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『Maximに聞いてみた!』"Ask Maxim!"(Q&A)コーナー→

★Ask Maxim★

What is the origin of your name, Maxim?

A.「マキシムという名前は、俺が17歳の時に考えた名前で、 ”原理”とか”行動基準”という意味を指してるんだ」it was a name i thought of when i was 17 its meaning is a principle or rule of conduct.

Can you tell us how you met Liam, Keith and Leeroy?
I met them through a friend who was their friend and my friend knew i was a MC/Vocalist and when the guys saidthey need a front man my name come up.

What was the first record you begged your parents for and got?

A.「俺の最初のレコードはThe Specialsの”The Specials”さ。
My first record was the album The Specials By the Specials, i was a Rudeboy
and The Specials to me where the coolest guys ever!
I loved them so much their style the look and the music. i still have a copy of their first ever single which a friend gave me many years ago.

What did you think when you first listened to a demo from Liam?

A. 「もう、それこそぶっ飛ばされたよね。当時は自分も曲を書いてて、Shades of Rhythmって友達のバンドもいたけど、せいぜいパーティーシーンで有名って感じだった。当時の俺にとってはドラッグとパーティーが前提のシーンとは関わる気になれなかったってのもあるし、ヒップホップビートとレゲエミュージックに夢中だったから、ちょっと違ったんだよね。でもリアムの音楽にはヒップホップをちゃんと取り込んでいたし、狙いもはっきりしていて、すごく好感が持てたんだ」
I was blown away  when i hear it as i was also writing music before  and friends of mine from my old town called Shades Of Rhythm at the time were quite successful but the party scene. But that scene didn’t interest me at that time and it was very drug based and i wasn’t into that i was into Hip Hop beats and reggae music. When i heard Liams music i heard the Hip Hop side in there i loved so i understood it.

What did you think about The Prodigy music being categorized as hardcore techno when you guys debuted?

I hate labels as i don’t have a label for myself but people liked to categorise everything so they can understand it. but i can say it has many influences and that’s it.

Is there any track from your early career that has surprised a lot that you still like?

A. 「The Prodigyを始める前に作っていたモノが、まだテープで持っていて、今でもお気に入りが何曲かあるんだよ。いつかリリースするかもな」Theres a demo tape which i have at home from many years ago before the prodigy and i still like some of the songs on there. maybe i will release someday.

What was the first gig you went to?

A.「もうかなり昔の話になるんだけど、Hondoっていう地元で有名だったレゲエパンクバンドがいて、それを観に行ったのが最初。面白いことに友達のバンドであるStudio Rockersがその日の前座で、俺は彼らのミックスエンジニアだったんだ。もともと俺はそのバンドのヴォーカリストになりたいと思っていて、その日のショーの終盤にいきなりステージに呼ばれて、フリースタイルでパフォーマンスするハメになった。だからこのライヴが初のステージパフォーマンスをした日でもあるんだよ。

This is going back, but one of the first gigs was to a reggae punk band called Hondo in my old town. the funny thing is my friends band called Studio Rockers supported them and i was the mix enginee.I always wanted to be the vocalist in their band anyway right at the endow their set they called me on stage to freestyle on their last song.So it was probably one of my first stage show performances as well.

How did you get into Hip Hop?

A.「ヒップホップは、まずブレイクダンスから入ったんだよね。そしてDef Jam Tour 1987に行ったのが最初で、Public Enemy、LL cool J、Eric BとRakimとかを観てどっぷりハマった。その後にも色んなシーンを見てきたけど、rare grooveもその一つ。acid jazzが出した”totally wired volume six”っていうコンピのアルバムカヴァーにも俺が写ってる。後ろで帽子をかぶってるのが見えるだろ。アルバムに参加する運命だったんだよ(笑)

I got into Hip Hop through breakdancing way back and one of the first hip hop shows i went to was Def Jam Tour 1987 Public Enemy ,LL cool J and Eric B and Rakim

after that i was hooked. I went through a lot of scenes and another scene was rare groove , and i appeared on the front of an album acid jazz totally wired volume six .you can see me in the background with a hat on. so i was destined to be on an album .haha  

Can you tell us about your first Japan tour?

A. もう随分昔の話になったけど、とにかく俺たち全員何もかもがカルチャーショックで、ジュリアナってクラブでやった時は、しこたまテキーラを飲んじゃって大変だった。次の日にはレコード会社の人たちが寿司に連れて行ってくれたんだけど、その時は初めて見る寿司がおぞましくて何一つ食べられなかったんだよ。今や寿司は俺の大好物だし、日本も日本の人たちも大好きだよ!初来日の時に出来た日本の友達とは今でも交流が続いてるしね。
This was a long time ago it was a culture shock for us all and all i remember was we wen played in a club called Julianas and i had too much tequila that night and we got taken out the next day by the labe but i couldn’t eat anything because this was the first time i saw sushi and it made me ill. but i love sushi now and love Japan and the people! And made friends there that im still friends with today. 

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