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About Yourself...

Started by Inflicted, December 13, 2001, 10:47:10 AM

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Almost every forum im registered with has a feature like this, so i thought id implement this feature on this forum. So post your...
1)Real Name
4)The first prodigy track you heard (dont lie saying 'android' or 'what evil lurks')
5)Your Favourite Prod album
6)Your Favourite Prod Track

Ill start...
1)Colin Cooper
4)Out of space
6)Their law (live)


okay... let's see...

1) Sergei Luzhnov Leonidovich
2) Surgut / Russia
3) 20
4) hmm.. actually i think it was Breathe or Firestarter, at some school party... but then i bought bootleg "Everybody is in the place" remixes...
6) Poison

actually, it's a classic type of forms.. i mean that "fav track" and etc... it could be better if you ask something other, maybe even weird and not prodigy related :-P at least it won't be boring...
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


1)Real Name: Antony Camp
2)City/Country: Essex, England
3)Age: 17
4)The first prodigy track you heard: Start The Dance
5)Your Favourite Prod album: Jilted
6)Your Favourite Prod Track: I can never make my mind up, but right now Charly

And I'm sure y'all found that info interesting?


1)Real Name: Antony Camp
2)City/Country: Essex, England
3)Age: 17
4)The first prodigy track you heard: Start The Dance
5)Your Favourite Prod album: Jilted
6)Your Favourite Prod Track: I can never make my mind up, but right now Charly

And I'm sure y'all found that info interesting?

well... now i know at least 3 different persons with "antz" nick name ;-)
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


It would be well more fun if we would bet all the shit!
Nope, silly idea.

I'm not going to share my details with you ;-P Baaaaah!
If you make up more interesting questions, I'd be in
Tradition IS a tradition


1) Casey Anderson
2) Crystal River, Florida, USA
3) 16
4) Their Law
5) Fat Of The Land
6) Naraya or Firestarter


OK then...
7)The First prodigy song you made love to (not with the disk)
8)Interesting fact about yourself
9)Your most embarressing moment
10)<insert joke here>

Mine again
7)3 kilos (it was on a chillout cd)
8)Im a Blue belt in a shaolin style of Kung Fu
9)First time i made love i lasted 2 mins
10)Whats Large, grey and comes in pints? an elephant


1. Arie van der Wende
2. Recently moved to Hilversum, The Netherlands
3. 22 Years young
4. G-Force (Energy Flow), followed by Android
5. The Prodigy Experience
6. I would go for Break & Enter at the moment
7. Never
8. I (used to) play underwaterhockey
9. Finding Fresh Packed Cuts for only 60 NLG, but not buying it
10. Only English joke I know really: What did the egg say to the boiling water? It might take me a while to get hard, I just got layed


Yes, interesting questions

7) Out of space, I think
8) I got 2 ass brandings
9) Emberassing is, that the branding-procedure got filmed and there's a copy somewhere
10)I want to watch pornography, but my pornograph is broken

Some more Q's:
11) What else you hear?
12) Your dearest film?
13) (Bad) habits?
14) What would you like to earn your money with?
15) Luckiest moment in life?

Underwaterhockey, now that's kewl,
please tell me more about it, Arie
Tradition IS a tradition



9. Finding Fresh Packed Cuts for only 60 NLG, but not buying it

Arrrgh.. that hurts :D
It's gonna happen, but not yet ya know?


11) Ash, Queen, Trance.
12)Mmm, Er, Aliens
13)Wanking (lol)
14)Music production and Dj'ing
15)Meeting my Girlfriend :-*
Keep them coming


7) Smack My Bitch Up (Just Kidding)
8) I'm a lazy git
9) Not Telling!
10) What weighs 10pounds and won't be plucked this Christmas? George Harrissons Guitar


10) What weighs 10pounds and won't be plucked this Christmas? George Harrissons Guitar

Sorry if this offended anyone, I heard the joke today and it was the only one I could think off at the top of my head.


1) Nikita Semenkov
2) Helsinki/Finland
3) 16
4) Breathe
5) Experience or Jilted
6) There's too many of them...
7) Weather experience
8) I'm really from Ukrain and I speak russian.
9) Dont know
10) Your mom is so fat that she could get a groupsale from the restourant.
11) Trance!!!
12) Matrix
13) Smoking
14) Maybe computer stuff


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