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What software do you use?

Started by fj, November 17, 2001, 03:51:23 AM

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Hoho, yeah, I can imagine that...

Well, that's really high end, but I guess you never record in 96khz or? I seldomly even record in 48khz, I'm fine with 41 by now.
Plus, it comes to 41 after A/D Modifier again. But it's okay anyway.

Tradition IS a tradition


well yeah, usually i'm recording in 44.1 khz mode, that's actually more than enough.
there is one more important thing - render interpolation. Sine interpolation is ok, but linear, for example, type gives little noisy sound, especially in using low sample rate samples or 8 bit samples...

but sometimes i like dirty sounds :-) even all the time.. hehe
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


I use to interpolate Fruity L-waves with the common hermit curve, I tried to hear a difference between that and linear and sinc 64 / 256, but couldn't hear much. Well, I'm not doing too much with Fruity atm.
I try to make up a 'perfect' way mastering and mixing, you know, somekind of a sureshot...
Yeah, of course there is no thing like a "perfect way to mix and master", but anyway, it's a constant progress to indoctrinate your ear.
Tradition IS a tradition


well, yeah, but a good interpolation helps a lot in mixing of low sample rate or 8 bit samples. if samples in high quality there is almost no any interpolation because there is nothing to interpolate, there are no big square shaped amplitudes.
for example 8 bit sound has got 256 steps amplitude, and when it plays in 16 bit mode without interpolation it sounds with quantum noise, because 16 bit has got 65536 steps amplitude, but if you play 16 bit sample in 16 bit output, there is can't be any quantum noise, because shape of an amplitude isn't changing.
but i should say that there is one more question - hardware interpolation, it pretty important thing as well.
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


Lucky me, I don't have to deal with 8 Bit shit (although especially this stuff is very charming... But it's getting very modern again, so many artists use this Lofi sounds again, I'm getting sick of that).
While we're stuck at that theme, I have probs with the resolution, but as said, I think it's something to do with the A/D-shit. It's on card and the Power-supply seems to spread in unwished frequencies (electronicwise) and buggs the card. I hear that quite often, but the only thing you can do about that would be a cardchange or an extern power-supply.
It's like wipe outs, you know? Where the samples in the curve wipe each other when you transform from a certain samplerate to a lower one and back. For transporting signals to the PC I've bought a real good A/D Converter, but ...grrrr.. it's conflicting with that p-supply.
I hate it, really hate it.
I just wanna make music. No more. If it weren't for all those cool plugins and stuff, I'd be a total hardware guy...
Tradition IS a tradition


hmm... your story is pretty weird Ekko :)

dunno, i'm using Awe64 sound card and Sony MHC E60X mini hi-fi component system for amplification line signal, and i'm using olny screened cables, i made them myself btw :) all that stuff works perfectly for a few years. and i'm sure it will works tomorrow too.
The only shit that i see all the time is software bugs!
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


Oh, interesting, you made them by yourself?
How do you do that?
I wanted to buy some soon.
Tradition IS a tradition


well, actually i can buy them, but i'm too lazy to go somewhere and pay money for something i can do by myself :)

I took some Chinese video/audio cables, a big knife, and my favourite soldering iron, and some stuff, and made the cables that i need. actually it's unsual process for me.

here is some scheme of that bullshit :-)
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!



I found a version of cubase v5 and I'm planning to use it as my main sequencer (instead of my shitty mc-505's)

I'm starting to learn the program but it's hard.
some questions?

- Do you always use the drum edit to make your beats cos' I find it fuckin' uneasy to use.
- Ya know where I can find an online manual for cubase v.5?



- Do you always use the drum edit to make your beats cos' I find it fuckin' uneasy to use.
- Ya know where I can find an online manual for cubase v.5?

That depends on the instrument, if you use your MC505, you surely want to get some beats out of it, so you'd have to deal with the drumeditor.
I do it this way, I use Fruity Loops for drumloops (editing and adding percussion or whatever it might need) and save as wave-file to later use it in Cubase.
Then I might add a single drumhit from my outboard-equipment
with the drumeditor (you're right, it's a bit uncomfy, but you'll get over it, since it offers you the best editing possibilitys. You can quantize for example, no can do in Fruity... (It's a damn, damn pity!)).
That's how it works best for me.
If you have a keyboard or synthie with a clavier, you can play
in the drums you want to sequence manually.
You can get a simple midi-kb for a hand full of bucks... really cheap, but you won't have any good functions. (You don't need most of them if you have Cubase.)
This way you can work like a drummer (okay, not really...),
it even gives your drumtracks "The Groove".
And if not...: Quantize. Humanize. Do whatever. There's plenty of stuff to brighten your drums or whatever you play in.

Your second question:
Dunno, I use a REGISTERED version. Ahem.
Maybe or
or try Morpheus / Kazaa / Google, I bet you're not the only one looking for it.
Or you d/l the programm completely new from Moorpheus / K.
but adding an "and manual" to the search-phrase or something like that.

Tradition IS a tradition


there's something called audiowarez, you know ;)
let me know what you're looking for and maybe i can help you out, i've got lots of audioappz and could find more / quality releases of course are done by decent crackers like OXYGEN/PARADOX/ZONE etc
if you're interested in something just let me know


I use (here it comes)
Steinberg Cubase SX
Steinberg Wavelab 3.0
Steinberg Halion
NI Reaktor 3.05
NI Absynth
Waldorf Attack
Steinberg Model E
Propellerhead RB-338 Rebirth v2.0
Waves Renaissance Collection Native (to keep my Software warm!!)
NI 4 Control
Roland A33 Master Keyboard
Alesis RA 150 Amplifier
Yamaha NS-10m Studio Monitors ;D


I use (here it comes)
Steinberg Cubase SX
Steinberg Wavelab 3.0
Steinberg Halion
NI Reaktor 3.05
NI Absynth
Waldorf Attack
Steinberg Model E
Propellerhead RB-338 Rebirth v2.0
Waves Renaissance Collection Native (to keep my Software warm!!)
NI 4 Control
Roland A33 Master Keyboard
Alesis RA 150 Amplifier
Yamaha NS-10m Studio Monitors ;D

Alright, it's show off time, isn't it...? :-P

Here goes mine
Access Virus A 2.8
Novation BassStation Kb modified
Roland JD-990 with Asia expansion board
Moog Rogue
Boss SE-70
MOTU Micro Express
Midiman Delta 66
Yamaha PSS-51
Behringer Ultrapatch
Mackie CR-1604
Tannoy Reveal Active

Cubase SX on Win XP HE
WaveLab 3.0
Some Ohmboyz plugins
Most of the Waves stuff
Fruity Loops 3.0
SF. Noise Reduction
some Vocoders
ah, I don't know, I think I have all the important stuff you need to make music with way too much noise in it.
I try to scrap the software and get some good outboard stuff.
Tradition IS a tradition

I use

Orion Pro soon to be Orion Platinum. tis like fruityloops and surports VSTi, Rewire and DX FX Plugins.

here's my site for my noise


i recently switched to Logic 5 Platinum from Cubase SX (Logic is much better, trust me. at least for me  :)).

Logic 5 (and all vsts included in logic)
Pro 53 vst
Waldorf PPG
Waldorf Attack
Waldorf D-Pole
Reaktor (ocassionally)
Halion sampler vst
Reason 2.0
Ableton Live!
Nord MicroModular Hardware Synth (im so proud of my nord  ;D)

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