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Rare Prodigy tracks for download :)

Started by Arie, July 03, 2003, 01:42:31 PM

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I've uploaded some tracks in MP3 format to my web site at, which you can find at the Updates section. Enjoy! :)


I had uploaded the new Updates page, but something went wrong, so I've just uploaded again and now you should see some new downloads on the Updates page. Sorry for this.


yo, aire need some major help !!!!!

ok the prodigy totaly rule so i have to get every song that they have ever made or remixed, including all maxim, flightcrank and flint songs which i have, execpt for this one

maxim's remix of flightcrank's "what u need"

so if you could upload that track to your web site that would be awsome!!!

but i need more......

liam rules!!! and he is a awsome DJ with good taste which is why i have made it my mission to get all the songs he plays in his dj sets which i have execpt for....

medicine - "i'm sick" (also featured on dirtchamber sessions)

i cant find it any where i am really pissed of i cant fiind it so if you or anyone else can help me out that would be cool...

thanks,   later


Quoteyo, aire need some major help !!!!!

ok the prodigy totaly rule so i have to get every song that they have ever made or remixed, including all maxim, flightcrank and flint songs which i have, execpt for this one

maxim's remix of flightcrank's "what u need"

so if you could upload that track to your web site that would be awsome!!!

but i need more......

liam rules!!! and he is a awsome DJ with good taste which is why i have made it my mission to get all the songs he plays in his dj sets which i have execpt for....

medicine - "i'm sick" (also featured on dirtchamber sessions)

i cant find it any where i am really pissed of i cant fiind it so if you or anyone else can help me out that would be cool...



As for the Medicine track you mentioned in your posting, I'm sorry, but I don't have it. Maybe you can find it on KaZaA or ask about it on Neko's web site for instance. Good luck!


well i would hate to break the new to you but you are all ready ripping the prodigy off by posting songs such as android funky shit and narayan just because they are edits found on promo's and other albums dosent matter you are still infringing copyright therefor RIPPING OFF THE PRODIGY :o

so you ARE stealing for a artist you have respect for :'(

but its cool everone dose it and its on a small scale so the i'm sure they prodigy would be cool about it if they found out ;D

any way back to the topic

if any 1 hase these two track e-mail me and let me know because i really need them im sure we can work somethig out

the tracks are
1.maxim's remix of flightcrank's "what u need"
2.medicine - "i'm sick" (also featured on dirtchamber sessions)

i really really need them so if any one reading this could help out let me know

thenks,    later


Quotewell i would hate to break the new to you but you are all ready ripping the prodigy off by posting songs such as android funky shit and narayan just because they are edits found on promo's and other albums dosent matter you are still infringing copyright therefor RIPPING OFF THE PRODIGY :o

so you ARE stealing for a artist you have respect for :'(

but its cool everone dose it and its on a small scale so the i'm sure they prodigy would be cool about it if they found out ;D

any way back to the topic

if any 1 hase these two track e-mail me and let me know because i really need them im sure we can work somethig out

the tracks are
1.maxim's remix of flightcrank's "what u need"
2.medicine - "i'm sick" (also featured on dirtchamber sessions)

i really really need them so if any one reading this could help out let me know



maby your not old enough to understand the word  "COPYRIGHT" but by posting the songs you have on you web site you are "infringing COPYRIGHT LAW" there for ripping off the prodigy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im not gonna wast my time any more, you just can't accept the fact that you are wrong and ARE ripping off the prodigy!!

but as i said before $100 says the prodigy dont even give a shit offence dude but these are the facts

1. your wrong
2. im right
3. you are ripping off the prodigy by posting songs to which COPYRIGHT LAW'S APPLY  



Quotemaby your not old enough to understand the word


 :) worng again!! ;)                    ..haha

i buy anything the prodigy release!!! i have all albums and singls execpt for a few hard to find singles and ep's like "what evil lurks" ect.

so you are worng again in that respect(no offence) just dont jump to conclusions before knowing all the facts ;D

any way just a side not you are actual cheating them out of money!!  for example

if someone wanted to purchace "the fat of the land" because of their fav song "naryan" was on it, they can download the edit of the song for FREE from YOUR web site.

yes is a edit. yes the "edited" version is not the version on fat of the land. but this person could be more than happy just listening to the edit they may even like it better.

now they have their favorie song they dont have to buy the album


if you read my first post a bit more carfuly you would understand that and i wouldnt have to keep on repeating my self

no offence dude seriously i think your cool and your a prodigy fan so you must be.
but like i said it's not a bad thing and in true prodigy style the prodigy wouldn't give a flying fuck about it, so post more songs that ripp them off and give people who dont have enough cash to buy cd's the chance to experience the prodigy....


p.s i also have and PAID for all MaxiM, flightcrank and flint songs i can get my hands on like i said in my first post i must get all the songs the have ever realesed. so you WERE wrong way WORNG...    but hay no big deal



I won't even bother to reply anymore after this one. The first three lines of your reply already are full of mistakes. I did not state that you did not buy any material by The Prodigy, I stated that you want people to upload commercially available music. This means that you want people to upload something you can still buy and do not own yourself. By not buying these items, but instead simply downloading them, you do not support them. The example which you gave, those people would never buy the album for just one track, especially if they prefer the Edit which lacks bigs part of the tune, which would mean they dislike half of the tune. Would you buy an album if you liked only half of one track of that very album? As for this Edit, you can listen to it on my web site in a bad quality. If you download it, you would have to 'abuse' the RAM files which I offer to find the source, you would be stuck with a bad quality RM file. Someone who is satisfied with that would also never buy the album. As for the rest of your posting, I can't be bothered to reply. Everyone may think of it as they wish. I do not agree with you and I probably will never. I've written all I had to say about this matter. Now go to a shop and buy the things you lack and please don't bother me with it. Thank you for your time ;)


I think you are mistaken. I only offer commercially unavailable music for download, which means that you cannot buy it in the shop, et cetera. If you cannot buy it, then how can this be ripping the artist off? Think about it... :)

Reading those words says it all.


well given the fact that you have to try and justify why you rip off the prodigy in you own way is fine with me. it is clear that you are in denial!!!

any way the fact you say you wont reply any more is futher proof that you are in denial of ripping off the prodigy!!!

any way have fun contining cheating the prodigy out of there money im sure they will like you for it...........(not)

later... :P


Quotewell given the fact that you have to try and justify why you rip off the prodigy in you own way is fine with me. it is clear that you are in denial!!!

any way the fact you say you wont reply any more is futher proof that you are in denial of ripping off the prodigy!!!

any way have fun contining cheating the prodigy out of there money im sure they will like you for it...........(not)

later... :P

Just read my replies... I doubt you read them properly...

I've helped with the old Prodigy web site as well as with Maxim's one. I think they like me ;p Maxim e-mailed me two tracks of his Grim Reaper EP, taken straight from DAT. Also he sent me an autographed CD for my help. I would say I'm being liked here ;p



and you said you couldt be bothered replying any more..

i guess you cant let go of being wrong...but you should be used to it by now

as i said before the prodigy probably dont give a shit

cant yout take a joke,....lighen up dude.

i have said "NO OFFENCE" in like a million post's but you musen't read them.

heres a tip, go through and carfully read all the post's in this section.


have you done it yet, if you have congratulations!!! see i was right and you were wrong NO OFENCE,

i have do go through my history like you do but i will any way.

i studed LAW 3 year in england an 4 years in australia, which included copyright law.

thats how i know for a fact you are in breach of it thefore ripping of the prodigy unavilable or not in cheats them out of money as i have pointed out in all my posts

hint: go to school and read up on this subject before you make up your own laws and justify in it your own way as you have been doing lately.

i have also contacted x-l recording's via e-mail (dont stress i didnt metion your site) and gave them a list of a few songs you have posted and thay confirm it is in breach of copyright!! i also stated if this would inturn deprive the prodigy of some income which XL replyed that yes it did and they stated figures in which they estimate the prodigy loose due to songs and mp3 posted on internet site's

BEAT THAT, to confirm i urge you or anyone reading to contact XL for futher information

you loose(again)


later ;D

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