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Messages - Ekko

Tracks / Re: Death of the prodigy dancers
January 22, 2002, 11:28:01 PM

They, unfortunately, cant even put together and album with more than 8-10 tracks. Im dissapointed in a way cause of that. Dont know, we all deserver a little bit more after 5 years of silence, dont you agree?

If you see it this way you're right, but I think that it's rather a mark of quality. As Liam stated once, he wrote the older tracks so fast, it was horrible, because they all sounded the same (not my opinion here).
On the FOTL he wrote more slowly and got the perfectionist out.

But 5 years are a lot, that's right.
He didn't write all the time, though. When did he start? Winter of 2001? As it sounded he's still in the writing-process. He needed about 1+1/4 years for the FOTL, afaic.
I think it's alright. He still is very fast.

Tracks / Re: Death of the prodigy dancers
November 11, 2001, 08:06:15 PM
Really, they should have putted remastered old tracks
on the second CD of the E.Expanded, would have been way more thrilling then.
Tracks / Re: Death of the prodigy dancers
November 10, 2001, 03:14:41 AM
Oh, interesting, so it was meant as one piece?

But it wasn't recorded as one single track, that's for sure.
Liam also said that he did Goa together with his studio-engineer Neill McLellan live tweaking

A stunning track I find.
Tracks / Re: The Tribute Album
April 29, 2002, 05:57:45 PM
Don't know if the Imperious Rex version of Diesel Power is from the Tribute Album, but this one is okay I think.
Has good moments, the refrain is more accented.

There also is a DP-version from Quarashi out on the net (Audiogalaxy), also worth to be heard.
Btw., Quarashi is a good band, check out 'Baseline' (I think in the songtitle it really is written like this), nice guitar parts.

Tracks / Re: The Prodigy's new album
April 19, 2002, 06:03:31 PM
And sometimes something interesting or funny evolves from offtopi stuff, plus, the original offtopi sec is mostly quite quiet.
I think it's enough if the unrelevant postings are moved to the offtopi sec after a few weeks, so the other sec's keep their archive-appeal.

Tracks / Re: The Prodigy's new album
April 18, 2002, 06:38:58 PM
The good thing is, Arie can't grouse about us being off topic in an non off topic-area, because he's involved himself, harr harr!

Oh, btw, why don't we all drink a nice glass of Absinth
tomorrow at about 22.00?
I'll be doing anyway, so...

Cheers everyone
Tracks / Re: The Prodigy's new album
April 16, 2002, 07:14:43 PM

who said I dont drink like a madman? I'm a student, for fuck's sake!

So you're elite
Tracks / Re: The Prodigy's new album
February 01, 2002, 07:07:01 PM

I danced to "Lady Marmelade"
Jesus, sorry.

Now that you showed your true evil spirit,
we must insist, that you immediately leave the board.
Tracks / Re: Hey it's the same beat! Isn't it?
April 16, 2002, 06:50:54 PM
Ekko you foowel, what you talking about? Of course there are strings in Trigger! Almost the whole track infact... the distorted violin sound? Although I'd say it's more likely a sample as opposed to a synth ;)

Mhm, I'd say it WAS a string, but try to layer this one, you'd get a nice pap.
Also, compare this one to the ones we talked about above,
it's definitely NOT the one he always uses, you know, from the U220.

Yep, seems like a sample to me too. Sounds reversed.

Happy post-eastern everyone
Tracks / Re: Hey it's the same beat! Isn't it?
April 03, 2002, 06:42:45 PM

I got you Ekko, to make it all short you should've said "Trigger" ;D

Not to dissapoint you, buuuut...
As far as I can hear, there are no strings or pads in Trigger,
maybe you mean that stuff at the beginning, but that's something different. And those other deep long ones are just bass-sounds, no pads.

If you listen carefully, you can catch some of Liams typical strings in Nuclear though. At 4:52 there's a silent bright string coming in.
Tracks / Re: Hey it's the same beat! Isn't it?
April 02, 2002, 09:37:01 PM

Pardon me for asking, Ekko but what is a string sound? How does it sound. Name me the track and the exact time where i can hear it. ;D

Strings are sorts of instruments which have -well, strings.
Violins/fiddles or mandolins for example are string-played instruments.
Of course Liam isn't standing in his studio, playing the violin to some breakneck-beats, he uses technical equipment for that and plays them in per keyboard.
Strings from the box, if you want.

Knowing this, you should be able to find some strings anywhere on the albums.

Take Break & Enter, time 1:41, there's a warm sound coming in, you might find it sounds like being in the background.
Oh no, sorry, that's a pad, no strings.
Pads are nearly the same and sometimes you can't say whether you hear a pad or a string.
But mostly pads are broader even when played single (to thicken up the athmosphere, you usually layer strings, Climbatize for example has some very broad strings at the beginning, I think it goes up to at least 6 notes played at once. Some lower ones to make the ground and some to fill the height).
And pads are often more interesting, they do not only consist of the main-string/athmo, they mostly deliver some other little sounds and noises as well.

But those strings Liam always used up to the FOTL, they come from the U-220 (not worth a penny nowadays, it has a noise level like the Niagara-falls and is the most silly to be programmed synthie ever... well, at least it comes close).
Tracks / Re: Hey it's the same beat! Isn't it?
March 28, 2002, 08:16:07 PM
Yeah yeah, and he always uses the same string sounds
Tracks / Re: Hyperspeed
January 22, 2002, 07:34:48 PM
Coincidence, I understood "whores" as well, but after an educational history-season I got that it was horns.

The front-part of Poison always was "Turn around this fucking choonman" to me. But the 'robbed chairman'-version is so unbelieveable more brilliant...
My favourite of your misunderstandings still is the Breathe-one, though.

Tracks / Re: Hyperspeed
January 21, 2002, 06:24:01 PM

If you thought that was funny i thought that on Music reach it was saying Makes you wanna shit, instead of saying Makes you wanna shout.

It's not saying Makes you wanna shit ????!!!
Harr harr.
I also thought that. UNtill a few years ago, or so.
Still understand 'shit', also I know it's 'shout'. Can't let go, it's cooler anyway.
Tracks / Re: Hyperspeed
January 13, 2002, 05:41:51 PM
What's the problem?
We didn't have the forum in '91, so why don't you let him state what he wants to?

Besides, I found it somewhat interesting and amusing.
Never heard that mans 'name' in the track before...
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