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Started by Da kenzie, January 10, 2002, 01:36:32 PM

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I don't understand it, I wrote a reply yesterday, but it didn't show up here. Well, at first it did, but it's gone now.

skru dat , the track was b0ll0cks anyway - as soon as i listened to the track over speakers(not earphones) i realised it's crap - anyway...

A wise man once told me:
Those, who are mixing with headphones, shall immediately end their lifes.

You'll never see a recording engineer using headphones for mixing.

If you wanna take it on a more professionel level, I'd say, get yourself a pair of Yamaha NS10's.
The worst speakers ever.
Why buy then?
Because they're the best monitors you can get.
YOu'll hear every small error in your mix.
They do not sound good, but that's not what you want, at a mixdown.
Or else, get some Genelecs.

to my horror i've dicovered AKAI do not sell musical products in south africa anymorez....noooooooooooooooo!
No i thinks i wanna buy a sampler and then a ELECtribe mmm...
buuuut....w0t t0 buuuuuy??????
PLZ tell me wot is a good sampler for a cheap price - there is like no second hand market here - i wish i was there - --mmm...ummmm...he he he ok gimme ideas and it's gotta be really the SP-303 any good?
they offered me that as there special cheap bargain sampler...
any suggestions???

Then use eBay, or look at a local musicstore if someone is gonna sell his/her stuff.
Or look at the web for used gear.
They are not hard to find, really.

Well, I can't say what sampler you should buy, because I don't know what type of music you wanna do, I don't know if you wanna use it mainly life or in the studio, I don't know what kind of sounds and technical specifications you expect the sampler to have a.s.o.

Let's do it this way, you tell me what you wanna do with it and what it should be doing in your setup and I'll look what I can find for you.

Tradition IS a tradition


isn't it risky to buy over E BAY?
i mean i comes from south africa and erm...i've never seen sumthin' off EBAY from south africa...will  it be safe to say order from AMERICA all the way to S A?
you've got to open up your eyes and see the light


isn't it risky to buy over E BAY?
i mean i comes from south africa and erm...i've never seen sumthin' off EBAY from south africa...will
Tradition IS a tradition


Go get an Akai S-950.
Very cheap and powerful.

See you.....


Go get an Akai S-950.
Very cheap and powerful.

See you.....

Yeah, DJ Friction uses one, very alternative.
I was offered a S750 a few month ago, for very few bucks, but this is a sampler no one's gonna love.
It really is too shitty...
The 950 is on the edge, if you ask me.
You get a S1100 for a few bucks more and you have all the cool fx built in.
I saw some at eBay for a total low-price, looks like everyone is jumping on that software train now.
Tradition IS a tradition


I Agree with you Ekko but the effects on the S1100 are really crap. If you want your breaks dirty and filtered then 12bit samplers are the best.Personally I hate anything that has to do with software. I mean you can learn how a sound is born etc.

Digital sound is bad for your health


Heh, right, it totally is...
There are a few exceptions yet, like taking the variety of a digi-synth (soft / hard, doesn't matter) and plug it before some good analog fx, the result is totally fair.
Liam did it a few times, I think, it's no betrayal if you're a hardware veteran...

The only thing really pee-ing me off about software is the look & feel of it. I know people being able to be creative with software, which is what I admire, because I can't work without touching the gear. Sure, you can buy midi-controller for that, but that's not what I meant. I like the look of the stuff in a real studio. It's more expensive - sure, it's harder to care for - yes, it breaks more easily - absolutely
and it takes up more power and space - right.
But if you feel bad using it and/or it doesn't inspire you, what are you gonna do with it?

Plus, computers freak me out, they never work in my favour, they make me shout at them and they ruin my day.
Gimme one more bluescreen and I'll throw stones at old women.

As for the samplers, I think the Akai fx are very nice, it might be just me, gotten so used to them (plus, hearing all the Prodigy stuff makes you even WANT the Akai-sound to be reproduced...), and they're totally capable of being Lo-Fi as hell.
But if you want unique filters and fx, go for the old Ensonic samplers. Very good sound but yet very special and exclusive.

Do you mean the W-30 by saying 12 bit...? ;-)
I checked it, it's okay, but you can do that with better samplers and a bit reducer or bad modifiers as well.
The W-30 is on a low course at eBay right now, so for all of you wanting to follow Liams footsteps... go get one.
But don't expect much, it's very simple (and therefore adorable as {*%@#
Tradition IS a tradition


Well Ekko from what I read I understand that you know lots of things concerning midi/synthesis/sampling etc.And as you said I am a hardware veteran. By the way I will never forgive myself selling my TR-909 & SH-101 to a guy that came from UK.
Maybe we must start a new topic:
Analog vs Digital

See you....


Oh no, dude, I hope he at least gave you a huge diamond for that...
The SH-101 is hot. Have you had it modified or in it's original shape?
I plan on buying a Moog Rogue soon (my favourite analog synthie), still saving up.
Have you seen Liams studio on the new website?
Very interesting, but he's hiding some gear. He must have a room full with stuff he's not using at the moment, or - he sold
everything. I dont think so, though.

Maybe we must start a new topic:
Analog vs Digital

Oh we so must!
Tradition IS a tradition


No modifications on the SH-101.I used to turn the Resonance filter all the way up and the Cutoff all the way down. Doing this this I had a dirty sub bass drum.As for the TR-909, words have no meaning. I have 2 years now a Novation Drumstation.
No bad at all if you do some external editing but not as fat as the TR monster. The Moog is excellent but you need an engineer all the time keeping it hot (you know what I mean)
By the way what is your Favorite Prodigy track?
Choose only 1.

By the way where is the new Prodigy site?


QuoteI plan on buying a Moog Rogue soon (my favourite analog synthie), still saving up.
i got Ritm 2 (trans. as Rhythm) a couple of days ago, the sound is very similar to Moog. i just finished to repair the synth (it's 20 years old stuff), so, now it works and looks like new one, i'm really happy actually, the sounds is really awesome, really great. i'll attach distortion effect processor tomorrow i think, heh, i hope i'll get a really raw sound. i can upload a couple of examples, but anyway you can check that stuff here

btw, it seems there is a little mistake, there says the synth created in 1984, but my one is manufactured in 1982...
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


btw, it seems there is a little mistake, there says the synth
created in 1984, but my one is manufactured in 1982...

Then you have a promo-synth, eh? ;-) Harr Harr!

Sounds good, I'm looking fwd (trans. as forward) to the examples.
Is that thingie Midified? Or are you gonna play it live?
I bought my Rogue two days ago, it should ship soon, the only thing it lacks, is Midi-implementation, but that's not a big problem, I just have to record an extra-track for it all the time (gets my lazyness in the way).

I also plan on rebuilding the Rogue totally, I'm gonna replace the mod and pitch-wheels with transparent wheels and put some blacklight dots onto it somewhere. Mostly optical changes. I thought of changing the power supply as well, did that with a BassStation kb, it so absolutely smacked me into the corner the first time I heard it. Like a 303 without this nasal sound and more squelching power. You should try that out, give it about 0.3V more, but beware, old synthis aren't renown for their stamina. And never do it with a digital synth...

My favourite Prodigytrack?
Don't know, changes about every day.
I'm hearing the Experience a lot by now, you know, summertime-feelings and so on...

But I think it's Break & Enter.

Tradition IS a tradition


QuoteThen you have a promo-synth, eh? ;-) Harr Harr!
lol... well... there were no any words like "promo" in USSR before 1995-1998. so, i think it just made in 1982 and so...
QuoteSounds good
yeh, the synth rocks, Liam wanted to buy/exchange that synth when the Prodigy were doing gig in St. Peterburg. there were russian band Spirals at warm up and Liam liked the synth and he asked the band if he could get it, but it wasn't Spirals synth, they took it for a gig, because it's pretty rare synth, and Liam didn't get it...
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!

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