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WoW! I really didn't know this!

Started by Firestarter, February 26, 2002, 08:32:34 PM

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[[A word from the author]]
I was laughing a lot these days at the forum, nice nice.
Really need that to compensate the shitty weather outside...
Let's go!

yeh, when i was in school, psychology was my favourite subject. actually i thought about psychologist career as well... but it's always was kinda hobby... it's pretty hard to be a psychologist is county like russia... a lot of work.. lol

Mhh, yeah, you'll probaply end up rich...

that's funny, but when i'm alone i'm a quiet, modest boy. but when i'm with friends i'm very loud and 80% of our conversations is totally joking and laughing... i just love to be a loud in public places like a bus, a shop... and dunno.. maybe it's because i like to be with friends... maybe it's just because i'm russian... maybe it's just because i'm male and acting childish..
Tradition IS a tradition

zed (superstar of spam)

[[A word from the author]]
I was laughing a lot these days at the forum, nice nice.
Really need that to compensate the shitty weather outside...
Let's go!
btw, how is weather? dunno, actually, here is still winter.. snow lies here about 6 months per year... but i really feel that spring is coming... sun comes more often.. i really love sun... and it's a big inspiration for me, really. sometimes i think i just wait for spring just to start make new material...

Mhh, yeah, you'll probaply end up rich...
yeh... sure.. actually, i just got end up insane... in russia, "work" doesn't mean "money". i know you might be difficult to understand that, but that stuff is programmed in my blood, really, not even in me only, it's programmed in any russian. all geniuses, scientists, whoever works for nothing. that's actually, sad. the great russian problem is that russians don't trust eachother, don't believe in eachother. for example, (even) my parents don't give a shit for my "musical talent", they would be more happier if i just work hard somewhere as a loader and gets some stupid money. all that's sad, the only thing i can say - shit is a good manure. the more life wants to kill me, the more hard i become.

I always thought it would look plain silly if a grown up man (let's say he's about 35) acts in this childish and ludicrous
way, but you shouldn't forget that the behaviour might stay, but the way and style you deliver this childish-ness in grows up too, so it mostly fits his age again.
In fact, I can't really remember when I ever saw someone being ridiculous because of his age-unfitting childishness.
But there sure are lads out there being just that...
dunno... my behaviour is a strange thing... i think my mood makes my behaviour... like everyone's...
but I can also remember just stupid people... just people who did some stupidness... but actually, it's their problem. they just used to do a bullshit all the time... what can we do?..

Ho ho, now it's you being brutal ;-)
Well, okay, everyone's real possible happiness is close, depends on what you take for being happy.
Standarts and stuff.
Women often seem indeed very unaware of what lies in front of them.
Anyway, they are cool as hell.
(To take the niveau down a bit)
hehe, yeah... actually, i post some harsh words pretty often just to "fuel fire"

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