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Liam Gallagher will collaborate with the prodigy

Started by juGe, April 19, 2002, 01:10:01 PM

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Today finnish radio mafia told that Liam Gallager and Liam Howlett have teamed up.. they have recorded a track to AONO and it will be probably released as single as well.

Dunno much more yet.. Liam G told that the track is so rocky that he can collaborate with the Prodigy..previously he has said that he don't like the Prodigy cause they are "a dance music group".

It's gonna happen, but not yet ya know?


I have to admit man, a few years ago this probably been the worst news I could have possibly heard, but ill take it as a good thing, anything to keep keith of the mic

Today finnish radio mafia told that Liam Gallager and Liam Howlett have teamed up.. they have recorded a track to AONO and it will be probably released as single as well.

Dunno much more yet.. Liam G told that the track is so rocky that he can collaborate with the Prodigy..previously he has said that he do't like the Prodigy cause they are "a dance music group".



Yeah just found the story on nme.
I personally like Oasis but I dont like the idea of the Prodigy with liam singing, but yeah it does keep keith of the mic hopefully. It certanly will be interesting?


The Sun reported this as well. I don't know how serious this news is though. I think most of you know the reputation of the Sun ;) Wait and see as I always see, lets wait and see...


I have to admit, im very surprised liam didnt go for a collaberation with bobby gillespie......

appelton power.



i bet they got the idea when they were bored out of their minds while sitting on the beach sipping cocktails...
you've got to open up your eyes and see the light


i completely dislike Oasis, but the reason i'm not so happy about this idea is that its just way too predictable. I mean, Liam (H.) himself has said in Q mag that everyone is telling him to do a collaboration with Liam G. Thats very unlike them to do such a predictable thing and go with something that on the outside looks more like a publicity stunt. (i'm not saying it is, it just looks like one).

On the other hand, if he really has to do that collaboration and its such a great track, then, umm, lets wait till we hear it. and in the end, its still early days, Liam has done other collborations which never got finished or released.


This is bad shit man...
I predicted this was going to happen as soon as Liam started seeing the other Appleton sister (I forget which one). I agree, it's just too obvious, I expect Howlett is only doing it because so many people are telling him it'll be a quick route to extra publicity and back to the top (which it probably will). It's just too tempting to do a collaboration with the singer from one of the biggest bands in the world... But Gallagher is a twat, he calls dance music shit, the only things he has are an expansive John Lennon record collection and no fucking clue. The Prodigy are selling out man, we can all see it. I'm not saying the music will be shit as a consequence, but the ethos is definitely detereorating.
Keith may have a shit voice, but at least he's a punk and a raver.
'A really good rock and roll song'?  Fuck off...


This is bad shit man...
I expect Howlett is only doing it because so many people are telling him it'll be a quick route to extra publicity and back to the top (which it probably will). It's just too tempting to do a collaboration with the singer from one of the biggest bands in the world...

I don't think he did it for the publicity or to be on top of anything.
Why would that be tempting?
Wouldn't it be tempting to produce a Madonna album as well?
Also, I'm sure she would have sang on a Prodge record therefor and it didn't seem like anyone in the band was tempted by that.

Call me naive or whatever, but I personally think that Liam & Liam just get along good together, or why would they spend so much time hangin around? Because theese pop-siblings can't let go of each other?
No no no...
It was predictable, most musicians who became friends collaborate after a certain time.
We had this before, just think about 3D or PWEI or whatever.

I don't believe that just because they didn't come out with anything for 5 years they start to look out for money or chart success, would be a harsh change, compared to what they were about before...

Tradition IS a tradition


Well, Liam Gallagher's music is nothing like the Prodigy's, not even the new live stuff. Oasis are all about pure guitar rock-light with shitty vocals... the Prodge have always been making raw music brimming with energy that just tells you to dance. Just look at influences, Oasis: Beatles. Prodigy: Sex Pistols, misc rave era stuff. Hardly artistically compatible.
And of course chart success is tempting, espeically after FotL. Liam knows that this record has to do as well a that or people will claim it's a flop, no matter how good it is. And it's totally diffeent to the collaboration wth PWEI, because PWEI weren't that big, so their name wouldn't have bolstered record sales much. Unlike having 'OASIS SINGER' splashed across the fornt of a record.


Of course, the music is different and I don't like Oasis either (and especially Liam G., saw an interview two days ago, this guy seems pain silly).

But look, you say that "Liam knows that this record has to do as well as FOTL or people will claim it's a flop, no matter how good it is", but Liam often enough mentioned that he writes music for himself, not for the fans and he tries to avoid the mainstream.

No, I picked PWEI just as an example for friends who are musicians and then feature you later on on a record.

Plus, it's mostly the rec company caring about sales, I'm sure XL will do a nice advertising, (-hopefully not with stuff like sales forces or radiopluggers like all the pop-records are treated with-) so Prodge have to keep it low with the chart-ability.
The huge 'feat. Liam G. from Oasis' won't be on the cover I assume. But you were kidding on this anyway, were you?

Tradition IS a tradition



To be honest, why do you think they need that 'bomb'?
They need chart success, they need to be recognized again, it doesn't mean the single will be crap, in fact I am looking forward to it.....

Didn't LG do a colab with the Chemical Brothers, Setting Sun... that was a class song, of course its not prodigy style and u guys might not have liked it, but the chems didnt let him take over on the style.....

I think if they do do it, prodigy will pull it off, LW has the talant for sure :)

Also, i would love to see another collab with Tom Morrello (sp?)!!!



Didn't LG do a colab with the Chemical Brothers, Setting Sun... that was a class song, of course its not prodigy style and u guys might not have liked it, but the chems didnt let him take over on the style.....

It was colab with Noel Gallagher (the other brother with musical talent). Anyway Liam G. is the singer.. and that's all he can do really..

I have nothing really against Oasis (they used to be quite good band too) and I'm looking forward to this.. like des said at least it does keep Keith of the mic.

It's gonna happen, but not yet ya know?

zed (logged out)

bah... it seems like i've missed a hot discussion... anyway, the only vocal i would like to hear is a female vocal... you may aslo get me wrong here, because i'm very vulgar person.

that aono album seems will sound very funny... kinda "Liam H. and his friends"... or "Liam H. and his family"...

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