I've got a spare Earthbound 2 copy for sale. Comes in a white sleeve. On the A-side is the "EARTHBOUND 2" logo, on the B-side is a writing saying something like "One Love Liam Howlet Remix". Serious offers only please!
I also have a spare, opened, Fresh Packed Cuts and several promotional 12 inches (Fire/Jericho, Wind It Up, et cetera) for trade or sale. Again, serious offers only please!
This one above is sold, but I've got another Earthbound 2 for trade or sale as well as an Earthbound 1 white label. Interested? Send me an e-mail.
Hey Arie,
Ik heb nog een ingesealde 'always outnumbered.." indonesishe cassette liggen. Mocht je interesse hebben...!
Jep, altijd ;) Stuur maar een e-mail naar prodigy apenstaartje worldonline punt nl ;)