money by posting there songs. i love the prodigy and i dont like the fact that you are posting there songs on the internet. i pay for my music unlike you.
Pardon again? Have you even visited my web site? I own one of the biggest Prodigy collections in the world. I have paid more for my Prodigy collection than you earn in a five year period, at least ;p
fligtcrank said he didnt tell XL what you web site was. but because i believe what you are doing is wrong i am going to contact XL and ask them if they could shut you down. ill give you time to take them off before i contact them.
They know about my web site because I have helped with designing the old official Prodigy web talk back in 1997. Also, I have helped with the security of Maxim's official web site for which I have received an autographed album and two tracks of the Grim Reaper white label in high quality MP3 format.
please read what that other guy said and stop ripping of the prodigy, how would you like it if they did that to you?.
If they would offer music I would have made for download on the Internet and that music is commercially unavailable, I would not mind.
i cant belive you are so you did this and then say that you not ripping them off. ever heard off copyright. it is a international law which says you can not reproduce, copy or GIVE TO THE PUBLIC which is what you are doing just read the back of the cd or record covers you got those songs from.
I agreed that I am ripping the band off, but I do not do this in a major way as the topic starter is doing. He wants to download music which you can still simply buy in the shops. The music I offer for download cannot be bought in the shops.
you are a liar and a thief please take the prodigy songs you stole off the web site before you get in trouble with the law.
1. Quote me where I have lied.
2. Answer this question: why do you reply in a negative way to me and not to the topic starter? (see reply to last quote above)
3. Why do you pretend to be someone else whereas you are really the starter of this topic? Be aware that moderators can see the origin IP address ;p
4. Taken into account point 3, you are a liar and a thief.


Mr w-3o

hello all, ;D

no im not the same person as that other guy i just agree with him thats all. duh  :D

didnt even bother to read that arie guys long post because it is definatly full of crap like all his other

aire is a dick man!! way to much time on his hands, what a A grade looser.

any money says no 1 else will read it either unless they are a dub as he is

have fun

Mr w-3o

hello all ;D

to arie, or should i say Mr Arie van der Wende :'(

XL has been sent the following information. it may take some time but hopfully the will take action to take your copywrite infringing .MP3 file off your internet site...

Domain ID:D32326034-LROR
Created On:03-Aug-2000 18:19:27 UTC
Last Updated On:22-Sep-2003 17:13:55 UTC
Expiration Date:03-Aug-2008 18:19:27 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:R63-LROR
Registrant ID:15501756-NSI
Registrant Name:Arie van der Wende
Registrant Street1:Kleihoeve 16
Registrant City:Houten
Registrant Postal Code:3992NS
Registrant Country:NL
Admin ID:15501756-NSI
Admin Name:Arie van der Wende
Admin Street1:Kleihoeve 16
Admin City:Houten
Admin Postal Code:3992NS
Admin Country:NL
Billing ID:2412836-NSI
Billing Organization:NAMEZERO.COM
Billing Street1:P.O. Box 821067
Billing City:Vancouver
Billing State/Province:WA
Billing Postal Code:98682-0024
Billing Country:US
Tech ID:15501764-NSI
Tech Name:Organization
Tech Organization:Organization
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Tech City:Houten
Tech Postal Code:3992NS
Tech Country:NL

told you id do it  >:(heheheh :P :P :P ;D

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