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i was reading my online newspaper when...

Started by fj, January 18, 2002, 10:41:55 AM

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i came across this! comments about the new album

"It is darker, it's Prodigy and always will be, it's got elements of old school and hip hop put in the Prodigy blender," Flint offers. "There must be eight or 10 tracks, but you can't call it done. It's all cool. We've got quite a few together. But to be honest, we want it to be right so badly. Those 10 tracks could have been out already. The fact that they haven't means the 10 that do come out have to be absolutely perfect. That's what time does, it does not work in your favour."

for the full article


Only 8 to 10 tracks? Oh wonderfull, I've been waiting for 5 years so Liam could write 8 tracks. Are they planning to release a maxi-single or an album? I mean, at least 12 tracks would be satisfiying but 8?? I know they will againg kick ass as usual but I'm a little dissapointed with the info concerning 8-10 tracks.

Bye now.


reviews of the big day out in Auckland have not been flash

Taken from,1846,76932-129-133,00.html

Prodigy come on after Garbage. You knew it was coming, as hordes of punters come streaming down the stairs toward the Blue Stage. The Prodigy "come back" doesn't live up to expectations, however. The crowd love it, but the new material sounds cliched - turntables and big loops over metal guitar? Come on now!

The Prodigy members even look the same, right down to the blue and white star patterned pants and piercings. It's as if Prodigy have been in statis for the last four years. I can't see thier eyes but I'm sure the snake-eye contacts are still in place. If only it was still 1997, eh lads?


the second article in which they still mention Alli!
bad informed journalists or is she still doing the big day out??

are there any pics/audio available already of the big day out?

let the ant rule your life!



Don't take the reporters to seriously. They are all the same & they are usually known for dissing bands anyway... especially when an "unusual band" like The Prodigy hits No.1 in 30 countries and come back with "unusual" material. If THE CROWD LOVED IT FOR SURE, who gives a flying f_u_c_k what a reporter thinks.

It's only his subjective opinion, dont get all crazy now cause he dissed them.


yeah, I think that's a good point. Who cares what a reporter thinks? I think the crowd response matters a lot more and the material prodigy play live may be quite different when released on album. Does anyone know how much new prodigy material has been played at the big day out?

Wolf muncher

fuck the reviews I was there the prodigy was the hit of the day.
The guy that wrote that was probly a fan of madonna or something.


;D Don't get all aggressive on me, like you did with free your mind (although he said that when he meant electronic, he meant techno trance, you know, fuckin' milk inc. (belgian) and shit). But hasn't anyone noticed that in the article they say :


Who said that the other 4 tracks have to be fill in's? I didnt. In 5 f_u_c_k_ing years you can make 30 amazing tracks. Liam started to write stuff for the new album not so long ago and that is why the album will contain 8-10 tracks.

Look at Jilted - Great Album. Great Tracks. Every track has its own feel to it. And still, it's filled with 13 tracks and I love them all including the Intro  ;D . Look @ Massive Attack for instance. They made 20 versions of each track that is supposed to be on the new album.

What's wrong with Maxim, now? He's still with the band. He's still doing gigs with them. Hell's Kitchen was a side project. Nothing's changed so I dont know what are you on about.

You log out cause your using IE6 (high security standards). Try using older versions or Netscape for instance.


Chemical one, About maxim and the third album, and that sorts of things, I was just criticizing the article. Nothin' negative intented, That's what I'm talkin' about, since he didn't no time, I'd rather have very good tracks. Heck, I'm just happy there's an album comin' anyway. After dirtchamber, I just feared the worst.
apologies for the misunderstanding, greetz basscadet


basscadet (??), no prb. Btw. if you think that electro music is techno/trance I have to say that you're wrong. It doesnt have anything to do with those 2. It a separated genre (unless it's mixed with techno/trance). Things like Milk Inc. and stuff like that are pure crap IMHO and "bands" like those are made for the soul purpose of grabbing money,not anything else.


amen to that. And I know that electronic is far more than techno and trance alone, I was just talkin' about free_your_mind on anothers, He was almost murdered for sayin' that he liked the rocky side of the prodigy. Anyway, I WANT THE NEW CD

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