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Messages - Ekko

The Prodigy releases / Re: BLIND HOPE
April 18, 2002, 06:19:44 PM

Myopia is short-sightedness. To judge something before it's happened is surely the opposite.

The Prodigy releases / Re: BLIND HOPE
April 16, 2002, 10:04:52 PM
I understand that you obviosly don't like the new material,
but you wrote such a spiteful posting...

Why are you so surprised?
If you look at the Prodigy's discography, what do you see?
Rave, Tekkno, Punk. Something like this just HAD to come.

And as for 'he can do so much better than
You're not serious about Eminem, or?

I hope this will never happen.
Eminem is one of the most self-contradicting and hyped pop-stars, you can't call that HipHop anymore. Maybe PopHop.
I really kind of hate his lyrics, just made to piss people of in the simplest way, always with an eye on the charts ("No one was ever so aggressive in HipHop"), then the typical scheme of song-follow up's
(First Chartbreaker, then a more musical single, then the ballad and then some smashers again -- gone, maybe re-introduced about five years later).

I just can't take someone serious who pretends to write his own music but doesn't.

And Dre would only be slightly better.

But Dave Grohl would be awesome!
Really good idea.

Cheers, E
Yaaaah! Fugazi would be off the hook!!

I like the athmosphere in Jethro Tull tracks, that would be very interesting.
Nice would be something with Slash, still the most talented guitar player in the world.
An interesting combination: Prodge and Jamiroquai.
Liam's Beats and Jay Kay's funky basslines and vocals.
Does anybody know Eric Serra? Best OST writer in the world, he's got this spirit to write auch amazing twilighted songs, unbelievable.
And a last one: Jonny L. I think that would kick some serious oldskool Prodigy-fans arses, galore...

Hell, this question challenges SO many answers...
The Prodigy releases / Re: here's an experiement
April 23, 2002, 07:24:12 PM
No man army is the only track being properly recorded, or?
The other ones are just live-tracks, so they never really got mastered like the ones on FOTL.
Maybe that's the reason, but anyway, I think it's hard to tell how polished a tracks is when you have to deal with a noisy live-recording.
I find BGAT might be more clean in a certain way, but it's quite smacky, the snare has a good impact and it looks like Liam really uses his Electribe R and not only talks about it in (Korg) interviews, the BD sounds a bit like it, I'm not exactly sure though. I believe it will be very dirty and edgy even if the beat might seem more precise.

I find the beats on MFTJG were the dirtiest shite to be around ever. Quite funny, because Liam did things on the record which normally are a little bit proscribed if you wanna have some in your face beats, but that only proves you better do your own thing
The Prodigy releases / Re: What's ya fav new tune?
March 27, 2002, 05:49:44 PM

their all a mess, low quality stuff from liam, the guy can do sooooooo much better than this.....its really disheartening to see the band releasing stuff like this. ???

It isn't low quality, it's just different.
Also, we should wait until we get to hear the final versions of the songs - IF we get some anyway.

You really think BGAT is low quality?
Sure, it's a question of taste, but the track carries loads of old
Liam-signs within, it's just more relaxed and slow than the earlier stuff.
Although the major labels complain about the internet as a tool to get music for free, it still is nothing new.
Do you remember this 'Home taping kills music' -campaign?
At first there were magnetic tapes, then the normal tapes, then we saw CD-R & MD, now we have mp3, and everytime the music industry was wailing about them being tricked out and skipped, moneywise.
Did it collapse though? Nope.
Although it looks weak sometimes.

I don't have anything against people who d/l Britney and her lads, because all the majors deserve it in a certain way [look at how they treated the overground music scene, especially at the early 90's] and also - she sucks anyway.

I'm sure you do a good thing to the smaller labels (although Ninja Tune is quite a big one out of the smaller, freaky UK-labels), but that's only you by now. Although you said most people who d/l but don't buy music are pop-listeners there are still enough people d/ling music published by smaller labels.
This is easily backed up by the fact that only 40% of the records being sold are published by one of the 5 major labels.
Of course those numbers are different when speaking about the internet, but even if 70% of all d/l's had a major as a source it's enough to maybe ruin many of the other 30%.
Unfortunately there is no certain way of doing a proper d/l-research, so one can only guess.

Also important to know is, that many of the smaller labels (also at least one of the ones you spoke of) are built up by a major label. Majors are not silly, you know, they seem very dull most of the time, but they know exactly that they can't stay upper class with just pop music. So they buy small 'underground'-labels or build some up by themselves (V2 (Warner) is one of the most impressive examples, unfortunately they started to feature more & more pop artists a while ago).
If mankind should really ruin a major one day (doubt that), they also ruin lots of cool scene-labels.

And no, it definitly does NOT give smaller artists a better chance. It might not ruin them from the start, but it does not increase anything for them. mp3-portals are flooded with shitty music and don't belive that the A&R's really have a single look at those sites, they don't give a shite.

So I'd say that YOU might do a good job to the scene (so do I), but I don't share your thought about the mp3 market being good for the industry.

Oh, and Robbie writes own tracks as well, he is a good singer and performer and yes, he is a stupid moron who whores around the world without any kind of plan.
He's like a misled artist who is capable of even more.
Tempted by the dark side of the force.
But I agree about what you think of pop music.
I always hated it and if I'd ever catch myself listening to any kind of chart-able music, I'd immediately bite on that capsule in my mouth.

Greetings, Ekko

When the new album is done the promos will soon find there way onto the net. I have promised myself not to download them. Takes the fun out of it don't ya think?

I thought about it, it would depend on the time between the first appearances and the final album release. If it would be less than a month, I'd be in (I promise!). Because nothing beats the feeling of coming home from the city with a new record of your favourite band... I'll never forget the feeling when I first inserted the FOTL into the disc muncher, laid back
just to get totally punched in the stomach a few seconds later. I'm not a bitch, but I got smacked up quite massive.
I don't wanna ruin that and I hope there WON'T ever be any promo stuff on the net! Wishful thinking..

I think BGAT should still be d/l-able at

If its a single: bet you
Of course, the music is different and I don't like Oasis either (and especially Liam G., saw an interview two days ago, this guy seems pain silly).

But look, you say that "Liam knows that this record has to do as well as FOTL or people will claim it's a flop, no matter how good it is", but Liam often enough mentioned that he writes music for himself, not for the fans and he tries to avoid the mainstream.

No, I picked PWEI just as an example for friends who are musicians and then feature you later on on a record.

Plus, it's mostly the rec company caring about sales, I'm sure XL will do a nice advertising, (-hopefully not with stuff like sales forces or radiopluggers like all the pop-records are treated with-) so Prodge have to keep it low with the chart-ability.
The huge 'feat. Liam G. from Oasis' won't be on the cover I assume. But you were kidding on this anyway, were you?


This is bad shit man...
I expect Howlett is only doing it because so many people are telling him it'll be a quick route to extra publicity and back to the top (which it probably will). It's just too tempting to do a collaboration with the singer from one of the biggest bands in the world...

I don't think he did it for the publicity or to be on top of anything.
Why would that be tempting?
Wouldn't it be tempting to produce a Madonna album as well?
Also, I'm sure she would have sang on a Prodge record therefor and it didn't seem like anyone in the band was tempted by that.

Call me naive or whatever, but I personally think that Liam & Liam just get along good together, or why would they spend so much time hangin around? Because theese pop-siblings can't let go of each other?
No no no...
It was predictable, most musicians who became friends collaborate after a certain time.
We had this before, just think about 3D or PWEI or whatever.

I don't believe that just because they didn't come out with anything for 5 years they start to look out for money or chart success, would be a harsh change, compared to what they were about before...

The Prodigy releases / Re: new direction
April 13, 2002, 02:21:40 PM
Of course I would recognize it, no need to lie.
But if there were only five tracks like BGAT on the record (and the rest would be a nice warm white noise) it would be outstanding already.

Hey, you doubt what...?  :)
The Prodigy releases / Re: new direction
April 13, 2002, 01:24:02 AM
That's right, I think it's often forgotten that Liam seems to have a real high quality-self-control.

As for Nuclear, I'm sure it'll be a great track and make sense if really released as the second single.

Time to get excited
The Prodigy releases / Re: new direction
April 12, 2002, 04:27:07 PM
Don't judge BGAT too early, as Martin said the studio version will be well different from what we heard live (/over the net) so far. And Nuclear as a possible second single might be clever marketing, but I guess it will need some heavy work to be more 'airplayable'.

Interesting of course is, that Liam wasn't backed up by his record collection when writing for the new record.
He played some instruments himself as the interview reveals and as far as we know he can play the drums and bongos, bass and of course keyboards. Maybe he learned playing the guitar with Keith together. Or he started some weird instruments like sitar of didgeridoo, would be really cool.

And to BGAT again, that it's slow isn't bad, Liam wrote slow burners as well as fast ones and he said it'll be guite an aggressive sounding track. He might have fatened up the drums and this crunchy synthline all over the song.
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