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Messages - Ekko

Tracks / Re: Hyperspeed
January 13, 2002, 01:22:47 AM
Hey, what do you all think of a political forum-section?
But, okay, it'll fit into the off-topic area, I guess.
Anyone in for a nice political chat?
Mhm, let's see.
Tracks / Re: Hyperspeed
November 26, 2001, 02:10:40 AM
Why is everybody smiling like hell??
Tracks / Re: Hyperspeed
November 24, 2001, 05:49:56 PM
IMHO, this topic beats out all the other funny shit here on the board, dunno, it's not *that* funny, but somehow...
Can't explain and won't try.
Tracks / Re: wicked questions
January 25, 2002, 03:09:22 PM
Right, as well as all the horror-movies and the typical old
70's Funk records or modern Rockbands like RATM and company.
Tracks / Re: wicked questions
January 23, 2002, 10:32:51 PM

Listen to the Ultramagnetic mc's "Critical Beatdown" album(for those who do not know: it's an Oldskool hiphop group,featuring Kool Keith(Dieselpower)!!! Most of the tracks on fat of the land are influenced by Critical Beatdown!!! Smack my bitch up, funky shit, Dieselpower, Narayan, Climbatize and serial thrilla.
Listen to the Critical Beatdown album and you will agree with me that the instrumental parts of the Fat of the land tracks(without the guitars of course!!!!!) are influenced by Critical Beatdown.

Sure, no one denied the influence, as Liam also stated that he used breakbeat-portions in some songs.
But where does Narayan, Climbatize and Serial Thrilla carry influences or even samples within?
I don't think every track is influenced by the Ultras.

Tracks / Re: wicked questions
January 07, 2002, 06:43:33 PM

You seem to mean the original radio show. There is no online source I know off where you can download this from in a complete form. If I'm not mistaken parts where available in the past on Sentinel's FTP server.

If the Breezeblock-session was really like the DCS but just differently intro'ed, I can offer a faked one.
I just cutted and pasted the radio-intro onto the DCS, it's quite okay, but with the radio part you'd have to bear minimal static.

Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean. Can you please explain yourself?

I guess he meant if there were made anymore songs at Liams Dirtchamber than those we know.

But nobody else than Liam and co enters it, to do some serious sound there. Neill maybe. But that should be it. Okay, shit, count the guest-stars too, but no one else.

And yepp, I'm going to reply soon, (didn't forgetya,) but it was sooo much, I dunno were to start. Don't worry.

Tracks / Re: Narayan + Narayan Edit
January 23, 2002, 12:38:08 PM
I guess you two are right, I got hold on a fake-edit as it seems.
I d/l at Audiogalaxy.
So, the Narayan [edit] is shorter? I'll check it out, Arie.
Thx guys.
Tracks / Re: Narayan + Narayan Edit
January 22, 2002, 07:15:38 PM
Yes, this is obvious, but what I mean is, that Narayan for example, isn't edited.
Same length, same sounds, everythings equal.
So I don't get why it carries the [edit] mark.
Tracks / Narayan + Narayan Edit
January 21, 2002, 05:23:15 PM
What's the deal about all the edits?
I heard a difference at funky shit (shorter) and some other tracks, but Narayan (and some other I guess,) are like totally equeal. Haven't heard over Headphones yet, maybe it's differently engineered or there are some other small changes.
But as far as I can tell now, there's nothing different.
PLease correct me if you've noticed a difference.

Tracks / Re: Where can i download NO SOUVINIRE
January 08, 2002, 06:43:28 PM


Okay, okay, you do it... ;)

Mh, that wasn't as much fun as I espected, you can have your task back.
Tracks / Re: Where can i download NO SOUVINIRE
January 07, 2002, 10:52:32 PM
Plz tell where i can download any of the new prodigy tracks if u know of any??? ???

Please Arie, let ME do it this time!

Nope Senor, you won't get any new stuff untill xx.xx.02
Well, we know of them being existent somewhere out there, but nobody has the faintest idea about release dates and/or details like titles (beside the obviouse stuff).

Don't rely on others man, write your own music!
(Silly argument, isn't it?)

Tracks / Re: No/One Man Army
December 31, 2001, 01:41:34 PM
The new Crystal Method-tracks are great, from those good old-time groups I like Primal Scream a lot as well and the older Jon Carter things (when he was doing Monkey Mafia, btw, wasn't he supposed to drop out another record soon?) but I never liked Leftfield that much. I don't know why so much people say the first album was so innovative and special.
The new album isn't as well, I find. I like Swords and Dusted and that's about it.

It's not too much outstanding electronic music out there anymore.
Dust Brothers are quite good, but not too special.
Innovative were that Christian Vogel-stuff, The Super_Collider project for example, was exellent, or does anyone remember the first wipE'out'' -game? I'm not sure, but I believe only the PC-version had that Psygnosis soundtrack, written by Tim Wright aka CoLD SToRage, which was actually verrry cool.
A little like 808 STate, but wilder.
And then there's Asian Dub F., nice too, but that's pretty much it from the harder electronic-scene.

Oh it's a pity, it's a bit like a downgoing ship, all you get nowadays is shitty house-music and HipHop / R'n'B and commercial stuff like that. I moved back again and started to hear older stuff (very old) to get that underground-feeling back again

Tracks / Re: Help!
December 06, 2001, 06:27:44 PM

Quote, as always ;p

He really can d/l them there?
I didn't knew!
Tracks / Re: Help!
December 05, 2001, 09:27:04 PM
I think I got the most at Napster the early days, but Audiogalaxy should get you at least the FShit edit.
If you really can't find anything I would send you those three

btw, does anyone know what it is with those edits?
Fshit is different, but Narayan for example, I didn't notice a difference. I only f.fwd'ed through it, but it seemed like exactly the one on the album.
Tracks / Re: Titan?
December 05, 2001, 09:23:34 PM


Are you sure that all of us have a dvd player....(I dont have it)

Doesn't matter, as long as you got Internet-acces and a PC you can watch DivX
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