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I've noticed new samples and some questions

Started by LiamB, January 17, 2002, 03:24:34 PM

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LiamB, you are amazing.

I really don't have a clue were you get all this information from.

But please keep it up, however it is done...
Tradition IS a tradition


Ekko i do agree with u!
this LiamB is wicked!  ;)
keep giving out that kind of info,it



LiamB: do you know from where is the sample from scienide,its a girl saying "do it"


I didin't hear the sample (never pay atention to that song) but I'll try to answer You.

Thanx 4 your suport, searchin' 4 sample sources it's kind a hobby. Mostly I just have luck. But I couldn't do it without my friends from Poland: ElBarto and K


Yo, Ekko I realy need to know the answer 4 some of my rescent question and it'll be very kind if you send my some of those samples (I'll send You a list).

PLease don't send per eMail, my provider now want's to have money for letting me use it and I don't have access at the moment, better send per ICQ (if you don't have, try instead, thanx)
Tradition IS a tradition


Rock'n Roll (info by ElBarto)

Sample: sound of siren
Source: the same sound as in Molotov Bitch

Sample: beats
Source: the same beats as in DCSV1 during 'How High'

You can hear other Rock'n Roll beats in Chemical Brothers 'Prescription Beats'.


Rock n Roll '95

Mainly Consists of 3 Samples, the main drum hits in the background were sampled from P.S.K By Schooly D (which liam mixed into How High on DSV1) . Where the break which is played over the top and also sometimes brokedown at the end of the track is from a record called 'Bouncy Lady' By 'Pleasure' its off one of the ultimate breaks & volumes 12"'s. i try and dig it out for ya all. And of course last but not least the main vocal comes from Poppa Large by the UMC's



Check this out!
Your Love
Sample: sirens
Taken: from" Megabass 1".(the same sound as in EITP)
Out Of Space
Sample: scratchin'
Taken: from songs Run DMC" Peter Piper"( album:" Raising Hell")
Weather experience
Sample: rhythm of heart
Taken: from Pink Floyd's intro to "Speak To Me"
This track is very similar to some of the Floyd's songs, also U can hear spookie chorus from horror movies:P
Sample: scratchin ( in Sunrise Version)
Taken: from Run DMC's song "Peter Piper"( album:" Raising Hell") (yes, the same as in OOS:)
also U can hear the same high scream as in 'Your Love' (played backwards)

Ruff In The Jungle
Sample: the same efect as in Rip Up The Sound System (I mean this J.Brown's scream "aaauuuu!")

Death Of The Prodigy Dancer
This track contains some of the most common samples like, cosmical efect from "Charly", "now hear this!" sample, "ksh ksh" sample from  Weather experience.(I think it is jam track)

How I figure it out? I playd some of Prod's track in slow tempo.

And some more infos from my champ - El Barto:

:::Serial Thrilla:::
sometimes in background U can hear guitar riff from 'Rat Poison'

noise in the midle of the track is the same as in 'Diesel Power' (dirtchamber
mix)' (at the end)

and some realy interesting informations from

Smack my bitch up
Sample: ???
Taken: from Kool and the Gang "Funky Man" (album: "Live at the Sex Machine")

Method Man "Release Yo Delf" (Prodigy remix)"
Sample: ???
Taken: from Black Mamba "Vicious" (album: "???")
someone heard this traks?

and my mistake
Run Like A Hell/Jam Track (1992)
Sample: scream and rhythm of heart
Taken from: Of course it should be intro to Pink Floyd's "Speak To Me"
...sorry for the mistake, but it is realy good unoficial name for this jam track.

and btw scream from 'break & enter' is very similar to 'smbu's' scream.


the same pipers' scratchin is in 'No Good'.

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