
General discussion => Tracks => Topic started by: Arie on July 03, 2003, 01:42:31 PM

Title: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on July 03, 2003, 01:42:31 PM
I've uploaded some tracks in MP3 format to my web site at, which you can find at the Updates section. Enjoy! :)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on July 04, 2003, 12:27:26 PM
I had uploaded the new Updates page, but something went wrong, so I've just uploaded again and now you should see some new downloads on the Updates page. Sorry for this.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on August 24, 2003, 05:37:38 PM
yo, aire need some major help !!!!!

ok the prodigy totaly rule so i have to get every song that they have ever made or remixed, including all maxim, flightcrank and flint songs which i have, execpt for this one

maxim's remix of flightcrank's "what u need"

so if you could upload that track to your web site that would be awsome!!!

but i need more......

liam rules!!! and he is a awsome DJ with good taste which is why i have made it my mission to get all the songs he plays in his dj sets which i have execpt for....

medicine - "i'm sick" (also featured on dirtchamber sessions)

i cant find it any where i am really pissed of i cant fiind it so if you or anyone else can help me out that would be cool...

thanks,   later

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on August 26, 2003, 06:29:30 PM
Quoteyo, aire need some major help !!!!!

ok the prodigy totaly rule so i have to get every song that they have ever made or remixed, including all maxim, flightcrank and flint songs which i have, execpt for this one

maxim's remix of flightcrank's "what u need"

so if you could upload that track to your web site that would be awsome!!!

but i need more......

liam rules!!! and he is a awsome DJ with good taste which is why i have made it my mission to get all the songs he plays in his dj sets which i have execpt for....

medicine - "i'm sick" (also featured on dirtchamber sessions)

i cant find it any where i am really pissed of i cant fiind it so if you or anyone else can help me out that would be cool...

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on August 26, 2003, 06:31:36 PM
As for the Medicine track you mentioned in your posting, I'm sorry, but I don't have it. Maybe you can find it on KaZaA or ask about it on Neko's web site for instance. Good luck!
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on August 27, 2003, 08:04:21 PM
well i would hate to break the new to you but you are all ready ripping the prodigy off by posting songs such as android funky shit and narayan just because they are edits found on promo's and other albums dosent matter you are still infringing copyright therefor RIPPING OFF THE PRODIGY :o

so you ARE stealing for a artist you have respect for :'(

but its cool everone dose it and its on a small scale so the i'm sure they prodigy would be cool about it if they found out ;D

any way back to the topic

if any 1 hase these two track e-mail me and let me know because i really need them im sure we can work somethig out

the tracks are
1.maxim's remix of flightcrank's "what u need"
2.medicine - "i'm sick" (also featured on dirtchamber sessions)

i really really need them so if any one reading this could help out let me know

thenks,    later
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on August 27, 2003, 10:44:30 PM
Quotewell i would hate to break the new to you but you are all ready ripping the prodigy off by posting songs such as android funky shit and narayan just because they are edits found on promo's and other albums dosent matter you are still infringing copyright therefor RIPPING OFF THE PRODIGY :o

so you ARE stealing for a artist you have respect for :'(

but its cool everone dose it and its on a small scale so the i'm sure they prodigy would be cool about it if they found out ;D

any way back to the topic

if any 1 hase these two track e-mail me and let me know because i really need them im sure we can work somethig out

the tracks are
1.maxim's remix of flightcrank's "what u need"
2.medicine - "i'm sick" (also featured on dirtchamber sessions)

i really really need them so if any one reading this could help out let me know

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on September 21, 2003, 04:06:01 PM
maby your not old enough to understand the word  "COPYRIGHT" but by posting the songs you have on you web site you are "infringing COPYRIGHT LAW" there for ripping off the prodigy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im not gonna wast my time any more, you just can't accept the fact that you are wrong and ARE ripping off the prodigy!!

but as i said before $100 says the prodigy dont even give a shit offence dude but these are the facts

1. your wrong
2. im right
3. you are ripping off the prodigy by posting songs to which COPYRIGHT LAW'S APPLY  

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on September 23, 2003, 08:04:31 PM
Quotemaby your not old enough to understand the word
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on September 29, 2003, 01:05:54 PM
 :) worng again!! ;)                    ..haha

i buy anything the prodigy release!!! i have all albums and singls execpt for a few hard to find singles and ep's like "what evil lurks" ect.

so you are worng again in that respect(no offence) just dont jump to conclusions before knowing all the facts ;D

any way just a side not you are actual cheating them out of money!!  for example

if someone wanted to purchace "the fat of the land" because of their fav song "naryan" was on it, they can download the edit of the song for FREE from YOUR web site.

yes is a edit. yes the "edited" version is not the version on fat of the land. but this person could be more than happy just listening to the edit they may even like it better.

now they have their favorie song they dont have to buy the album


if you read my first post a bit more carfuly you would understand that and i wouldnt have to keep on repeating my self

no offence dude seriously i think your cool and your a prodigy fan so you must be.
but like i said it's not a bad thing and in true prodigy style the prodigy wouldn't give a flying fuck about it, so post more songs that ripp them off and give people who dont have enough cash to buy cd's the chance to experience the prodigy....


p.s i also have and PAID for all MaxiM, flightcrank and flint songs i can get my hands on like i said in my first post i must get all the songs the have ever realesed. so you WERE wrong way WORNG...    but hay no big deal

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on September 30, 2003, 02:13:20 PM
I won't even bother to reply anymore after this one. The first three lines of your reply already are full of mistakes. I did not state that you did not buy any material by The Prodigy, I stated that you want people to upload commercially available music. This means that you want people to upload something you can still buy and do not own yourself. By not buying these items, but instead simply downloading them, you do not support them. The example which you gave, those people would never buy the album for just one track, especially if they prefer the Edit which lacks bigs part of the tune, which would mean they dislike half of the tune. Would you buy an album if you liked only half of one track of that very album? As for this Edit, you can listen to it on my web site in a bad quality. If you download it, you would have to 'abuse' the RAM files which I offer to find the source, you would be stuck with a bad quality RM file. Someone who is satisfied with that would also never buy the album. As for the rest of your posting, I can't be bothered to reply. Everyone may think of it as they wish. I do not agree with you and I probably will never. I've written all I had to say about this matter. Now go to a shop and buy the things you lack and please don't bother me with it. Thank you for your time ;)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Stuff on October 03, 2003, 04:24:42 PM
I think you are mistaken. I only offer commercially unavailable music for download, which means that you cannot buy it in the shop, et cetera. If you cannot buy it, then how can this be ripping the artist off? Think about it... :)

Reading those words says it all.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on October 04, 2003, 03:02:33 PM
well given the fact that you have to try and justify why you rip off the prodigy in you own way is fine with me. it is clear that you are in denial!!!

any way the fact you say you wont reply any more is futher proof that you are in denial of ripping off the prodigy!!!

any way have fun contining cheating the prodigy out of there money im sure they will like you for it...........(not)

later... :P
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 05, 2003, 11:02:25 PM
Quotewell given the fact that you have to try and justify why you rip off the prodigy in you own way is fine with me. it is clear that you are in denial!!!

any way the fact you say you wont reply any more is futher proof that you are in denial of ripping off the prodigy!!!

any way have fun contining cheating the prodigy out of there money im sure they will like you for it...........(not)

later... :P

Just read my replies... I doubt you read them properly...

I've helped with the old Prodigy web site as well as with Maxim's one. I think they like me ;p Maxim e-mailed me two tracks of his Grim Reaper EP, taken straight from DAT. Also he sent me an autographed CD for my help. I would say I'm being liked here ;p
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on October 06, 2003, 06:23:05 PM

and you said you couldt be bothered replying any more..

i guess you cant let go of being wrong...but you should be used to it by now

as i said before the prodigy probably dont give a shit

cant yout take a joke,....lighen up dude.

i have said "NO OFFENCE" in like a million post's but you musen't read them.

heres a tip, go through and carfully read all the post's in this section.


have you done it yet, if you have congratulations!!! see i was right and you were wrong NO OFENCE,

i have do go through my history like you do but i will any way.

i studed LAW 3 year in england an 4 years in australia, which included copyright law.

thats how i know for a fact you are in breach of it thefore ripping of the prodigy unavilable or not in cheats them out of money as i have pointed out in all my posts

hint: go to school and read up on this subject before you make up your own laws and justify in it your own way as you have been doing lately.

i have also contacted x-l recording's via e-mail (dont stress i didnt metion your site) and gave them a list of a few songs you have posted and thay confirm it is in breach of copyright!! i also stated if this would inturn deprive the prodigy of some income which XL replyed that yes it did and they stated figures in which they estimate the prodigy loose due to songs and mp3 posted on internet site's

BEAT THAT, to confirm i urge you or anyone reading to contact XL for futher information

you loose(again)


later ;D
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 08, 2003, 11:16:45 PM
Everything you wrote doesn't justify that you want others to upload commercially available music. As for the rest of your posting, blah. I'm getting tired of this and of you. It will be an endless discussion and neither will we apperantly change our minds, so I suggest that we end it and both think of it what we want. I don't agree with you and you don't agree with me. Just buy the items you want to download in the shop as you should.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on October 09, 2003, 08:23:23 PM
im not trying to justify anything!!!!
i wanted sonds i dont have ...THATS IT how is that trying to justify anything ???

you dont make any sence at all !!

its not a matter of us not agreeing with each other at all either its a matter of right and worng i dont have to spell it out for you just accecpt it!!

to stop making a fool out of your self like you have been doing i have a suggestion.....DO not reply !!

every comment you make brings you deeper and deeper in to a hole you digging for your self just forget about it and move on with you life man !!

do as i said contact XL see waht they have to say on the matter

again it's not as simple as you dont agree with me or i dont agree with you.

it is FACT ..i say again ITS FACT YOU ARE WRONG.

read over that sentence about 1000 times and maby just maby it will sink in, because you seem to skip all the important sentence's i write in all my post's.
(this is just to help you out man other people that read this will think to them that arie guy must be really fucken stupid)

no offence dude,

stay cool

later ;D
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 10, 2003, 03:31:45 PM
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on October 10, 2003, 05:35:05 PM
nice come back.....NOT!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Stuff on October 11, 2003, 06:34:12 AM
-flightcrank, you are probably more into arguing so that it'll look like you're RIGHT, right ?
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on October 12, 2003, 05:05:43 PM

have you even read the fucken posts man ???

do us a favour and but out !!
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 14, 2003, 01:49:45 PM
Honestly, I don't think that you have read the whole thread yourself. You ask for commercially available tracks to download, I refuse because it's commercially available material. You reply that if I would upload commercially unavailable material, I could also upload commercially available material. Copyright is copyright afterall. Then we have a discussion about what is stealing from the band and what is not (or less harmfull) and for some reason you insist that what you want to do is the same as uploading commercially unavailable material. You want something which you don't have, but you don't want to pay for it. This was a discussion we would never end since we don't agree. This discussion made us go away from the starting subject, and that is that you want commercially available music without paying for it and that is wrong. I have to agree with Stuff, you seem to like to write a lot, argue, to get it your way, to try to prove that you are right... but you are not when we talk about the original subject (and you have to agree on that!) - you want music without paying and that is wrong. But here I am replying once more whereas I shouldn't...
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Mr w-3o on October 17, 2003, 06:37:18 PM
hello all


=aire have you gotten relly stupid or were you born that way.

YOU ARE RIPPING OFF THE PRODIGY. as that flightcrank guy said.

XL even says you steal there money by posting there songs. i love the prodigy and i dont like the fact that you are posting there songs on the internet. i pay for my music unlike you.

fligtcrank said he didnt tell XL what you web site was. but because i believe what you are doing is wrong i am going to contact XL and ask them if they could shut you down. ill give you time to take them off before i contact them.

please read what that other guy said and stop ripping of the prodigy, how would you like it if they did that to you?.

i cant belive you are so you did this and then say that you not ripping them off. ever heard off copyright. it is a international law which says you can not reproduce, copy or GIVE TO THE PUBLIC which is what you are doing just read the back of the cd or record covers you got those songs from.

you are a liar and a thief please take the prodigy songs you stole off the web site before you get in trouble with the law.

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on October 20, 2003, 08:48:12 PM
hello  ;D ;D

poor poor arie look's like he is always outnumbered and outguned.

becuase people are actualy READING my post's. maby you should take mr w-30's advice arie. everyone is against ya  :D

to bad better luck next time  :P

just on a side note, i got those songs i was looking for. all you had to say it NO i dont have it.

insted you chose to publicly humiliate your self. heres some advice next time dont try to be a smart ass because you come off second best as you did in this case :P :P

have a nice life. unlike you i have better things to do with my time. meaning I HAVE A LIFE i suggest you try to get 1 to

lol....just kidding stay cool( im mean >:( arn't i ? )

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Jay on October 21, 2003, 01:31:30 AM
am i the only one thinking Mr w-3o and flightcrank is the same person ??? :D
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 22, 2003, 12:25:43 PM
Quoteam i the only one thinking Mr w-3o and flightcrank is the same person ??? :D
No, you're not. It's obvious I would say too.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 22, 2003, 12:36:24 PM
Quotehello all


=aire have you gotten relly stupid or were you born that way.

YOU ARE RIPPING OFF THE PRODIGY. as that flightcrank guy said.
Pardon? I agreed with that, but I defend myself stating that the music I offer for download cannot be bought in the shops.
XL even says you steal there money by posting there songs. i love the prodigy and i dont like the fact that you are posting there songs on the internet. i pay for my music unlike you.
Pardon again? Have you even visited my web site? I own one of the biggest Prodigy collections in the world. I have paid more for my Prodigy collection than you earn in a five year period, at least ;p
fligtcrank said he didnt tell XL what you web site was. but because i believe what you are doing is wrong i am going to contact XL and ask them if they could shut you down. ill give you time to take them off before i contact them.
They know about my web site because I have helped with designing the old official Prodigy web talk back in 1997. Also, I have helped with the security of Maxim's official web site for which I have received an autographed album and two tracks of the Grim Reaper white label in high quality MP3 format.
please read what that other guy said and stop ripping of the prodigy, how would you like it if they did that to you?.
If they would offer music I would have made for download on the Internet and that music is commercially unavailable, I would not mind.
i cant belive you are so you did this and then say that you not ripping them off. ever heard off copyright. it is a international law which says you can not reproduce, copy or GIVE TO THE PUBLIC which is what you are doing just read the back of the cd or record covers you got those songs from.
I agreed that I am ripping the band off, but I do not do this in a major way as the topic starter is doing. He wants to download music which you can still simply buy in the shops. The music I offer for download cannot be bought in the shops.
you are a liar and a thief please take the prodigy songs you stole off the web site before you get in trouble with the law.
1. Quote me where I have lied.
2. Answer this question: why do you reply in a negative way to me and not to the topic starter? (see reply to last quote above)
3. Why do you pretend to be someone else whereas you are really the starter of this topic? Be aware that moderators can see the origin IP address ;p
4. Taken into account point 3, you are a liar and a thief.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 22, 2003, 12:45:45 PM
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Mr w-3o on October 22, 2003, 04:07:03 PM
hello all, ;D

no im not the same person as that other guy i just agree with him thats all. duh  :D

didnt even bother to read that arie guys long post because it is definatly full of crap like all his other

aire is a dick man!! way to much time on his hands, what a A grade looser.

any money says no 1 else will read it either unless they are a dub as he is

have fun
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Mr w-3o on October 22, 2003, 05:23:52 PM
hello all ;D

to arie, or should i say Mr Arie van der Wende :'(

XL has been sent the following information. it may take some time but hopfully the will take action to take your copywrite infringing .MP3 file off your internet site...

Domain ID:D32326034-LROR
Created On:03-Aug-2000 18:19:27 UTC
Last Updated On:22-Sep-2003 17:13:55 UTC
Expiration Date:03-Aug-2008 18:19:27 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:R63-LROR
Registrant ID:15501756-NSI
Registrant Name:Arie van der Wende
Registrant Street1:Kleihoeve 16
Registrant City:Houten
Registrant Postal Code:3992NS
Registrant Country:NL
Admin ID:15501756-NSI
Admin Name:Arie van der Wende
Admin Street1:Kleihoeve 16
Admin City:Houten
Admin Postal Code:3992NS
Admin Country:NL
Billing ID:2412836-NSI
Billing Organization:NAMEZERO.COM
Billing Street1:P.O. Box 821067
Billing City:Vancouver
Billing State/Province:WA
Billing Postal Code:98682-0024
Billing Country:US
Tech ID:15501764-NSI
Tech Name:Organization
Tech Organization:Organization
Tech Street1:Kleihoeve 16
Tech City:Houten
Tech Postal Code:3992NS
Tech Country:NL

told you id do it  >:(heheheh :P :P :P ;D
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on October 23, 2003, 09:11:48 AM
thanks dude !!

its always nice to have a hacker on your side !!

to bad for arie  :'(

now every 1 knows where he lives  ;D lol

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 23, 2003, 09:52:49 PM
Quotehello all, ;D

no im not the same person as that other guy i just agree with him thats all. duh
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 23, 2003, 09:56:58 PM
Quotehello all ;D

to arie, or should i say Mr Arie van der Wende :'(

XL has been sent the following information. it may take some time but hopfully the will take action to take your copywrite infringing .MP3 file off your internet site...

Domain ID:D32326034-LROR
Created On:03-Aug-2000 18:19:27 UTC
Last Updated On:22-Sep-2003 17:13:55 UTC
Expiration Date:03-Aug-2008 18:19:27 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:R63-LROR
Registrant ID:15501756-NSI
Registrant Name:Arie van der Wende
Registrant Street1:Kleihoeve 16
Registrant City:Houten
Registrant Postal Code:3992NS
Registrant Country:NL
Admin ID:15501756-NSI
Admin Name:Arie van der Wende
Admin Street1:Kleihoeve 16
Admin City:Houten
Admin Postal Code:3992NS
Admin Country:NL
Billing ID:2412836-NSI
Billing Organization:NAMEZERO.COM
Billing Street1:P.O. Box 821067
Billing City:Vancouver
Billing State/Province:WA
Billing Postal Code:98682-0024
Billing Country:US
Tech ID:15501764-NSI
Tech Name:Organization
Tech Organization:Organization
Tech Street1:Kleihoeve 16
Tech City:Houten
Tech Postal Code:3992NS
Tech Country:NL

told you id do it
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 23, 2003, 10:04:17 PM
Quotethanks dude !!

its always nice to have a hacker on your side !!

to bad for arie
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 23, 2003, 10:17:11 PM
Quotethanks dude !!

its always nice to have a hacker on your side !!

to bad for arie
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Mr w-3o on October 23, 2003, 10:20:51 PM
lol, i never said i was a hacker "Arie van der Wende "

-flightcrank did. belive it or not were not the same person but he did direct me to this thred just for a laugh and believe me listing to your dumb posts it the best laugh ive ever had.

here is a quote from xl recordings

"Thank you for the information-I have passed it onto the relevant people, who are
looking into it."

wether you belive that or not is irrelivent. but when you get shut down you will :'( :'(

lets all hope hope XL act soon.

in the meantime enjoy ripping the prodigy off now because its the last chance you'll get.

*i hope they get the police involved*
lol ;D ;D :P

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Stuff on October 23, 2003, 10:58:41 PM
I can't believe there are two arrogant users like -flightcrank and Mr w-3o in here, so it just has to be the SAME person.

My advice to flightcrank/Mr w-3o (whatever you choose to call yourself) is to go and play with the other children and don't come back to this forum until you've reached an age of at least 15 years old. kids have nothing to do in these days than mucking around and arguing on decent forums and chat rooms??

And for heavens sake, why the hell are you asking to download music? And THEN start bitching on Arie, because he (in some way) offers music?

dammit, this whole thread just makes me laugh. And it never stops!
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 24, 2003, 10:42:06 AM
QuoteI can't believe there are two arrogant users like -flightcrank and Mr w-3o in here, so it just has to be the SAME person.

My advice to flightcrank/Mr w-3o (whatever you choose to call yourself) is to go and play with the other children and don't come back to this forum until you've reached an age of at least 15 years old. kids have nothing to do in these days than mucking around and arguing on decent forums and chat rooms??

And for heavens sake, why the hell are you asking to download music? And THEN start bitching on Arie, because he (in some way) offers music?

dammit, this whole thread just makes me laugh. And it never stops!
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 24, 2003, 10:58:07 AM
Quotelol, i never said i was a hacker "Arie van der Wende "

-flightcrank did. belive it or not were not the same person but he did direct me to this thred just for a laugh and believe me listing to your dumb posts it the best laugh ive ever had.
You replied earlier that you didn't even read my postings, but now you contradict this. Can't you stick to your opinion for once? ;p One user with two names. One just showing up to ask for commercially available material, the other to defend it. How sad. Please don't call yourself a "hacker", you are not worthy of the name.

here is a quote from xl recordings

"Thank you for the information-I have passed it onto the relevant people, who are
looking into it."

wether you belive that or not is irrelivent. but when you get shut down you will :'( :'(

lets all hope hope XL act soon.

in the meantime enjoy ripping the prodigy off now because its the last chance you'll get.

*i hope they get the police involved*
lol ;D ;D :P
The police... No matter how you twist or turn, the police will never be involved in this unless in a year from now when all this wouldn't be solved yet, I would refuse to go to court about this, then the police might show up to ask me why I didn't go. Do you really believe that the police will invade my house or something? Haha ;) You flame me for offering commercially unavailable music to others, you even want the police to come ;) while "your friend" downloads commercially available music without paying for it. What I don't understand is that if you would be another person, then why would you defend him? Even if you agree with him on some points, "your friend" is breaking the law. Have you called the police on him yet? ;p Also, have you informed XL-Recordings yet of this web site, Neko's, Brainkiller's, Gordon's, the Edge-one, et cetera, just to mention a few which offer more material then I do? You cannot be over 18 years of age yet. You act like an unknowing and ignorant child, seeking for revenge... Maybe with MPS ;p You are funny kid ;p
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on October 25, 2003, 07:05:14 PM
hay matt,

just skiped the other post as usual. i wonder why they keep trying to pay us out when they know we dont listed to their crap. lol

any way let's hope and pray the the gets shut down asap and Arie van der Wende or what ever that eurotrash calls him self get's burned by xl  ;D

any how, hows your new prodigy site coming along ?. hope its gets fininshed soon ;)

im gone for a week so i wont be able to mail ya. continue to hack Arie van der Wende and rid the world of this A Grade wanker. lol

c ya later
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Stuff on October 25, 2003, 07:33:14 PM
a reply like this one above - is acceptable if we're dealing with a schizophrenic person (why don't you drop your 'friend' a mail instead ;)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Mr W-30 on October 26, 2003, 01:12:38 PM
whatever stuff.

any way for any one who cares or is intrested except "Arie van der Wende " im making this wikked prodigy site, its not going to rip them off like aire dose insted it's going to help them and offer media for other prodigy fans to download. mostly in the areas of animation and art. im dissapointed with most wallpapers ect that most prodigy sites offer so get set to be amazed when the "prodigy experience" is released.

later people
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 29, 2003, 08:47:51 AM
Quotewhatever stuff.

any way for any one who cares or is intrested except "Arie van der Wende " im making this wikked prodigy site, its not going to rip them off like aire dose insted it's going to help them and offer media for other prodigy fans to download. mostly in the areas of animation and art. im dissapointed with most wallpapers ect that most prodigy sites offer so get set to be amazed when the "prodigy experience" is released.

later people
I hope you don't use The Prodigy logo since you would be violating copyright... ;p You still haven't replied by the way if you reported 'your friend' to the police... ;p The same goes for all the other web sites offering commercially available and unavailable material.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 29, 2003, 09:09:11 AM
Quotehay matt,

just skiped the other post as usual. i wonder why they keep trying to pay us out when they know we dont listed to their crap. lol

any way let's hope and pray the the gets shut down asap and Arie van der Wende or what ever that eurotrash calls him self get's burned by xl
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 29, 2003, 09:10:17 AM
Quotea reply like this one above - is acceptable if we're dealing with a schizophrenic person (why don't you drop your 'friend' a mail instead ;)
Hahaha ;)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: zion on October 31, 2003, 07:28:40 PM
hay guys cant wait for the new prodigy site, seriously its been a while since a new fan site has came along ..well a good one any way, and yours sounds like its gonna me good, so good luck.

as for arie ...hehehehahaha your a nerd man, leave them alone, ok dude
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on November 02, 2003, 06:19:56 PM
They should leave me alone together with all other respectfull fans ;p
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: zion on November 04, 2003, 07:02:48 AM
no you should leave them alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on November 05, 2003, 09:42:42 AM

A totally unknown person, pretending to be several people, trying to obtain... I won't go this way again... ;) A person who doesn't discuss, instead "threatens", acting childish, and I should leave him alone? He is the person who started this discussion, not me. Please remember that. I tried to end the discussion since it was obvious we wouldn't agree, but the other person didn't seem to want that. Then you ask me to leave him alone? This is unbelievable.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Jay on November 05, 2003, 03:34:55 PM
where did zion come from ? dont tell me there is one person acting three roles in here now  ::)  :P
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on November 05, 2003, 03:38:05 PM
"zion" made a few postings in the Equipment section, but only recently I believe (lack time to confirm). I don't care if he or she is the same person once again or not. This thread should simply stop since it's all a waste of our time. Although it does make me laugh ;)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on November 15, 2003, 06:38:27 AM
hehehe yet another person who hates aire, welcome to the club zion nice work !!!

any way ive finished the prodigy site and im currently working on the domain name for any prodigy fans who would like to know (excluding arie) im also workin on flightcrank,maxim and flint equipment sections, so zion if you know anything about equipment drop me a e-mail.

later peoples
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on November 19, 2003, 11:30:02 PM
Two against at least three. Seems like I'm "winning" ;p Funny again that you wrote my name wrong the same way "Mr w-3o" did ;p As for "zion", this person doesn't bother to reply anymore to backup his or her statement. I wonder why... ;)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: zion on November 21, 2003, 08:13:09 PM
hi flighty,

i have finish my hyperspeed remix i dont think its a good idea to make it a theme song for the site cus the bit rate (quality) would be low so we should just make it available in the downloads section. it features my newly aquired korg electribe ea-1 with a cool agressive base line like the tb-303 liam used on the prodigy's best track (imho) clustraphobic sting, only better

oh yeah too answer your question it was a "access virus" which made most of the remix.

sorry i cant e-mail you cus i cancled my account due to SPAM so i had to post here

man i hate spam about as much as every one hates aire ;D lol
i dont have to back up my statements because, i have a life;D lol

ill get u my new e-mail adress soon flightcrank

btw nice job on the images and wallpapers.. so your a 3d artist ?

catch you later
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on November 22, 2003, 01:12:44 AM
man i hate spam about as much as every one hates aire ;D lol
i dont have to back up my statements because, i have a life;D lol
First of all, you wrote my name wrong. I'm tend to believe that "-flightcrank" now has three personalities. If not, then I wonder who you mean with the word "everyone" in the quote above. You don't know me, yet you seem to judge me and the most funny part is that you do this without any explanation what so ever. Whom can be trusted more, me or some totally unknown person? I wonder... Underbuild your statement... or simply shut up and get a life. Oh, and thank you for your words...
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: zion on November 24, 2003, 10:41:02 AM

aire do you need some tissues because you sure do cry alot :'(

heh heh heh
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on November 26, 2003, 01:12:18 PM
har har har har, way to go zion !

man that aire dood is such a fag, !

oh yeah could you post or give me that ftp link to the carman quesy video by Maxim, ive wanted it for ages !!!!!!

ok, the site is up (you allreday know the domain name) so check it out bro... c ya
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on November 27, 2003, 03:22:06 PM

aire do you need some tissues because you sure do cry alot :'(

heh heh heh
A lot of words, nothing to say. You sure do cry a lot "zion". There is no meaning behind your words. Jussi should start a psychology section; we seem to have someone here with three personalities. I'm still waiting for some statements to underbuild your opinion... ;p
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on November 27, 2003, 03:24:10 PM
I wonder how come you never post on the official forum ;)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Zed on November 28, 2003, 01:30:58 AM
guys, where the hell you get time to read/post this stuff in this thread? start a better thread, this one is too pointless...
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on November 28, 2003, 12:36:46 PM
Quoteguys, where the hell you get time to read/post this stuff in this thread? start a better thread, this one is too pointless...
I wrote a Perl script which monitors my e-mail account and when I get notified of a reply it triggers a program written in VB which generates random answers, using the text of the previous poster in it, and then posts it into this thread, so basically it doesn't cost me any time at all.

Hehe ;p

But now, seriously, I said earlier already that we should quit the discussion. It is indeed pointless. On the otherside, how often do you get to practice your psychology knowledge? ;p Retorical and silly question, no need to answer ;) As a second point I would like to add that it keeps the forum at least a bit active. It should be promoted more I think.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on December 02, 2003, 05:06:51 AM
well well well it looks like you are having troubles with

XL recording just sent me a e-mail sorry looks like you got SHUT DOWN

so looks like i was RIGHT and you were WRONG you breached copyright and got shut down,

eat shit..
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on December 02, 2003, 10:50:24 PM
My domain didn't get "shut down". I do not host any files on my domain and I have never done so. All that happened is that I was requested by the ISP where the files where hosted to remove the links to the files offered, so they are now hidden and cannot be downloaded. With your action you do not cause me any harm, but you have probably annoyed a lot of fans all across the world. And you call yourself a fan... Seeing that you requested commercially available material... I can only assume you're jealous or something alike... Tut-tut ;p By accident, the ISP on which the files were hosted, turned on directory listing. I have sent a complaint about this and they promissed me to disable it as soon as possible. As a compensation I do not have to pay for their services for 2004. I guess I should thank you for that then ;p
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on December 02, 2003, 10:54:25 PM
Regarding the fact of being right or wrong, my god, don't you read this thread at all? This issue was already settled. My point was that you are ripping the band off more than I, together with all the people who downloaded the mentioned files, am/are in my humble opinion. You want to download commercially available music and that is something I do not offer for download.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on December 02, 2003, 11:08:01 PM
...and, have you informed XL-Recordings yet of Brainkiller's web site, Neko's web site or even this one? ;p It seems to prove that you were not offended by me offering commercially unavailable material, instead, you hold a grudge against me for not helping you illegally obtaining commercially available material. Very sad, and you have annoyed plenty of people by your actions, except me, and that was your purpose as it seems, which makes it even more sad. I feel sorry for you.

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: zion on December 03, 2003, 03:22:58 AM
Quoteand you have annoyed plenty of people by your actions, except me, and that was your purpose as it seems,

lol, has to post THREE time and says oohh im not annoyed..yeah right

good work flightcrank !!!!! and he said a few posts ago that he didnt even think you actually contacted XL heheh looks like he was WRONG yet again, but i guess he's used to being wrong by now !

any way flightcrank wont want any harm to come to any other cool sites like this one or any others because they are cool prodigy sites not crap ones! you brought this on your self arie i told you to just leave him alone but you didnt. well, what else can i say, its your fault.. have a nice life my work here is done!

see ya flighty
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on December 03, 2003, 04:57:25 PM
lol, has to post THREE time and says oohh im not annoyed..yeah right
I posted three times because I had the time and to keep editing the same posting into one big message isn't very clear. You have misunderstood the reason. If you have read other posting by me on this forum, you will see that I have done this before, so this time is no exception.

good work flightcrank !!!!! and he said a few posts ago that he didnt even think you actually contacted XL heheh looks like he was WRONG yet again, but i guess he's used to being wrong by now !

any way flightcrank wont want any harm to come to any other cool sites like this one or any others because they are cool prodigy sites not crap ones! you brought this on your self arie i told you to just leave him alone but you didnt. well, what else can i say, its your fault.. have a nice life my work here is done!
First of all, why I would I have to leave this person (if not you are the same one?) alone? This person is flaming me and making silly threats. Is it not my free right to reply? I suggest to drop this topic, but this other person would not. Still you state that I should leave this other person alone. I believe that you are mixing things up here.

As for only reporting me and not others, why would my web site be considered "crap"? I'm curious about your answer. The reason this other person gave for contacting XL-Recordings (although I believe this person contacted the hosting provider straight since XL-Recordings can't really be bothered) was because of the files I was hosting and linking. Now that they are hidden and not linked anymore the problem is gone. But others are still hosting files and linking to them. If this really was the reason why he contacted XL-Recordings, why wouldn't this person have contacted XL-Recordings about all these other web site like the ones mentioned earlier?

I wonder how come that you know that this other person "wont want any harm to come to any other cool sites like this one or any others". This other person had stated that he would "report" me because of the hosted and linked files. Seeing this as well as the same writing style and silly flaming, I wonder if we have a serious case of MPS going on here as mentioned before by other (respected and more well known) fans as well? ;)

You state "zion" that I'm probably used to being "wrong" by now. I wonder what you base this on. You state it in general, as if I would be "wrong" all the time. Still, I reply seriously to all questions asked and most of the time give the person asking the right answer. Seeing this, it seems like you are basing your opinion on one thread only and that doesn't sound very reasonable. I wonder why I don't see you replying on other forums, giving people the right answers? If I would be "wrong" all the time, I wonder why I have been made a moderator for a part of this forum.

Once again my suggestion to stop this thread. Also, the invitation to post on other Prodigy related forums and answer some questions there.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on December 06, 2003, 07:14:12 AM

man im laughting sooo hard right now, thanks for being so entertaining !!

juge is not in denial as you are he also has a sates in his download section

"Copyright Notes
The MP3's found on this page are for evaluation purposes only. (Almost all of them can't be found anywhere commercially available!) If you download a file, you will be allowed to keep it on your harddisk for 24 hours, but then you
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on December 10, 2003, 12:11:51 PM
And we all lived happily ever after.
The End.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on December 13, 2003, 06:17:20 AM
except you

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: evans on February 28, 2004, 02:22:50 PM
haha great topic!!!
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on March 05, 2004, 02:45:36 PM
Thank you Evans ;) I do my best ;p
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Lasssa on March 05, 2004, 09:13:52 PM
QuoteWith your action you do not cause me any harm, but you have probably annoyed a lot of fans all across the world.

You've got that damned right, Arie
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on July 06, 2004, 10:36:05 PM
well i only annoy people wjho rip off the prodigy

which i have clearly succeeded in doing

have a nice day :D
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on July 07, 2004, 08:05:51 PM
Quotewell i only annoy people wjho rip off the prodigy

which i have clearly succeeded in doing

have a nice day :D
You must be proud of yourself, to re-open this thread again and I bet that you didn't download the new album... *cough*

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on July 08, 2004, 08:59:53 AM
evans re opened the thread on 28.02.04 not me,

u must have trouble reading. because u didnt see the copywrite notice on the prodigy cd either.

maby you should invest in a pair of glassed or get your eyes checked.  :P

Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on July 08, 2004, 09:02:05 AM
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on July 08, 2004, 10:15:26 AM
There wasn't a reply in this thread for four months and you re-opened it. So, did you download the new album? ;p
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on July 10, 2004, 06:19:54 PM
like i said evens reopend the thread again look at the dates idiot

also you were posting after a gap of months hence reopening the thread before i did.

once again u are proven wrong.

damn im good ;D
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on July 12, 2004, 11:53:45 AM
Quotelike i said evens reopend the thread again look at the dates idiot
It took Evans two and a half months to reply thus re-opening the thread (back then). Lassa and myself replied to his posting shortly after. It then took you four months to reply to Lassa and myself, thus you are the last person to have re-opened it.

Quotealso you were posting after a gap of months hence reopening the thread before i did.
I read back a few pages and cannot find what you are talking about. You re-opened the thread again after four months of silence. Please proof the quote above.

Quoteonce again u are proven wrong.

damn im good ;D
I have just proven that you were the last person to re-open this thread after a four month period. You are unfortunately wrong.

And you still have not answered my question if you have downloaded the new album... ;p
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Lasssa on July 12, 2004, 08:03:35 PM
Quotewell i only annoy people wjho rip off the prodigy
Arie is the last man to rip off the prodigy..
He hosted, as far as i know, only unreleased stuff. That's no crime.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on July 12, 2004, 08:34:19 PM
Looks like this thread will become endless... ;p ;)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Lasssa on July 13, 2004, 07:47:50 PM
Juge could close the topic, but i'm sure ''someone'' would be stupid enough to start a new one :-/
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on July 13, 2004, 08:12:39 PM
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on July 18, 2004, 03:03:15 PM
you are in need of a life, badly
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on July 25, 2004, 12:38:42 PM
Shame that you can't even reply properly. Lets end this thread.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on October 19, 2004, 11:56:25 AM
yes let it end, with i the victor and u as always the loser
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on October 27, 2004, 12:49:25 PM
You know, this isn't even worth a reply, but of course I couldn't resist. You are a very, very sad person. You have been proven wrong a few postings above and you don't even have the heart replying. Making false statements, no arguements to support your claims. You are a little ignorant child. So very sad. On the otherside, you made me laugh a lot though ;)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: _Alex_ on October 28, 2004, 07:37:28 AM
This has to be the most entertainning, but at the same time pointless topic I've ever read!

flightcrank/zion/Mr w-3o, you're just pathetic. People like you don't even make me angry. I pity you man, seriously! Throughout this thread you had no solid argument whatsoever. I feel really bad for you trying to ruin other people's lives.

The thing that made me laugh the most though was when you said that arie is ripping the prodigy off. Have you even seen his collection?! I wouldn't be surprised if 5% off all the money the prodigy made was due to arie's contribution! I mean, if he's ripping them off, who doesn't!?  :D

Arie, you should have simply ignored him from the beginning. The kid has some mental issues, it's evident!'s a sad, sad world we live in...
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Stuff on October 28, 2004, 05:10:19 PM
Lol, i have to agree. This is one of the most remarkable threads i've ever seen.  ;)
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: LYDOK on December 02, 2004, 06:03:03 PM
QuoteI've uploaded some tracks in MP3 format to my web site at, which you can find at the Updates section. Enjoy! :)
still non of the links seem to work  :'(
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on December 18, 2004, 05:22:56 PM
well XL recordings did shut down his site for a while and removed his mp3z due to ME :D
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on December 24, 2004, 07:26:24 PM
Quotewell XL recordings did shut down his site for a while and removed his mp3z due to ME :D
No one shut down my web site. I got an e-mail from my ISP asking me if I was kind enough to remove the files and so I did. No threats, nothing, they simply asked me kindly. However, while doing a search on my web space they accidently turned on directory listing. It took them a few days to fix their mistake, so in return they offered me a year free of charge. Will you ever get your act together?
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on December 28, 2004, 11:15:34 AM
sure the did.......

i love the fact that u got shut down by xl. because u love them and the prodigy so much.

pwned like a noob
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: Arie on December 29, 2004, 12:07:11 PM
Quotesure the did.......

i love the fact that u got shut down by xl. because u love them and the prodigy so much.

pwned like a noob
You're boring me. Shouldn't you be at school or something? You know, education and all? How's puberty coming along by the way? Get a life and get your facts straight.
Title: Re: Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)
Post by: -flightcrank on January 02, 2005, 07:43:10 PM

babys got a temper
