
General discussion => Tracks => Topic started by: MzR on December 05, 2005, 01:22:13 AM

Title: Casanova & Everybody say love???
Post by: MzR on December 05, 2005, 01:22:13 AM
Are this tracks is made by prodigy?
I have a lot prodigy traks what i can't find in releases.
Bass under siege
Everybody say love
Instruments of darkness
made in two minutes
Release Yo'Delf
Take Me
The Time Frequecy Retributtion
Title: Re: Casanova & Everybody say love???
Post by: Arie on December 10, 2005, 10:29:58 PM
QuoteAre this tracks is made by prodigy?
I have a lot prodigy traks what i can't find in releases.
Bass under siege
Everybody say love
Instruments of darkness
made in two minutes
Release Yo'Delf
Take Me
The Time Frequecy Retributtion
Yes and no ;) No, none of them are Prodigy tracks. They are all remixes that The Prodigy made for other artists. See for a list of all official Prodigy tracks and all the remixes made for other artists.
Title: Re: Casanova & Everybody say love???
Post by: Mzr(Guest) on December 14, 2005, 03:48:29 AM
Thanks Arie