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Messages - Ekko

Collectors / Re: What Evil Lurks!
December 04, 2001, 07:22:07 PM

Sorry people...  ::)
Collectors / Re: What Evil Lurks!
December 04, 2001, 04:06:30 AM
I'm so drunk

Sorry fro that, I know it doesn't fitin here, but I'm so shitty drunk, and I got my first day at my new work in a couple of hours. Man, I'm so f***** silly
Doesn't matter, I recommend to everyone: Get the hell out of your usual life.
I'll say that if I'm not drunk too
Listen to your impulses, guys! And gals
Come clear
Collectors / Re: The Prodigy tracks etc
June 26, 2002, 11:15:53 PM
But if you even have a good audio-system built up at home, why don't you just buy a used FOTL at eBay, I bet you can get one there quite cheap.
Collectors / Re: Do you collect Prodigy material?
October 24, 2001, 10:44:33 PM

Collectors / Re: Do you collect Prodigy material?
October 24, 2001, 02:35:16 PM
What is a.s.a.p.  ?
Collectors / Re: title for prodigy book???
April 18, 2002, 06:32:07 PM
I'm definitely in, so if you'd be able to say where we can order quick (and cheap) we will ALL buy it, right lads?

Oh, I have to edit this posting, forgot something:
Is there a slight possibility that there are some details of Liam talking about music (writing, producing, whatever) in the book?

He always seems quite secretive about that...

Collectors / Re: title for prodigy book???
March 25, 2002, 07:29:20 PM

Honestly, only 'Prodigy' might look either quite good or very commercial. Might depend on the cover-artwork.
All those Backstreet Boys and NSync books have mostly just the band's title on front of the cover
Collectors / Re: title for prodigy book???
March 25, 2002, 01:42:44 PM
'Chili in your ears'

'Around the world with the dirtplane'
wow, this is extra-cheesy...
Collectors / Re: title for prodigy book???
March 15, 2002, 04:54:01 PM
Smack The Pitch Up

The breath of a century
(since Prodge used to put a lot of different musical directions into their music)

Collectors / Re: title for prodigy book???
March 12, 2002, 06:46:16 PM
What about something easy and catchy?

'News From The Dirtchamber' // 'Back from the Dirtchamber'


'Giving birth to the chamber of dirt.'
I like that one

'Let's get dirty when it's most worthy'
harr harr

Mhm. Really isn't that easy...
Collectors / Re: title for prodigy book???
March 12, 2002, 01:21:13 AM
What about

'Never outpointed'


'The Prodigy - Always unfused never infused'


'The Prodigy - Everything about souvenirs'


'Stress Fortress'

Mhm. Need more creative inspiration, might come back on that later on.

Collectors / Re: Castbreeder, track 6
March 18, 2002, 09:24:09 PM
Well, thought about writing for magazins ?
I don't know about it, but I guess you have at least one good (maybe underground) musik-maker-magazin there, have you?

The story about your article reminds me of how I used to write my own record-contracts when I was younger...
Pathetic? Don't know, maybe, but it was fun anyway.
I wrote all the perfect conditions into it, like, being bound for just as long as I wanted to and silly stuff like this.
It was the time when I just started with writing music or,
let's say, experimenting around with it. 14 or something.
I had massive problems to 'let go' maybe you're aware of this problem. I started to write and I never got a song finished because I always got stuck at some certain part that would not fit.
And then I got frustrated with it all and stopped it.
Later then, a pal told me he knew what I needed:
A kick in the ass.
So I wrote myself those contracts to set me under pressure, I gave myself three months time to cool at least 10 songs, and so I learned to get over it. It just worked from there on.

This is, why I try to get only really essential PlugIns and stuff.
Half a year ago I noticed how my plugin-folders grew instantly and I began to get stuck again, so I threw all the crap out untill there were 2 softsynthies left and only one sampler-plugin.
The other editing-fx were okay.
Therefor I now have a huuuge section of dynamic-editing-tools, it's a mess... *sigh* Time to sort again...

Great, I don't have the faintest idea how I got to that theme again. Mhm. anyway.

Lev Termen, sounds familiar, wasn't a relative of Bob Moog though, eh? ;-)
Oh and this shock you predicted, if you ask meeeee... It already hit.
The reason why it's not seeable this good is the media again.
But, I mean, just look at the record-selling-statistics.
And that has nothing to do with mp3 and the web. At the early 90's till mid90's there was a massive breach in the usual sales-statistic.
Thank you, POP.
Pop turned, it was a small harmless overground
almost-sensation at the eighties. But as the competition raised (mostly technically, no kidding) and all Pop music now started to sound EXACTLY the same, people got used to it.
The problem is, that there are people who don't care about music.
I'm sure everyone here knows at least one or two.
Mostly those guys/girls are this career-type-people.
Maybe there is just no place for music in their lives, and IF, it's Pop, for sure.
Sad, if you ask me, because people who don't hear music
(with their hearts), won't ever get this amazing feeling like
"Weeaw, you won't guess what I found in the record-shop today!" or "I can't believe it, my favourite band is comeing to play at MY town!" or just "I love this song so much, I feel happy whenever I hear it".
I hear music all the day, I hear it at work, I hear it in my private time, I hear it at my side-job, nothing would work without it.

Yes, I feel sorry for these people who don't know how music 'feels'.

Right, this stuff at TV isn't HipHop or anything.
Don't even get me started on R'n'B, HipHop at least WAS music before it became mainstream and Pop, R'n'B was BORN in TV. A production for the masses (who are asses as we all know).
Well, there actually is HipHop, we have like a small scene here, but it's crap due to the facts I mentioned above.
They stand still musically and try to wring out the last drop of pressure on the drums. It's all for the dancefloor.
And these are the dancefloors I hate.

Okay, I urgently want to make some noises now,

P.s.: Of course, who cares, but I wonder that we don't get to see any other opinions here?
Collectors / Re: Castbreeder, track 6
March 18, 2002, 01:17:23 AM
yeh. and here is the same. i love their first album "metropol".. but that new "breaking poing"... dunno.. to be honest i didn't heard the whole album yet, but it smells like they goes 4x4 beated stuff too.. it's like an epidemic... all the great bands goes some stupid beats and boring sounds... nothing new...
Absolutely. What is it with all those guys??
Is everybody pissed off of breakbeats? Did funk get unfunky?
The more I hear this 4/4 shite, the more I hate it, the more I hear some funky beats, the more I love'em, why is it the other way round with all those ex-groundbreaking-artists?
Even HipHop lost it's breaks. Whenever you tune in to something, you'll get straight stuff. No ghostnotes, no small funky drumrolls, nothing. I used to like the old Ultramagnetic MC's stuff, because they used those cool funky breaks, but nowadays... It's all about "my bassdrum kicks
more than yours / my snare has a greater impact than yours".

I don't like music without snares anyway, so I won't ever end up making (/ listening to) something like -for example- the Chemos do nowadays.

yes, the album rocks!

Right, but I think they sound best when they do something with pads and stuff. I liked the whole Metropol, but I mostly loved Neon Ray, carried the most feel within.
They do good things with strings.

Horr horr, we flood all areas with (at least slightly) off-topic stuff, we crapweasels, we.
Collectors / Re: Castbreeder, track 6
March 17, 2002, 07:25:49 PM
Alright, should have known all that...

that's actually weird, that you didn't know it...

To be honest, I didn't like too much from JXL,
maybe three tracks and I can only remember Billy Club at the moment

Lunatic Calm, wow, I miss these dudes!

Does anyone remember their first listen to Neon Ray?
Had a good impact on me.
Collectors / Re: Castbreeder, track 6
March 17, 2002, 06:39:15 PM
Superb, thank you Zed.

That helps me a lot, a pal of mine has some Junkie XL-CD's, so I'll just hear them through.

Ah, by the way, does anyone have a real tracklisting for the castbreeder album?

Thanx in advance
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