
Misc categories => General talking => Topic started by: Stuff on August 01, 2003, 10:47:51 PM

Title: Your songs!
Post by: Stuff on August 01, 2003, 10:47:51 PM
I know there are some guys in here creating dope music. So visit and check out the competition (before 15 sept).
"A copy of this album will be sent to Liam Howlett" - i guess he receive a lot of shit fan-remixes and stuff, but i really believe in this competition. It just gotta be intresting for him to receieve a cd of 12 songs voted to be the 12 best - created by fans, inspired of his music!
And i have a fucking beast in my backpocket that i will send to Brainkiller :) And i hope you others (c'mon Ekko! ;-) will do the same. / Good Luck!

"Rules and tips:
1. You have time until September 15 to submit your mp3.
2. The songs are to be your own style, not Prodigy remixes.
3. You don't have to write a new tune for this contest. But if you want to, do it.
4. Do not try to steal other peoples work, as if you will get to the finals you will have to send info about the programs used and samples you have used.
5. Entries will not be published until the deadline. The entrants will rate their own work on September 16, and the best 12 tunes will be chosen as the fans album, and they will have to choose also the name of it.
6. A copy of this album will be sent to Liam Howlett.

How to join:
- If you have your tune hosted on your webspace, just send the link to it.
- Send also the link to a preview of your tune(one minute long) mp3 format
- If you don't have space where to host your files, just mail them to me.

Add-on rules:
1. Please specify your name/band name and the track name.
2. No E-Jay or Playstation stuff please."
Title: Re: Your songs!
Post by: Ekko on February 04, 2004, 02:09:18 PM

I absolutely love that idea and I know Stuff will come first or something..

I really wonder how your shit sounds right now, heard someting about 1,5 years ago or so and I was on fire  :o :-X

I have one track here that might fit, but it's not redy yet.
It's a collabo with someone from a gothic-band, so it sounds a bit like HIM-Vox over Prodge-Synths with ChemBros-Beats and some Massive Attacky-like arrangement in the breakdown..

But maybe it's crap, I can't remember, it started a couple of months ago, as joke.

Stuff, set up a website and conquer the world, will ya?
I'll promote the site in Germany ;D

Chin Chin!
Title: Re: Your songs!
Post by: Stuff on February 14, 2004, 05:33:01 PM
NICE to see you back! long time Ekko
The contest is over and the 'album is released'. I never made it to one of the top 13 tracks :(.  There was good stuff on the album for sure. Mine is more like a 'Experience'-type of track (?
Title: Re: Your songs!
Post by: Ekko on February 16, 2004, 01:53:03 AM
Yaarrr, nice work!

SMBU / Crazy-Man sample, heh?  ;)

The fanfare-like sample (?what is that?) is wonderful and the wild granular-like drum-freakups sound really good.

Maybe some additional wirrly synth would fit!

I still got the two tracks you sent me a whiiiile ago (something with "tubby" in it and some other tune) and I think they are gems.
Honestly, a decade ago, you could have had a place in the upper experience-style artist-community.

I had a listen to the tribute album from, some tunes are very cool, but some are really mainstreamy trance-sounding crap. maybe good as well, but didn't fit on it.

as for the conquering:
why don't you get some place at one of those mp3-artist-"promotion" sites?  :D ???
Title: Re: Your songs!
Post by: Stuff on February 16, 2004, 10:31:13 PM
yea i know.. it sounds like a Crazy Man/SMBU sample. But it's not - promise! It's actually a digeridoo. (Liam's sample sounds more like a lowtune brass sound, at least to me ; ).

"Ruffcut" needs a bit more work. It tends to be repetetive and lacks in some parts - i.e. it needs another synth element like you mentioned..
Though, i don't think there are 2 drum bars that are 100% identical in this song. But then, who will really notice it. ???

That 'anthemic' horn loop comes from the theme of "Conan the Destroyer" (1984). If you've seen this movie (and consider Arnold's acting), the horn loop is most likely to make you laugh.  :)

Thanks, wish I had the equipment/gear I have today 10 years ago.. :-p  Though i don't think the granular synthesis was developed in 1994 (
Title: Re: Your songs!
Post by: Ekko on February 19, 2004, 02:09:16 AM
yea i know.. it sounds like a Crazy Man/SMBU sample. But it's not - promise! It's actually a digeridoo. (Liam's sample sounds more like a lowtune brass sound, at least to me ; ).

"Ruffcut" needs a bit more work. It tends to be repetetive and lacks in some parts - i.e. it needs another synth element like you mentioned..
Though, i don't think there are 2 drum bars that are 100% identical in this song. But then, who will really notice it. ???

Maybe Richard D James will  ;D
Btw., saw that DVD from Chris Cunningham, that guy who did some videos for Aphex Twin and Squarepuscher and Bj
Title: Re: Your songs!
Post by: Stuff on February 25, 2004, 03:52:04 AM

Maybe Richard D James will
Title: Re: Your songs!
Post by: Ekko on March 16, 2004, 04:50:27 PM

Yes i have seen some of his vids, can't name anyone that has done cooler vids than Cunningham. Indeed, Windowlicker video is VERY good! I have to check that DVD.

Yeah, if you do, make sure sou check "Rubber Johnny"
(brrrr! Do you like the Silent Hill-type of 'clicky-monsters'...?)  :-X

But i know there are LOADS of awesome tv/movie-music composers out there. (many of them has JD-990 too ; ).
Title: Re: Your songs!
Post by: Ekko on March 16, 2004, 05:17:46 PM
This King Tubby makes me go sick...
The atmosphere is so oldschool and the harmonies are as well, but something about is modern.
Maybe it's just me, but I really and honestly consider it one of the coolest sounding eerm - oldskool/breakbeat/whatever - songs. You should go back on that and pump it up a little (maybe phattening the sum of the beats with a good compressor and putting a good limiter on top of the overall sum (PSP vintage warmer)), that would make it even better.

PSY01 sounded quite good, although I'm not that much of a goa-attracted listener.

All the tracks seem to be really made with an effort in drum-programming and changeing patterns! Really miss that sometimes with Liams beats...  >:(
They're quite static,mostly.

Out Of My House made me anxious  ;D
Pretty Jilted-Like Horror-movie-like samples - cool!

One track I liked a lot (although I consider myself out of the Jungle-listening-time..) was Friday At The Pre-Party.
The intro fits good with the rest and the Oaahh at 0:48 (and following) functions so cool, very moody, somehow.

I think you always move on the edge of packing too much ideas and samples in your songs, but it definitely works. ;)

Maybe you should use more compression and equing (mainly on the drums) from time to time, that would make the sound even more earcandy-ish...

Greetings, Ekko
Title: Re: Your songs!
Post by: Stuff on May 10, 2004, 12:50:27 PM
Yes even at this lo-quality level of sound a 'trained' ear can notie the glints in my mixes.
Title: -
Post by: Alextup on September 07, 2021, 12:15:20 AM
Jap pop is my favorite, well any song that comes from an rpg game or anime. I find songs on MTV and channel V full of not so good messages.