I urgently need a title for the book (i always hated that voodoo crew one) and hoped some of you could help. can't pay for the suggestion but i'm sure i could dig out something cool, and a free copy of the book ofcourse! :)
any suggestions? (keeping in mind the fact that the book won't only be read by well informed fans like yourselves.
hmm... in view of new prodigy image, some unknown facts in the book... how about "the prodigy - under cover"... at least it has got a lot of meanings as well
What about
'Never outpointed'
'The Prodigy - Always unfused never infused'
'The Prodigy - Everything about souvenirs'
'Stress Fortress'
Mhm. Need more creative inspiration, might come back on that later on.
'Never outgunned'
'The Full Story'
'Behind The Scenes'
'Live and Direct' or 'Live & Direct'
'In Your Face'
'The Next Dimension' (Or is the word 'dimention'? Not English from origin you know...)
'In The Picture'
'Rock Your Mindfields' or 'Rock the Mindfields'
Some of the titles are probably very... ehm, corny... is that the right word for it? I hope this helps you a bit though mate. I will see if I can think of different titles... Good luck!
How about:
"Relevant Terrorists"
reference to Liam's claim that since they are back they are relevant as f**k to the music at the moment.
It might sound b*****ks, :-X but best for the moment, Martin
i'll keep thinking, in the meantime i'll piss off snowboarding for a year or two and get back to you(sound familiar, ha ha!!!)
pauly b
something like..
-Funky Minds
-Prodigy for dummies : )
-The Dirtchambers
-The Generation
-Prodigy Generations
-Thrillas <- stupid as fuck..
= ) hehe, mine where there..
something like..
-Prodigy for dummies : )
Thats a bloody good one, Martin - go with that!
What about something easy and catchy?
'News From The Dirtchamber' // 'Back from the Dirtchamber'
'Giving birth to the chamber of dirt.'
I like that one
'Let's get dirty when it's most worthy'
harr harr
Mhm. Really isn't that easy...
Kepping with the military theme:
"Prodigy - Squadron Leaders"
Do you or Liam now about wanting a particular theme Martin??? otherwise we are always gonna keep this army thing in the back of our minds whilst thinkin!!!
Also it would be helpful to know whether they will be shooting a video for this "proposed" single and the possible theme they might take as your book might be released roughly the same time?????
feedback would be great!!!
pauly b
its not that easy thinking of titles!
prod for dummies? might upset the publisher
no idea about the military theme - maybe just a passing fad for liam. dont lnow about the vid yet either - sorry
keep the suggestions coming
its not that easy thinking of titles!
prod for dummies? might upset the publisher
no idea about the military theme - maybe just a passing fad for liam. dont lnow about the vid yet either - sorry
keep the suggestions coming
yep I agree, this military thing will pass, so dont go base a books title around something so thin...
will the book be released before the next album?
ok suggestion:
5 years and counting
was it worth it
boys and their toys
why are we waiting.
Delusional Ravers.
Smack The Pitch Up
The breath of a century
(since Prodge used to put a lot of different musical directions into their music)
A Punk Attitude?
Does that sound gay? It would work with or without the question mark
completely chancing the subject, but is i right that you (since writing state of bass -jungle) know a bit about the scene, contacts, etc. as two of my close friends have been writing drum n' bass for two years and have twice appeared on "future music" compliations. Could i send you a bit of their work to see what you think?, they are currently doing a remix for Ian Robertson's next single(???) ,you might of heard of him, i aint.
anyway it would be nice to get some feedback from someone in the know, sort of thing.
pauly b
p.s thought of another title:
2002: A Punk Oddessey.
'The True Experience'
"The Digital Revolution"
The way I see it is The Prodigy was and is Truely a "Digital Revolution" to the Digital music Scene.
or sumthin to do wiff their unique style of muzik
Prodigy - Story of the Electronic Rockers
Prodigy - Electronic Rockers
Prodigious groundbrakers
'adventures with the voodoo crew expanded' :D
"prodigy:the naked truth"
"this and that of the prodigy"
cya peace
* "what doesn't kills me makes me stronger"
maybe 'we' instead of 'me'
* "serious braindamage"
i'll let ye know if i find some more
greetz miwant
'Chili in your ears'
'Around the world with the dirtplane'
wow, this is extra-cheesy...
OK, so the publishers have chosen. the title for my new book will be....
nothing more, nothing less. Imaginative isn't it?
thanks for all of your suggestions. i'll post more details asap
Honestly, only 'Prodigy' might look either quite good or very commercial. Might depend on the cover-artwork.
All those Backstreet Boys and NSync books have mostly just the band's title on front of the cover
OK, so the publishers have chosen. the title for my new book will be....
nothing more, nothing less. Imaginative isn't it?
Could have been worse though hehe ;)
Anyway, here's a link to Amazon where the book can be ordered (not quite yet though):
don't ordr it from amazon yet. i'm trying to convince the publishers to make the book available to fans on this (and the other good) sites at a discount price. i'll let you know asap
That sounds cool man.
yesss, Martin, it would be very cool, for all of us ;D
For the title, it could have been better (there has been good propositions there I think), but as said Ekko, all depends on the cover artwork !!! (is the one showed on amazon permanent??? I guess yeah, but... )
And with this "simple" title, the "non-fans" listeners (and so people who will potentially buy your book) won't be confused, I mean, they'll find the book easily in shops... that's an asset...
sadly i have little control over things like the cover art work. the first version of the book had ants on the front and an old pic (from australia) of the band in a little insert on the back. my picture was as big!!!
i'm glad they're using a an easier to recognise design and i do like steve gullick's photo (its also the only post lerrpy band shot) but i'd hoped they would make it look a bit punkier. still the final design has yet to come so my input may still be respected.
oh well
Whats the book about? anything that us fans dont know already?
probably a lot of stuff you do know, but definately stuff you won't already know. the first version of the book introduced a lot of interesting facts about the band that weren't covered in electronic punks or anywhere else. especially the stuff about liam.
this time round - more in depth biogs on each member (incl Leeroy), and especially Liam. everything since fotl (tours/ solos etc), the new material, on the road anecdotes and so on. its 120,000 words long which is twice the length of 'Voodoo Crew' - so there's bound to be somethings in there that are new to you.
so what you're saying is that it would be a good idea for us all to buy your book?
i'd love it if you all bought the book!!!
i'd love to give copies to everyone but i only get five myself. trust me, this ain't no get rich quick scheme either.
i'm a fan who is a journalist and just trying to do a good job on the progigy biog.
but if you don't want to buy it there's always the library :D
I'm definitely in, so if you'd be able to say where we can order quick (and cheap) we will ALL buy it, right lads?
Oh, I have to edit this posting, forgot something:
Is there a slight possibility that there are some details of Liam talking about music (writing, producing, whatever) in the book?
He always seems quite secretive about that...
there are a few things re the process for the new stuff - but liam is still secretive about the equipment side of things - so its not too techy :)