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NME Review of BGAT.

Started by dessie, June 26, 2002, 03:05:46 PM

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I have to admit a slight over reaction from NME, but damn it cuts close to the bone....

"Prodigy : Baby's Got A Temper

They were the firestarters, twisted firstarters, and now they're just total fucking idiots. The Prodigy: grown, pierced men who live in palatial Essexmansions and who laughably believe that singing a chorus of "we useroyphonol" over some crappy casio riff will make them appear edgy, vital and dangerous again. No. It makes them seedy old men with bad hair trying to recapture past glories by employing the final weapon of the comically desperate: the drug song.

Worse, it's the drug song about bad drugs. This is a drug that sends you to sleep, that wipes short term memory and gives you a headache. Glue is cheaper and on this evidence more fun. Hence the first genuinely shit Prodigy single ever.

Does that mean Leroy was actually the talented one?

Ted Kessler

Rating: 0


I think they deserve this review, NME could of been a bit nastier though - I like the fact they take the piss out of the lyrics plus the music!  

I do know the song isn't about date rape but it is a wee bit tastless.

Did NME ever comment on The Shamens - Ebeneezer Good? Cos I'd love to see it.


maxim posted this on his forum at his page:



i think the prodigy don


NME heard me... thank you, god!
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


I used to think the prodigy didnt give a shite what critics say....but not anymore.....
Appearing in Face and NME showed how eager they where to PLUG Bgat.....If you think a review like that isnt going to dent howletts pride well think again. Lets face it BGAT was released for the do well

I dont take anything NME say as gospel...most of the articles suck, theirs was a time where if it wasnt about Travis or Coldplay they started to run out of ideas.....But their reviews are usually spot on, Ive bought stuff before ased on their reviews....

so along came the prodigy shouting were relevant as fuck....
In a way, over hyping themselves not realizing how long out of the game they really where...Not releasing the most people expect prodigy to come back with a sound the contends with the likes of what Warp,Ninja tune,Mo wax can dish out from their artists.....

howlett said In many a interview he wouldnt release throwaway errrrrr......

So in a way I dont disagree with the review...Ok A bit harsh...but still quite spot on.

If I had to mark Bgat out of 10 id give a 3

maxim posted this on his forum at his page:


DJ Slow

A good band will ALWAYS have a fan base, no matter what the critics say. I don't give a shit what critics say anyway. Even if I agree with them. I mean all critics are are wankers who think their opinion matters when it doesn't. Fact is noones opinion is more valid than anyone elses when it comes to the arts.


I cant belive the pig ignorance of some of the so-called fans on these boards !!!
Yes you as a fan are entitled to your view but since the knowledge of B.G.A.T i think some so-called fans have lost the fucking plot !
As i have put on MaxiM`s forum for those who are slagging the prodigy of go out and listen to moby`s play then go and listen to his new album play.
You might then count yourself lucky your a prodigy fan then!!!!!!!


Big-Alex (noy signed in)

I cant belive the pig ignorance of some of the so-called fans on these boards !!!
Yes you as a fan are entitled to your view but since the knowledge of B.G.A.T i think some so-called fans have lost the fucking plot !
As i have put on MaxiM`s forum for those who are slagging the prodigy of go out and listen to moby`s play then go and listen to his new album play.
You might then count yourself lucky your a prodigy fan then!!!!!!!


I agree with you...BGAT is a phat track...I'd give it an 8 ;-)


Pig Ignorance!!! How did you some to that conclusion?

Moby Play is total Cack....ok some good tunes but overall nothing worth writing home about...Moby early stuff now their is something worth shouting about..early underground and ambient where his 2 best albums

Ive always counted myself lucky to be a prodigy fan, since the age of twelve Ive been listening to their music.....thats why it hurts so much when they release chart shit like BGAT.

I cant belive the pig ignorance of some of the so-called fans on these boards !!!
Yes you as a fan are entitled to your view but since the knowledge of B.G.A.T i think some so-called fans have lost the fucking plot !
As i have put on MaxiM`s forum for those who are slagging the prodigy of go out and listen to moby`s play then go and listen to his new album play.
You might then count yourself lucky your a prodigy fan then!!!!!!!



Lets get a fucking few things sorted here................
The main reason i mentioned moby and his albums play and 18 is because all he has done is mixed and used all the samples from play to make 18 , now you can`t comment if you haven`t heard it (if you have then you can`t argue with me)
The thing is moby does it for a FULL ALBUM The Prodigy do it for 1 second in their new single ( the firestarter riff) and all fucking hell breaks loose with certain people !
Now for those people who are slagging The Prodigy off about B.G.A.T i ask you one thing............What did you expect from the single !
I would really love to know and if its a good answer and people agree with you THE WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING SITTING THERE GO AND MAKE MUSIC , GO AND BE THE NEXT PRODIGY !!!!!!!!!!!!!




Chill blade! we are all friends here  :D

zed (logged out)

it's silly to compare prodigy and moby. moby use the same sounds and instruments all the time. after all, you don't have to justify the prodigy. somebody likes their new single, other ones don't, that is fact you can't change.


I know every 1 is entitled to their opinion but to a certain degree.
I mean who in this forum believes that The Prodigy deserve to be called "Twisted fucking idiots " (nme) .
I belive B.G.A.T is a wicked track end of story and if anyone disagree`s with that fine`s the way in which some people are going about it !!!
We are fans after all , and as a Prodigy fan since 92 they have never EVER let me down in their music material.
I dont meen to get people`s backs up or anything if certain people don`t like B.G.A.T then thats fine , But i don`t agree with people like  Antz  when he said that nme should have been harder on The Prodigy ,  That`s just sad .
They DEFINATLY do not deserve that !!!!!!


zed (logged out)

well... yeh, maybe nme said too hard a bit, but who cares, that usal stuff these days - being 2-faced. today they say it "rocks", tomorrow - "sucks". the only thing they care about is how much of copies they will sell today. no actual smart person will take their arctiles very seriously.

about bgat again. bgat COULD BE FUCKING GREAT SINGLE if:

1. the band were more interested in quality. it's 2002, a couple old samples and "phat" drum loop will never be a bomb nowadays. the world needs new ideas and new sound again. the Prodigy have got position of the revolutionary sound. everybody was waitng for that revolution again for many years.
2. if there were really good mix of bgat on the single. it's not so hard to make a good mix i think, but they have not done it, that's sad.
3. if there were no that haste with "coming back" as it is. i don't want it "soon", i want it "good", understand me?

bgat is not total shit, it's just an experimental track in some sense for the Prodigy, because they tried to use more Keith here. bgat is some kind of maximum of work that could be done with Keith's lyrics and Liam's music for the lyrics. that's my opinion. but that Dub mix is shit, that's also my opinion. i still believe the new album can rock because Liam has got talent, everything is up to him.


"I mean all critics are are wankers who think their opinion matters when it doesn't. Fact is noones opinion is more valid than anyone elses when it comes to the arts."

THANKS... and only fools generalise. All opinion is valid ofcourse. Professional critics spend years honing their craft, learning their subject and then finding the most effective way of expressing their opinions. Does this make their opinion any more or less valid? I would say 'often yes' and sometimes 'no', but then I'm a critic who spends his every working day, and many nights listening to music and theorising about it and so on... a bit like hiow a mechanic understands an engine better than a layman. Both can do the job, but one has dedicated his life to the art of the mechanic.

But there is one thing I would have to disagree on... all critics aren't wankers. some don;t deserve that kind of praise. the NME's Tedd Kessler on the other hand is one of the few journalists at that paper who has the authiority to slag something off effectively. He's championed the Prodigy until now... so his point is valid bith from a critical and a fan perspective.

But I don't agree with him. I think BGAT is a fine single,

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