The Prodigy 30 pcs sticker set

Big set of The Prodigy stickers. 15 different designs and total of 30 stickers. Sticker sizes vary from 9 cm to 3,5 cm. Order here >

Pekan Raya Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Event info: The Prodigy Concert – AONO Tour
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Venue: Pekan Raya Jakarta, Hall A3 (known also as Jakarta Fair or Jakarta International Expo)
Date: March 17, 2005

Info from the official Prodigy site:
Due to recent bad weather, heavy downpour and flooding that has occurred in Jakarta for the past few weeks and in anticipation that it will continue, JAVA Musikindo and Midas Promotions have decided to move the location of The Prodigy “Live In Jakarta” concert on Thursday, March 17th to Hall A3 still in the same area of Pekan Raya Jakarta Kemayoran. Hall A3 is an indoor venue and located right next to the previous area which is anoutdoor/open space.

Tickets for this concert are still available and can be purchased at ticket boxes in Jakarta and other cities in Indonesia for RP 250.000.

Review by neko:
We get to venue about 8.30pm and check out the support band (who I have forgotten the name of again). It’s a group of DJs with a guitarist and they are actually bloody amazing. Not that many of the Indonesian’s are impressed by these though. It’s a quite unusually high venue with a massive stage, whereas the actual audience area isn’t that big or overcrowded. People are politely standing and sitting there in anticipation of what’s to come. Overall it’s a very different vibe to Australian or European shows, but in a very friendly and polite way.
At 9pm the support act is leaving and one of the DJs remains to warm up for Prodigy. Again, cool shit, breakbeats and stuff. The people in the venue only start getting up once the band are just about to come on, apparent by the Exterminator track and then of course the Wake Up Intro and Wake Up. The crowd seem a bit like they haven’t heard this track (and probably many of them haven’t ever heard AONO at all indeed) but are very excited when they see Keith and Maxim go on stage. Their Law, being from an older album, seems to be a bit more known, but it’s also mainly Maxim’s efforts now getting the audience to get into it. He interacts by getting them to shout along and it works.
The sound is a bit shit tonight, kind of coming and going. At the end of Warning then it has fucked up quite a bit, but funnily enought this is a good thing as it now actually lets you hear the live guitar, which turns out to sound quite cool in Warning once you actually hear it!
Then the show goes on with Breathe, Spitfire, Girls / More Girls, Back to School, Firestarter, Action radar, Mindfields.
The sound is still a bit shite and tracks are in general a bit more cut off without the nice links in between, but does the audiece care? Not really. Overall it feels really different than at the Oz shows, Firestarter and Breathe are definitely the audience favourites. It’s a bit what I’d call an ‘MTV audience’. Not so surprising anyways as it’s the first time Prodigy are playing in Indonesia! Not many bands come here, so it’s a very special occasion for all these people and I can see many smiles on people’s faces. Despite the excitement though and jumping around to the music, people remain polite and there is none of that aggressiveness and “push to the front” as you’d have it in many other countries.
As the band leave then, people shout for more, and it’s the third Fat of The Land single they’re mostly shouting for: “Smack My Bitch Up! Smack My Bitch Up!” So of course the band return for the usual encore: Poison, SMBU, intro beats, Out Of Space
As expected, SMBU is the track most people know. Overall a quite different show to usual. With many people probably only having heard the main singles it’s still quite impressive how well the new stuff is received. Nice one.
Later end up having Caipiroshkas in the 24h diner of the hotel as nothing else is open. Classy.

Review by aryowica:
Just a sad condition, there’s a lot of Prodigy’s fans who couldn’t see the show, because the ticket’s price, just FYI a Rp.50.000 (that’s about $ 8) ticket price is considered very expensive (for most prodigy’s fan in Indonesia) and for the prodigy show was Rp.250.000 is considered unreachable!!!,
well, what can I say, we lived in a development country, not that I blame the prodigy, it’s just so sad for prodigy’s fan in Indonesia, all they can do is watch the prodigy performance from the net or luckily when they got  a live video and that’s a very rare situation cause the internet connection in Indonesia is awful
How did I get to see the show? well me and my other 10 friends, we all prodigy’s fan, but doesn’t have sufficient money, so we all gathered the money we have and randomly pick one to see the show, and turnout to be me and worst of all was some of the audience I saw in the show (well mostly) was the people who knew the prodigy from the “popularity” I mean it’s like “Hey I know that band, it’s the guy with double Mohawk hair isn’t it? I heard they play some techno music or something like that, lets go to see the show with my BMW”, but they all shock when they saw  the performance, infact some of the people yell “You’re nuts” or “250.000rp for stupid act like that?”  and some just laugh at them, f**K!! I hate those guy, Angry , they’re absolutely NOT prodigy’s fan
Well I’m sorry for being to sensitive or some thing like that, but it’s just an ironic situation for prodigy’s fan in Indonesia because it was the moment they all waited for so long but like neko said, definitely worth the experience, well for “me” at least


1. Wake Up Intro
2. Wake Up Call
3. Their Law
4. Warning
5. Breathe
6. Spitfire
7. Girls / More Girls
8. Back 2 Skool
9. Firestarter
10. Action Radar Link
11. Mindfields
12. Poison
13. Method Beats
14. Smack My Bitch Up
15. Out Of Space

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The Prodigy 30 pcs sticker set

Big set of The Prodigy stickers. 15 different designs (2 of each) and total of 30 stickers. Sticker sizes vary from 9 cm to 3,5 cm. Order here >