ok.. i just bought a roland juno 106 for ALOT of money
one of my main reasons was because the PRODIGY use it
and also because so do daft punk, chemical brothers, fatboy slim, crystal method ect.
it seems to be the one synth everyone has!!!!
also i am a biginner and it is a simple one to program so thats why i got it
ANYWAY the question is on juges equipment page under the juno 106 it dosent have listed any songs it is used in...so does anyone know for 100% sure which tracks it is featured in (maby someone who has a juno 106 will know and have reconigesed it in a prodigy song)
also what does liam think of it?? because under comments it dose noot have a quote under it
also if ekko could answer this question i would be thankfull (because you know what your talking about) ;)
(I guess that I've become a complete rethard or something, 'caus I haven't been able to login on JPN Forum since the last year...)
I have a Juno-106 and I've tried to figure it out too.
But it's not so easy to do that, because Liam have used his own programmed sounds on it (for sure). And if you bought a 106 now, it's probably loaded with the previous owners sounds (if you don't have filled it with your own sounds will say).
I've read an early interview (scanned from Future Music Magazine, available on Nekosite) with Liam, where he says that he uses the Juno-106 mostly for string-pads and basses. He didn't have any complains about it in the interview either, so I think he likes it (at least in 1993 when the interview was made :).
And I guess that the "Experience" album was the time when it mostly was used.
I can't actually tell in which songs Liam used the 106, and which sounds in the songs that are from the 106.
But I have one guess: the bass sound in "Charly (Trip Into Drum And Bass Version)" could be from a Juno-106. Because I've done similar b-lines (like the solo in 02:34) on my Juno. But it could also be from any analog synthesizer (Liam have used many).
Or this particular bass sound I'm talking about, maybe is a low-passed bass-guitar sound on one of the Akai samplers..hehe. Only Liam knows... And thats one of many intresting things about The Prodigy - It's really hard to try to figure out how a Prodigy track was done, and it's impossible to copy a Prodigy track if you not are Liam Howlett :-).
Btw, How much did yoy pay for the Juno-106?
I bought mine in 1997 only for $200, so I can make a boast that I've done a good deal ;-)
yeah i payed alot
in english pounds about $306 but in australian dollars $799
but still its not a bad deal because the roland juno 106 is a vintage synth and everyone wants one because they sound cool!!! and lots of famous people use them like THE PRODIGY!
so if you have one you will 100% get more money for it than you paid for it, providing that it is in good condition like a 9/10 at least, lucky for me mines in mint condition!! well thats my opinion any way
next on my list is a roland w30 music workstation (ill give you one guess why i want a w30)
also i was thinking about getting a korg phrophcy as my next synth, liam has one but appaently he said thay were shit or something?? but i guess ill try before i buy.
also i downloaded the factory patches so before i use it i reset it to factory settings and worked from there. we all know that liam loves the roland w30 (he's got 5 of them) but i wonder what is his favorite synthif he had to choose 1??
thanks stuff for the good reply ;)
Yes, they are worth the money. I think that Vintage gear will always have a high value. Also nice that you have a Juno in mint condition.
hehe I've got a W-30 too. Nice machine, can be used for everything. It's hard to sequence with it in the beginning if you are used to computer-sequencers. But when you've learned it, it's even more useful than computers ;-)
Liam don't like the Prophecy because it's hard to use. Very much digging in menues and stuff like that. If you want a powerful synth and easy to use, try Nord Lead or Virus. They are as easy as the Juno to program.
Another thing that is quite bad about the Prophecy is that you can't play chords on it, only one tone at the time.
You could check out Korg Z1, it's the polyphonic version of Prophecy with even more features. But Z1 is a big and heavy synth, Prophecy is a smaller toy.
Have you downloaded factory patches to the Korg Prophecy or to the W-30?
QuoteLiam have used his own programmed sounds on it (for sure). And if you bought a 106 now, it's probably loaded with the previous owners sounds (if you don't have filled it with your own sounds will say).
yeah sorry, i ment i got all the factory patch's for my juno 106 in regards to the above quote.
if your intrested i got them from here
a very cool site, a all juno owners or intrested buyers MUST go there and check it out!!.
but the presets are not all that good. but they are a good starting point to making some REALLY cool sounds out of the juno. i love the roland juno 106 i saw the chemical bothers using it live when they came down to australia in 2002.
oh and the nord looks cool and everything but its over $1000 in australia so ill pick one up in a few years maby when the price drops, but i would like to know a bit more about the virus, ill check it out on the web.
any way thats about it
Hey ho!
I'd say: Stuff said everything necessarily.
So bye then...!
to the Virus:
It's totally worth it's money (~ 500 - 600
I just love that bassline in "Love Island" :)
Yes it's nice with a trancey touch in some dark d&b, i think CONCORD DAWN uses a Virus for sure. It's nice as hell for outstanding melodies over all the dark beats and basses.
But guys like Ed Rush & Optical have done some really heavy (ok, 'none trancey') f*cked up sounds with the Korg Z1!
But my "all time favorite joy behind a synthesizer" was when I spent (only..) an hour with a Clavia Nord Lead 3, man this thing was wicked as hell.
( Btw, this must be a really rare example; almost an unused TB-303, but nobody bought it for $1800 which was the minimum bid by the seller: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1287&item=2512004890&rd=1 )
yeah, i would like to own a 303, i heard they are a bitch to program....but who cares they sound awsome ive never used one but i have used the software version on re-birth.
but i would rather have the nobs there to turn with my hand rather than a mouse, as far as synths go i only use hardware for serious music, and software synths for fun. but other software is useable for serious music like squenceing software, just not spftware synths they dont feel real enough.
i would like that 303 it looks NEW, i cant believe it has never really been new, who the hell would not want to use this thing!!
but i do have a question, as for 303 sounds i have heard the novation bass station is good at recreating 303 sounds which is good because it is cheap.
what else is good for creating 303 sounds that is not as expencive as a actual 303 because they are too much money for a dude on a budget like me.
also is there a list of what synths liam use's on recorded tracks, and ones he uses on live tracks?
if so i would like to know a few. but only if it is 100% sure
checked out the virus A, looks wicked but costs heaps, and theres no keys, but there is a access virus kb which has keys but it cost even more.
later ;)
We should be thankful to this guy who never used his 303 :). A majority of all the 303's out there is in bad shape.
You can use midi-controller keyboards to tweak Rebirth and other software synths. I think Fruity Loops has a 303 emulator, and Tritium Bass Vst Plugin is a free software emulator.
About hardware you could try if the MC-303 suits you, anyway it's cheap. Syntecno TeeBee and MAM MB33 Mk2 is other examples of hardware 303 emulators that is cheaper than the original good looking silver-box.
It would be cool to see a list of synths Liam used in each song. He has said that he uses Roland JD-990 in every track he does, thats a good beginning of this list :).
Liam used a tb-303 live throughout the whole 1990's. Akai samplers and W-30's is always with him (and a DAT-player).
Other gear I've seen him used live: Roland, TR-909, SH-101, JP-8000, Juno-2, Clavia Nord Lead, Korg Prophecy, Sequential Circuits Pro One, Moog Prodigy, Alesis Quadraverb and Boss SE-70 for FX and of course a Mackie 1604 mixer.
I'm sure Ekko knows the rest of it ;-)
Ha - hu? Someone knocked!?
Actually, I don't know much more than the stuff frum JuGes list, I spotted some machines and samples here and there, but - as far as this sample-spotting goes, better ask LiamB, he sort of disappeared from the board, but he definitely is THE man for sample-questions concerning Prodge.
There's still loads of stuff in the sample-section that's very interesting to know about, but I'm sure you already checked it inside out, besides, that wasn't your question, was it.
As Stuff wrote, the JD can be found in pretty much any
Jilted-era track. I own one and you can clearly sort it out in tracks, it has the most incredible remarkable sound a digital based synth can have.
I think it was the last funky Roland-thing to come out. It's a
gem man, a gem.
Things I noticed which aren't mentioned on JuGes Equipment-section:
Intro: The background noise is some saw-wavetable thingie from the JD-990
B&E: Strings from the U-220 (w/t, or from the JUpiter), altered, not the original Jupiter-strings factory settings.
(Some overtone processing, they sound more crisp, and longer attack times)
The sine-noises surely come from one of his monosynth, probaply the SH-101.
Their Law: TR 909, that's for sure
there's more stuff, listen for yourself, I'm tired of writing right now (wrote all the day, bah)
By the way, I can recommend the BassStation, it is very cool.
It can NOT simulate the 303, the closest thing to that is still ReBirth, but it can sound very much LIKE it.
PLus, you can do so much more with it than the pretty much overused squelching stuff of the 303.
Mine broke down a couple of month ago, since I putted some mV too much into it (sounded INCREDIBLE! But wrecked it after a certain time. Still a good midi-controller... :-/ )
Really, if you have enough money to buy one, get over it and use ReBirth, it sounds absolutely similar, spend your money on a good pair of monitors or a much more versatile synth with which you could midi-process ReBIrth. Which would totally replace the 303 now.
yeah, i would like to own a 303, i heard they are a bitch to program....
What? You've only got a handful of knobs, and nearly everyone gives this baby the scream... ;-)
It's very easy to 'program', no matrix, no midi (unless you midify it) and the pattern-mode is very easy to figure out.
I still don't recommend it, not if you plan to build up basic stuff for recording.
It's the thing you can show your friends after a couple of years ("Hooo, he's got the TB-303, wow!") until then, use ReBirth and tell everyone you actually own one. Just don't invite them to play with it. Or say it broke down.
Or you've grown up and want to play with 'real' synthesizers...
Cheers mates
Ekko, It's not good if you're tired of writing. Please, don't be tired ;-)
So you have a JD-990. I bet it's a gem! But how is it in use?
JD-990 is said to be a rack-mounted version of JD-800, though with much better features than the 800.
I've played on a JD-800 (for some minutes..) and it was pretty hard to get into (but it just has to be user friendly with all these sliders, just like if it was analogue).
Is the JD-990 (user-friendly) reasonable to program?
Man, I bet your BassStation sounded cool! I hope you sampled some sounds before it broke down. What did you do to increase the voltage?
Btw I forgot to mention that Liam also have used a Novation BassStation live. I saw it in a soundcheck video from Brainkiller's site (recorded 1995 in Greece).
..about using 303 sounds, isn't it like this nowadays; "Oh, so you have downloaded Rebirth, I have a cracked version too" ;-)
Take care.
QuoteEkko, It's not good if you're tired of writing. Please, don't be tired ;-)
Okay :-)
So you have a JD-990. I bet it's a gem! But how is it in use?
JD-990 is said to be a rack-mounted version of JD-800, though with much better features than the 800.
I've played on a JD-800 (for some minutes..) and it was pretty hard to get into (but it just has to be user friendly with all these sliders, just like if it was analogue).
Is the JD-990 (user-friendly) reasonable to program?
Mhm, I'm not really sure what exactly are the differences betwenn 800 and 900 (despite the format and the price), I think Liam and some other people said, the 900 sounded a bit more crisp and crunchy.
A friend used the 800 to remote control the 900 and have more voices.
Ah, I think the 800 lacks a few voices, IIRC. Not sure, though.
The 900 is easy to program, it's got that big screen, which really shows you the envelopes and stuff - okay, which isn't very important, since everyone can just listen to the sound and 'paint' it's own envelope in imagination, but a huge advantage in relation to the JV-1080 is the amount of information shown on the screen, which also has a higher resolution.
So this makes it quite easy to programm, plus, you can switch into the Palette-mode, where you get rid of the visual format and just enter everything value by value.
You can act very fast by doing so, which is important when you have to work under pressure.
It just takes a few days to get the basic stuff into your head, but if you know how synthesizers work in general, you shouldn't have any probs with this machine.
And it's great fun, I never worked with an expander that is sooo much fun to program! It's one of these synth were you think "Alright, the song now needs this and this and this, mhm, which synth to take - ahh, of course, only the JD can do that the way I want it!"
Strings: No problem, the build in fx make them as broad as you want them - or as tiny.
Textures: Its speciality! For more details listen to any Prodge-record.
Another good thing besides the fx (phaser, flanger, exciter, reverb, delay, distortion) is the eq which is quite 'on the spot' for a synth that existed for ten years now. (HAppy Birthday!)
And the thing I love it the most for:
THE shit.
Like mentioned, the bassline from B&E is build with the JD.
Ever heard a track with that kind of sound again?
Well, I haven't.
Besides one, I build myself. Sounds pretty much like B&E, which freaks me out... >:(
The only flaw is the number of voices.
only 24.
Sound much, but if you build a patch, you have up to 4 tones in it, so if you play two patches at once (a broad string-sound for exa<mple), you run out of voices when you play 2 keys at once, and when you change keys now, the decay of the previous 2 keys will be erased in order to reserve voices for the now played keys.
You won't have that with a JV-1080, which has 64 voices.
But sounds very boring. it's a bread and butter-machine, as we say here. Heard in every Pop-production.
Well, the JD too, but wayyyyy less than the JV!
Man, I bet your BassStation sounded cool! I hope you sampled some sounds before it broke down. What did you do to increase the voltage?
I only have a couple of tracks with the sounds somewhere, but I plan on buying a new one and do it again, but this time I'll sample everything before it f**ks up again.
I entered over the battery-slot and had an adjustable voltage-adapter. I can't remember how much he was over the normal value, I think maybe 0.3V, which is pretty much for analog gear. OKay, for digital it is even worse, but you just would have to change cheap ic's or other parts, not complete analog units.
..about using 303 sounds, isn't it like this nowadays; "Oh, so you have downloaded Rebirth, I have a cracked version too" ;-)
Yeah, I think so ^_^
I can't hear it anymore, it really gives me the creeps, this overused squelch... brrr!
But okay when routed through fx and by this made harder to notice, like Liam did in Funky Shit.
Take care.
Thank you, I will.
You too.
WOW! It's a f*cking miracle! I'm Logged in! on JPN Forum! Man, it was ages since my computer allowed me to do that..
eh yea..
I have som e questions about the JD-990 again, Ekkko :)
What Expansion Boards are you using? There's only place for one board at the time, isn't it? The Vintage is more for analog sounds huh?
Actually I've orded a JD-990 myself. But there's not any Vintage Board in this one, it's a "Orchestral Board" (and some pcm cards + memory for more patches). $397 dollars is the price of this one if anyone cares.
It would be nice to hear what board you are using Ekko, and even other JD-990 users in this forum (if there are any). I guess that the vintage board is the most useful board for 'techno makers', but I hope my "Orchestral Board" comes handly anyway.
Aiii, sorry dude, I had quite some time off...
I think answering the asked q's wouldn't make too much sense, since your JD should have shipped in by now anyway.
How do you like it?
Oh, about the boards:
I don't have any.
Too expensive when ordered as single pieces.
Really, 250
Can you believe it?! i haven't recieved it yet! I talked to the guy yesterday and he told me that he will check with the USPS office to track the package..
Man, it took 6 days for me to recieve a mixer from the US (to Sweden)! ok the shipping cost was about $200 (FedEX) but it was worth it. Can you believe how much fun i've had with it. ;)
The guy i bought the JD from sent it via "USPS Parcel Post" (non-air) and told me "it may take a while"... yeah i've noticed that.
The shipping cost was $60 dollars which is really cheap from the states, but i'd rather get my stuff quickly for some more quids - which i perfectly stated. Well, some eBay sellers lives in a nutshell. (and it has been impossible to get over a second hand JD-990 in my country)
In all the excitement of "being a owner to a JD-990" (back in april or something), I almost bought a "Vintage card" for about $100! But i didn't because i want to check the Orchestral Card first. And you don't have any expansions at all, so i don't think i will buy any expansion stuff - if the unit is that good when it's "empty"!
I'm waiting, i'm waiting, i'm still waiting.. for my JD-990. :'(
Stuff you definitely have the right nickname!
I always thought I had quite a nice equipment list by now, but lately all you guys out there seem to overdue me.
Gotta do some serious shopping again, I guess...
[And some seious working beforehand]
What mixer did you get yourself that had to be shipped from the states?
Say Behringer and I'll never talk to you again.
(Just joking, honestly I would just never set a foot up here again, hihi)
Weeow, 2,5 Month makes it an unstable buy, as it looks.
Can the guy be trusted?
Did you send him the money yet??
I can't believe it's that hard to get a second hand-piece of gear like the JD in Sweden!
I get gear easily here, if you want (and trust me ;-) ) I could
look out for your future buyings (or a JD, if you have the possibilty to take your money back) and send'em to you sooner and cheaper.
Maybe I shouldn't write this so openly, I'm not interested in opening a sechand shipping shop for the broad mass... :-P
About the boards:
Well, I'd love to get hold on the Vintage one, but I have to set priorities now (which means getting a good dsp-powered native recording system together which means it will suck out the last drip of money which means I have to sell my body again, whcih means I'll be too exhausted to write music which means something else again).
But sooner or later...
If you think about getting one of them, I'd really recommend the Vintage board, since it's the best buy value-wise.
It's got the doubled amount of wavetable-forms than all the other boards.
It's like getting 2
Lately my equipment list has growed because i have a little bit more money nowadays (not a student anymore) though i've always problems paying the rent ;-) And i haven't shopped as many 12inch records as used to do before. But i don't think i got more gear than anyone else in here.
No Behringer stuff from eBay, i promise =). But you're from Germany, aren't you? I thought you loved their stuff ;-).
I only bought a 16-channel mixer from the states (for half of the price!! as in sweden - and i don't know if i want to pay the shipping cost for a 24 or 32-channel mixer from USA :-p ).
The one i bought is a Mackie 1642-VLZ Pro which provides 8 mono and 4 stereo-channels (the biggest difference from the 1604). Some things that are good with the 1642 is that all input connectors etc are placed at the top of the mixer. It also has two headphone sockets, good if you have a partner like i have sometimes (the 1604 has one headphone i think). The only downfall is that only the mono-channels have sweepable midrange EQ (fucking nice 15dB filters to play with). The stereo-channels has ordinary HI Mid and Low Mid Eq. But it's nice to have some stereo-channels.
Indeed, 2,5 months is too much! At least the guy is answering all of my mails and seems helpful. Maybe he's just slow, choosed the wrong shipping method and all that. I'm still very hopeful to receive the JD-990 any day. Or maybe this guy is just playing with me, having a good laugh at the dumb european ebay buyer ;-).
Yes.. i payed him (sometimes i just can't control myself ;).
I've searched for a second-hand JD-990 everywhere in Sweden but no one wants to sell it. And if they do, they want about 800-900 dollars for it!! (but you'll get one of these JV-1080's for half the JD price). Anyway i payed the guy in the states $400 including shipping and insurance.
But as you mentioned, the smartest way must be to deal inside the European Union. Low shipping cost - and no Voltage Transformers needed.
If i won't receive the JD.. i'll contact you. Btw, i may need an Access Virus in the future ;-) (i must admit that Germany beated the Swedes in the.. eh 'VA-synth league', Virus is phatter than the Nord Lead).
I see your point about the Asian card, it could be very useful. And there's not so much synths out there packed with these Asian sounds..(
QuoteLately my equipment list has growed because i have a little bit more money nowadays (not a student anymore) though i've always problems paying the rent ;-) And i haven't shopped as many 12inch records as used to do before. But i don't think i got more gear than anyone else in here.
No Behringer stuff from eBay, i promise =). But you're from Germany, aren't you? I thought you loved their stuff ;-).
I look forward to getting a job soon, then I'll be back in the game.
Noooo! We hate Behringer for being from Germany...
Really a black sheep in our flawless productline ;-)
No, honestly, Behringer is on a new way, as it seems.
They seem to put more effort in their stuff now, and they also got a good position with their Feedback Destroyer Pro, which of course isn't as good as the Sabine-gear, but for THAT price really rocks the ass out of the pants.
PLus, the mixing desks get better with the time and one thing that is really good and would be more acclaimed if 'Behringer' wasn't written on it is the Ultrafex-series alongside the late Virtualizers.
But never buy anything with tube-bulbs or any Dynamic-processors from Behringer, they are quite low end and mostly react very slow. They even build microphones, they must be awful...
I only bought a 16-channel mixer from the states (for half of the price!! as in sweden - and i don't know if i want to pay the shipping cost for a 24 or 32-channel mixer from USA :-p ).
The one i bought is a Mackie 1642-VLZ Pro which provides 8 mono and 4 stereo-channels (the biggest difference from the 1604). Some things that are good with the 1642 is that all input connectors etc are placed at the top of the mixer. It also has two headphone sockets, good if you have a partner like i have sometimes (the 1604 has one headphone i think). The only downfall is that only the mono-channels have sweepable midrange EQ (fucking nice 15dB filters to play with). The stereo-channels has ordinary HI Mid and Low Mid Eq. But it's nice to have some stereo-channels.
Yeah, Mackie's always a good choice.
It was just yesterday, that I put my old 1604 on sale...
With a broken heart.
All this VLZ-gear is very good, they got the greatest Mic-Preamps in that price-range. Which is what I'll really miss, I guess.
Nonetheless, I'm going digital now (Yeah, I was so against that, I know, but in the end, you can't resist... It's just more compfortable and cheaper).
Indeed, 2,5 months is too much! At least the guy is answering all of my mails and seems helpful. Maybe he's just slow, choosed the wrong shipping method and all that. I'm still very hopeful to receive the JD-990 any day. Or maybe this guy is just playing with me, having a good laugh at the dumb european ebay buyer ;-).
Yes.. i payed him (sometimes i just can't control myself ;).
I've searched for a second-hand JD-990 everywhere in Sweden but no one wants to sell it. And if they do, they want about 800-900 dollars for it!! (but you'll get one of these JV-1080's for half the JD price). Anyway i payed the guy in the states $400 including shipping and insurance.
But as you mentioned, the smartest way must be to deal inside the European Union. Low shipping cost - and no Voltage Transformers needed.
If i won't receive the JD.. i'll contact you. Btw, i may need an Access Virus in the future ;-) (i must admit that Germany beated the Swedes in the.. eh 'VA-synth league', Virus is phatter than the Nord Lead).
Mhm, I'm not sure about the beating thing, as far as I see that evolution departs quite a lot with the last versions of 'our' VA's. The Virus C is a total monster, for sure, although I hate the red didplay on it, but the Nord 3 must be cool as well (haven't checked it yet), and the Modular is great stuff anyway. I think the actual natural progression is good for both manufacturers.
But one thing is clear: The advertising for the Nord is WAYYY better than that for the Virus (you saw the ad? That cute blonde swedish babe lying in bed with the Nord Lead II KB?).
I see your point about the Asian card, it could be very useful. And there's not so much synths out there packed with these Asian sounds..(
Noooo! We hate Behringer for being from Germany...
Really a black sheep in our flawless productline ;-)
No, honestly, Behringer is on a new way, as it seems.
They seem to put more effort in their stuff now, and they also got a good position with their Feedback Destroyer Pro, which of course isn't as good as the Sabine-gear, but for THAT price really rocks the ass out of the pants.
PLus, the mixing desks get better with the time and one thing that is really good and would be more acclaimed if 'Behringer' wasn't written on it is the Ultrafex-series alongside the late Virtualizers.
But never buy anything with tube-bulbs or any Dynamic-processors from Behringer, they are quite low end and mostly react very slow. They even build microphones, they must be awful...
(i just have to try the quote-thing)
I've heard that Behringer's new mixers is a huge improvement from the earlier generations (well they have to improve to survive).
Since i don't got ANY mastering tools at all, i've considered purchasing some of their tube-stuff (cheap and looks cool) but now you've warned me. : - )
So you're going digital.. you betrayer! ;)
But one thing is clear: The advertising for the Nord is WAYYY better than that for the Virus (you saw the ad? That cute blonde swedish babe lying in bed with the Nord Lead II KB?).
Dammit! haven't seen the Nord Lead advertising with the chick, seems like i've missed something good. We usually don't find pictures like that in the music mags. : - )
I think one of the best things with Virus is the built in fx (and the Nord lead only has 4 parts).
Clavia's "Nord Modular" seems good. Have you tried Access "Indigo"? Any reason for buying this thing instead of a KB/KC?
Right, there's a card with Didgeridoosounds on it as well.
Dunno the name, tough.
How do you make this upside-downed questionmark?
I always use that in sms, but I can't- ?}][{
have finally received the JD,
and it's a very good piece of unit! I really like it's user interface and all the 'analogish parameters', can't believe the machine is ten years old (both cosmetically and structurally).
Though i don't like that A and B Banks are ROM, because i would like to overwrite these common factory presets (with some own killer patches ;). But i've got the M-256E Memory Card so i have some more space to save on, except from the internal RAM bank.
I also got the Orchestral Expansion Board and a f*cking Orchestral FX PCM-waveform card with it... So i can tell you i'm tired of orchestral sounds by now :). I need to investigate some other waveforms in my 'Super JD Synthesizer Module'.
'Vintage Synth'-card next, maybe