They, unfortunately, cant even put together and album with more than 8-10 tracks. Im dissapointed in a way cause of that. Dont know, we all deserver a little bit more after 5 years of silence, dont you agree?
If you see it this way you're right, but I think that it's rather a mark of quality. As Liam stated once, he wrote the older tracks so fast, it was horrible, because they all sounded the same (not my opinion here).
On the FOTL he wrote more slowly and got the perfectionist out.
But 5 years are a lot, that's right.
He didn't write all the time, though. When did he start? Winter of 2001? As it sounded he's still in the writing-process. He needed about 1+1/4 years for the FOTL, afaic.
I think it's alright. He still is very fast.