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Topics - kenzie

Equipment / Equipment used for AONA
July 23, 2004, 03:14:29 PM
Howlett says that Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned was conceived in his bed and in his garden! His initial ideas were captured using a laptop and five pieces of equipment taken from his studio - a Phoenix valve compressor, a Culture Vulture distortion unit, a Korg Micro Keyboard, a Manley Valve EQ and a 1980s Korg MS20 analogue keyboard.

check this article at SonicState:
Off Topic / blue stage
August 11, 2002, 01:47:29 AM
we are entering the blue stage
Off Topic / MP3 'Knock on wood'
May 20, 2002, 09:19:41 PM
Please, has anyone got the mp3 of AMII STEWART's 'Knock on Wood'
if so please mail like the first 30 secs of it to me.
General talking / Albums
May 25, 2002, 11:12:19 PM
this could have been done before i don't know but anyway if you had to say which one of the albums was the best what would you say:

2) Experience

it's hard but that's my choice...i know a LOt of u won't agree on MFTJG coming last... ;D
Technical questions / IRC
January 19, 2002, 07:30:19 PM
I'm in South Africa( AFRICA MAN AFRICA )
but there is no local ircnet here( i don't think)
and i can't seem to connect to it with them stoopid drop down menus in connect
can't u give me the ip or sum way i can possibly access it through the dialouge box?
Thanx u
Tracks / Diesel Power
February 21, 2002, 06:40:08 PM
Is there a version of this with maxim on vocals? I heard sumthin' like that...'"blow your mind"
has anyone heard it, has it got the same chorus and lyrics or did KOOL KEITH(LIVING LEGEND of tha old school) write the lyrics??
Tracks / Where can i download NO SOUVINIRE
January 07, 2002, 07:11:53 PM
Plz tell where i can download any of the new prodigy tracks if u know of any??? ???

The album's gonna be sik???///,,, :-X
The Prodigy releases / New Shit
August 26, 2002, 06:52:01 PM
reading fan reviews like this:
 "The Prodigy covered a Madness song "Night Boat To Cairo". It features a live trombone player and it all sounds "ska style". I think the name is live Tonite.... and TWO other brand new songs (not Trigger and Nuclear) one was very techno/rap with maxim on vocals (Keith wasnt on stage at all) and the other was very old school "experience" style... it was excellent of course. They never had the army march intro or any those "fillers" jamp straight into nuclear and finished with the firestarter/fuel my fire." - Mackin (Glasgow, UK)

is making my mouth water
imagine a whole album with electronic style hip hop with keeti rapping.......
The Prodigy releases / time to answer the critiks
July 06, 2002, 12:44:29 PM
all this ciriticz dissing prodigy and bgat reminds of a certain era when they got critisized for charly and killing rave and all that shit. liam answered the critics with MFTJG...and he wasn't pleased with it(totally)
so maybe now he's going to answer the critics again with something as brilliant as jilted generation......
i'll be exstatik if it's even half that good...and i know it's going to be
The Prodigy releases / Nuclear and New Souvenires
May 29, 2002, 06:16:05 PM
Hey I've been listening to BGAT so much I totally forgot about Nuclear and Trigger. And listening to it again I realised that Nuclear is actually a fucking wicked track...ok it's rocky and all but it's brilliant imho.
The part that really caught my ear was there in the end when the track sorta unwinds ye know. In the 02:57(juge) version it's at 02:34 and on the 06:18 version of Nuclear it's at 03:14 and then again in the end at in the longer version ther's another sample with the normal 3 synth notes...that really gives me hope for the rest of AONO...and that is what i hope No Souvineres is gonna be like 'cause that would fit in nicely in a movie like The Beach i thinks...  
The Prodigy releases / What's ya fav new tune?
March 23, 2002, 08:58:53 AM
we all now firestarter likes trigger...or does he?

my favourite is  certainly Baby's got a temper
that little bridge part before the choruses just makes the track
The Prodigy releases / Tha Automator
January 14, 2002, 09:45:18 PM
What has Dan Nakamuro done on the new album and has he worked with Liam before?
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