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Best drum machine????

Started by des, August 09, 2002, 01:11:36 PM

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thinking about getting an AKAI MPC 2000, what do yiss reckon?

Its gonna set me back about 1K so I have to choose carefully.


No question. Emu Sp1200, really.
If you need thick beats (especially BD's).

Depends on what you're up to.
If you need this groovy electro-feel, than I'd recommend a
TR-909, still one of the best beatspitters around.

The MPC's are very good too, maybe more phat soundwise than the 909, but they lack the groovy feel.
They don't have this much of an own sound, they 'just' sound good, whereas the SP1200 gives you about one and the same BD out everytime you put one in. Sounds silly, but if you listen to Funky Shit, Smack My Bitch Up and all those overproduced Prodigy-smashers - that's the SP1200.
They come out extremely thick and the nice thing about it is, that you mostly don't need to eq them much (and don't even think about dynamic editings, that would just ruin the phatness...).
Refered to as 'the' HipHop drummachine.
They're expensive as hell, though. I saw one on eBay a few days ago, went for 2300
Tradition IS a tradition


Nice one man,

thats pretty helpfull....

the kind of sound im swaying towords is that RAW sound...nothing to phat and basey...just raw snairs and kicks

I probably will eventually purchase the tr-909 eventually...I think kid 606 uses that....and his sound is pretty unique..that swinging chaotic electro sound...on the lines of the warp radioactiveman and squarepusher.

But ill probably start off on the MPC.....Its supposes to be pretty simple to use as well.....kind of like a drum machine for dummys *ME*

Gonna cost big bucks......ill have to go to the nearest sperm bank.... sell my boys for a few shillings.  ;)

nice one.

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