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zed tried to update his flash bios...

Started by Zed, March 06, 2002, 02:37:08 PM

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...and that was a big mistake...  :P

i've ruined all bios and whole the machine, guys... i'm such a wanker...

almost 3 days i was sitting infront black screen at the monitor... wheeh...

actually, i knew that any operation that kind should be done only under dos, but... damn...

thanks god, i've got some mates with hardware and my bios has been successfully updated... back to life with new version!... lol...
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


I hate pc's

I just can't stand them, they stink (sometimes), they are always too slow - no matter what you put into them, they are ought to be totally logically, but they seem like absolutely uncontrollable and abitrary and they always get worse when they should increase their capacitys.

Never change a running system, this silly saying became so right for me, it's like a first directive already.
Whenever I try to upgrade/update something it's mostly totally wrecked afterwards. Don't let me even SEE your pc.

I had some really amusing times with mine, for example, I've had a pc since I was 15, and since that first one, I never ever had a functioning floppy drive.
No A:/
I built in my old hd into the new machine and suddenly the floppy drive stopped working. Wondered a little bit, copied the old files, took the hd out, nothing. Stopped working since then.
I wrecked a keyboard once, when I was attacked with the 8th bluescreen in about half an hour (I know, there are people with even more bad luck, but I so freak out when I see those messages), I hammered on the keyboard, because whenever I closed one bluescreen, the next one would appear, it was just cruel.
As you might see, I'm a bit short-tempered with these things, and I'd so like to throw my computer out of the window just to see him smash on the ground in deep pain.
Then I would go and buy hardware instruments. Better anyway. So.

Thank you for your time.
Tradition IS a tradition


yeh... pc must die... i bet Jussi will support us in our hate  ;)

actually, pc sux because of intel cpu and microsoft's bugs... pc's cpu has got really stupid structure... i mean these 64kb segmentation and other stuff... i never was seriuosly into pc coding because i never liked cpu..

but also i should say there is some nice soft is done for pc... of course it still has got a lot of bugs... but i should thank a lot of peeps for the soft...

and of course i'd like to get music hardware, but i need about 30.000-40.000 of $ to get a "standart" studio. but it's a gigantic money for me, i will NEVER get money like that in Russia, even if i get a record deal, even if i sell all i've got... that won't really help.. so, i have to use pc... but anyway
pc sux  8)
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


Right, it sux and right, a real studio is so expensive.
All the taxes and stuff you have to pay you wouldn't even think about.
Here you'll have to pay for overaverage-loudness (day, at night you pay other conditions) and certain special taxes because of the swimming floors in the recording-rooms, the lessor charges more for those because of the altered building-structure and stuff.
Then there's the special air-filtering-system, also very expensive, all those basstraps and sound-absorbing constructions, someone who's checking the pc's every week, the cable-wastage and ... don't forget the scrubwoman.

But anyway, pc sucks. Galore. There's good software though, that's right. Have you checked Beatburner yet? (
A great tool, I thought of purchasing it, but it's a bit expensive for me at the moment.

Cheers fellow
Tradition IS a tradition


yeh, a scrubwoman is headache  ;) any woman in a studio is headache...

i've just checked that beat burner.. pretty nice stuff... but pretty stupid limitation in the demo and quite silly demo wav's though  :P

i've got a lot of synths these days... that's, actually, confusing me a lot... just dunno where i should start from... i think i'll be using only Vaz Modular, Reaktor 3, Retro AS-1, Pro 52, FM 7, AXS and good old Rubber Duck... i've chosen these ones   :) but also maybe i'll do some sounds in CrusherX live and WaveWarp... not sure about using SimSynth and SyncModular... but AdSynth, Organator, ChaosSynth and Mass I won't use for sure  :D
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


Just to disagree I will say that computers and technology rock ;p


On a side note, I work in the ICT field, so without computers I wouldn't have a job ;)


Tradition IS a tradition


yeah, a studio is one of the few places where this
macho-attitude is clearly right placed.

hehe  ;)

I think pattern 11 or 8 or urrr dunno was really melodic, a bit like the beginning of SMBU (by the way, my favourite Prodigy-sound ever. I love it. It's the sound of a king)
I've played around a bit and saved to wave per 'what your hear', but I don't wanna do that forever within 10 minutes, so I think I'll just order the full version. Maybe.
erm... actually, yeh, some of patterns sounds pretty good... i just have been almost sleeping yesterday and didn't check any patterns :D

i'm not sure i can buy a full version, i think i just will wait for crack or something...  :P

How is the Vaz? Is it like a real Modular system? Oh yes, Reaktor, I have it, but I never used it, I just don't find the time to get into it. Rubber Duck is the most squelchiest softsynth ever, don't you think? Far better than that crappy Rebirth-303. It scares me!
erm... Vaz Mudular is a some kind of analogue synths. looks very nice to me, and love the sound actually. check

Reaktor really takes much of time, but some of filters i'll be using always. at least all these resynthesis things.

i love Rubber Duck in some sense, but i never doing these standart acid sounds. Rebirth is a really bullshit to me too... i've tried to do something in there a couple of times, but then i uninstalled all the stuff. some mate of mine is really into Rebirth. at least was IIRC. so, i just dunno what to say more about it...

How is CrusherX and WaveWarp?
I'm always on the hunt for a nice softsynth that isn't used by every little Magix-Music-Maker-"songwriter".

CrusherX live is a pretty nice synth with all these resynthesis and 3d clouds thingies.. it rocks to create any weird sounds.. i bet Speedy J uses it.

WaveWarp is a Reaktor-type synth, i.e. creating your own synths and filters with using small parts...
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!


erm... Vaz Mudular is a some kind of analogue synths. looks very nice to me, and love the sound actually. check

I'll check it out today

Rebirth is a really bullshit to me too... i've tried to do something in there a couple of times, but then i uninstalled all the stuff. some mate of mine is really into Rebirth. at least was IIRC. so, i just dunno what to say more about it...

Ah, at least there's ONE person who also didn't like it!
It's so awful, everybody's using that Rebirth-303, thinking "Why should I buy the machine if I can use the software", but it just sounds plain empty, I think.

There should be a limitation of the overall amount of tracks that use a 303 (doesn't matter if soft or hard) that come out
per year, so we wouldn't have to tantalize our ears so much.

CrusherX live is a pretty nice synth with all these resynthesis and 3d clouds thingies.. it rocks to create any weird sounds.. i bet Speedy J uses it.

WaveWarp is a Reaktor-type synth, i.e. creating your own synths and filters with using small parts...

Thanx for the links and info!
Tradition IS a tradition


you're welcome, man. actually, i used check some site like and download all the stuff..
if i was in world war 2, they'd call me T-34!

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