
General discussion => The Prodigy releases => Topic started by: The Prodigy on November 22, 2001, 05:24:52 AM

Title: Some news on the next album
Post by: The Prodigy on November 22, 2001, 05:24:52 AM
According to this site
It got some news.

"9th November - album update
Liam Howlett has spoken about pregress on the new album. The real news comes with the fact that Perry Farrell (Jane's Addiction) will be guesting on the album, amongst others. While speaking of the album, Liam mentioned that he expected it to be 'rocky' but is turning out 'electronic'. Singer/dancer Keith will be playing guitar on it. The title remains initially as "Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned" and is expected for release in 2002."

Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: antz on November 22, 2001, 04:16:41 PM
We already knew this?

"Keith on guitar" (its gotta be better than his vocals?)
"Perry Farrell" (can't wait to hear that one)
"Electronic" (heading back in the right direction)
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: The Prodigy on November 22, 2001, 07:55:50 PM
Yeeeeeeeeeep it's gonna be good!!!
I didn't know you guys knew this! NO U DIDNT!!! ;D

We already knew this?

"Keith on guitar" (its gotta be better than his vocals?)
"Perry Farrell" (can't wait to hear that one)
"Electronic" (heading back in the right direction)
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: free_your_mind on November 22, 2001, 11:57:01 PM
electronic sucks.
better rocky.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: robo65uk (Guest) on November 25, 2001, 01:33:46 AM
'electronic sucks'. So you obviously not a prodigy fan then? Prodigy are an electronic band and their music isn't punky at all. Although their attitude is.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: antz on November 25, 2001, 04:24:12 PM
Well said Robo, sarcasm is what I like to see :o
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Firestarter on November 25, 2001, 08:22:54 PM
electronic sucks.
better rocky.

 >:( TELL ME YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT! Oh no You fuckin dont say Electronic sucks! You fuckin moron! You thibk you can talk like that about Prodigy!? Hey you fuckin ass! You know what you can do Get DA FUCK OUTTA THESE BOARDS!!!
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: fj on November 26, 2001, 01:18:53 AM



>:( TELL ME YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT! Oh no You fuckin dont say Electronic sucks! You fuckin moron! You thibk you can talk like that about Prodigy!? Hey you fuckin ass! You know what you can do Get DA FUCK OUTTA THESE BOARDS!!!
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Ekko on November 26, 2001, 02:08:26 AM


>:( TELL ME YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT! Oh no You fuckin dont say Electronic sucks! You fuckin moron! You thibk you can talk like that about Prodigy!? Hey you fuckin ass! You know what you can do Get DA FUCK OUTTA THESE BOARDS!!!
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: fj on November 26, 2001, 12:02:44 PM
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Arie on November 26, 2001, 01:01:45 PM
Oh, he is in fact the trouble starter, and he quite seems like a sort of a punkin instigator.
He or she is still young, that's all I think.

Try to call down a bit 'Firestarter'. There is no need for starting flame wars or swearing tirades. Having an opinion of your own is good, share it too, but don't start to swear since it is no use at all and it doesn't help you make your point. Chill and try to take things less personal.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Firestarter on November 26, 2001, 11:48:25 PM
Oh.. I'm sorry did I just fucked up the whole board? Well Fine with ME!!! I'm always like that if I get mad so stop tryin to calm me down! I know the time myself! >:( If you all gonna defend him for saying "Electronic sucks" then you're no good, yellow kiester Prodigy fans. YES I CAN FLAME! IF I WANT TO! AND I DOn'T CARE IF I GET BANNED! IT WON'T HURT ME! BUT Hey! I'm JUST FUCKIN SSSSSSSSICK! AND TIRED OF YOU talking ABOUT Prodigy being bad or sucks! AND I'm not gonna be QUIET just like that. Not saing anything about that! >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Ekko on November 27, 2001, 02:36:58 AM
Oh.. I'm sorry did I just fucked up the whole board? Well Fine with ME!!! I'm always like that if I get mad so stop tryin to calm me down! I know the time myself! >:( If you all gonna defend him for saying "Electronic sucks" then you're no good, yellow kiester Prodigy fans. YES I CAN FLAME! IF I WANT TO! AND I DOn'T CARE IF I GET BANNED! IT WON'T HURT ME! BUT Hey! I'm JUST FUCKIN SSSSSSSSICK! AND TIRED OF YOU talking ABOUT Prodigy being bad or sucks! AND I'm not gonna be QUIET just like that. Not saing anything about that! >:( >:( >:(


You're a funny boy!
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Arie on November 27, 2001, 10:07:23 AM
Oh.. I'm sorry did I just fucked up the whole board? Well Fine with ME!!!
You didn't f*ck up the Board. You seem to miss the point that people have their own view on music, their own opinion. If someone thinks that Prodigy is not electronic music, then that's their opinion. I don't think Prodigy is electronic, I don't think it's anything - Prodigy is Prodigy and their style is... well, Prodigy ;) Catagorizing music is a bad thing I think.

QuoteI'm always like that if I get mad so stop tryin to calm me down! I know the time myself! >:(
What is the use of flaming? There is no use, it is only bad for your blood pressure. Also, it shows that you're young and it doesn't honor your intellect. By reacting with good arguements you can have a usefull discussion whereas flames only ask for more flames... and more flames and more flames. Why do you think that I try to motivate myself when I reply? I don't want to flame people myself.

QuoteIf you all gonna defend him for saying "Electronic sucks" then you're no good, yellow kiester Prodigy fans.
Please quote me the part where I defend what he or she wrote. Please quote me the part where someone else on this Board defended what this person wrote. You cannot. Everyone has their own opinion like I wrote before already, let them. If you don't agree, then please reply. But not with a flame, but with arguements why you don't agree.

QuoteYES I CAN FLAME! IF I WANT TO! AND I DOn'T CARE IF I GET BANNED! IT WON'T HURT ME! BUT Hey! I'm JUST FUCKIN SSSSSSSSICK! AND TIRED OF YOU talking ABOUT Prodigy being bad or sucks! AND I'm not gonna be QUIET just like that. Not saing anything about that! >:( >:( >:(
You won't be banned for giving your opinion. You won't be banned if you take part in discussions. You will probably banned however if you call people names for no reason for instance.

I've read some older threads on this Board and I cannot find the part where anyone says that The Prodigy are bad or that their music sucks. Please quote me the parts where people wrote such things. All I've seen is people giving their opinion with motivations and all, never writing that The Prodigy are bad. Why would people come on this Board if they would think that their music sucks? Wouldn't that be dum?

I've been a fan for quite some time and I've learned that everyone has their own opinion about the band, about their music, but all are fans. Some call them the new leaders in punk music, others call them electronic. What do The Prodigy call themselves, what do they call their own music? Nothing, just 'Prodigy' as being the style. Respect other people and they will respect you. Discuss, don't argue. Motivate, don't swear. And this goes for everyone on every single Board or Forum on the Internet.

You too!
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Ekko on November 27, 2001, 03:40:49 PM
The thing is, Arie, that he won't understand you.
Not because he's silly or something, he's just not willing to.
He reads your reply and gets even more angry, about you for example, how could you 'dare to explain' him things or whatever.

Maybe you remember a certain person here -who obviously left the board (or changed his name)- I had a little rant with.
You came and tried to calm the situation, what made this person even more steamy. It was a very kind gesture of you, trying to help people who seemed to have a little misled conversation.

I'm sure Senore Firestarter is going to flame us both, because of our research about his behaviour,
or he's getting silent.

I decided not to deal with those guys too much anymore.
That leads to nothings.
Maybe I'm wrong and he'll understand, or maybe he just had a sort of a 'Gotta showya my punkin attitude'-attack and will go easy now.
Dunno, doesn't matter.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: what_evil_lurks on November 27, 2001, 07:55:51 PM
this is to arie and ekko: you waste your time replying to those "furious teenagers", they don't deserve any attention at all.
ekko, who was that guy who left the board? ;D
I also conceive the prodigy as the prodigy,but it's quite elemethal that they are electronic.

been out the last few days :D
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: free_your_mind on November 27, 2001, 08:31:46 PM
Maybe i have my own opinion and my own personal taste.
Maybe i even have right to show it coz i did'n hurt anyone.

and for dumbasses like you i'm bigger prodigy fan then anyone here except juge and arie.
fuckk off.

And you obviesly didn't unerstand what i was thinking about when i  writed punky.
Punky=more gee-tars then on any other album till now.

They can't produce anything really new if they use just electronic and only electronic band i like is prodigy.

One question.
(for ya big fans).

When was what evil lurks relased?
(Correct month and year).
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Arie on November 28, 2001, 10:29:38 AM
When was what evil lurks relased?
(Correct month and year).
In 1991, as for the month I think it was in February if I remember correctly. Yes, February it was...
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Dave on November 28, 2001, 11:01:35 AM
 :o come on don't give up firestarer you're doing well and you're in the right. how dare that fucker say electronic sucks, its just going against prodigy and why are all these fans defending him. keep going its the right atitude. ;)
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Arie on November 28, 2001, 01:49:45 PM
:o come on don't give up firestarer you're doing well and you're in the right. how dare that fucker say electronic sucks, its just going against prodigy and why are all these fans defending him. keep going its the right atitude. ;)
Please quote me the part where I am defending this person, you cannot. In fact, I stated several times that I do not classify the music The Prodigy produce, I dislike putting them into certain boxes. I like to think that the music they produce is Prodigy as a style and nothing else. Please keep in mind that swearing is a sign of weakness, a sign of being unable to express yourself.

As for 'Firestarter', I am sure that he doesn't mean it bad. He's a fan like everyone on this Board. But I think that he needs to pay attention on the general Net-etiquette. Swearing doesn't contribute to discussions, but only turn them into flame wars which are no use and a waste of time. He's just as welcome as everyone else on this Board.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: The Prodigy on November 28, 2001, 07:35:49 PM

:o come on don't give up firestarer you're doing well and you're in the right. how dare that fucker say electronic sucks, its just going against prodigy and why are all these fans defending him. keep going its the right atitude. ;)

Yeah fuckin That's RIGHT! Firestarter keep the atitude! I hate myself when people start shittin about Prodigy! Saying Electronic sucks? WTF! How can they be not Electronic u dumbass!!! YOU TELL ME!! NOW!!! I WANNA HEAR WHY!!! Explain YOU FOOL!!! Who are they then? Fuckin ROCKERS!!?

YOU PEOPLE have to think what you're posting.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Firestarter on November 28, 2001, 07:38:50 PM


Please quote me the part where I am defending this person, you cannot. In fact, I stated several times that I do not classify the music The Prodigy produce, I dislike putting them into certain boxes. I like to think that the music they produce is Prodigy as a style and nothing else. Please keep in mind that swearing is a sign of weakness, a sign of being unable to express yourself.

As for 'Firestarter', I am sure that he doesn't mean it bad. He's a fan like everyone on this Board. But I think that he needs to pay attention on the general Net-etiquette. Swearing doesn't contribute to discussions, but only turn them into flame wars which are no use and a waste of time. He's just as welcome as everyone else on this Board.

Did you say Flame? :P :P :P Isn't it WHO I AM???!!! >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Firestarter on November 28, 2001, 07:41:11 PM


Did you say Flame? :P :P :P Isn't it WHO I AM???!!! >:( >:( >:(

Bwoooooooooooooys.... I may be not Older than you but still My signature stands there for somethin'........"I'm the trouble starter punkin' instigator! (Just like Keith!) Now shut up!
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Ekko on November 29, 2001, 01:31:53 AM
What Evil Lurks is right and that's it
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: Arie on November 29, 2001, 09:48:05 AM

Yeah fuckin That's RIGHT! Firestarter keep the atitude! I hate myself when people start shittin about Prodigy! Saying Electronic sucks? WTF! How can they be not Electronic u dumbass!!! YOU TELL ME!! NOW!!! I WANNA HEAR WHY!!! Explain YOU FOOL!!! Who are they then? Fuckin ROCKERS!!?
Personally I have never written that electronic music as a style is bad. I like electronic music. But taste is personal and not everyone will like this style of music. There are plenty of people who would prefer other genres above electronic.

The Prodigy's style is Prodigy. I don't think that you will ever hear them disagree with that. I don't think that you can classify their music, I don't think that you can put their style into any box or genre. The Prodigy don't put themselves into little boxes either, then why would we? As long as we like their music, it's fine with me.

YOU PEOPLE have to think what you're posting.
Till now I've (almost) always made reasonable postings. For as far as I remember I have never sworn (or is it sweared?) on this Board. I think about what I post. I also think about why I post certain things and how I will write it exactly.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: free_your_mind on November 29, 2001, 08:24:01 PM
I am against prodigy?
ok. everyone have right to think what they want.
But from all ya 'big' fans only arie knew answer to my question.

Equal rights and justice in this time.
wind it up wind it up
wind that shit up.

part 2.
eloctronic sucks.

well, i don't like electronic music.
electronic music for me= music produced only on your pc.
music like techno,trance,...

prodigy is not about all that shit.
and i know that but liam uses his keyboard to play music and not only his computer. that was what i was thinking about.
i would like if he uses more guitars on his new record coz that is what i like. he makes
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: robo65uk on November 30, 2001, 08:18:14 PM
What are you saying? You like only 6 prodigy tracks?
Their Law, Voodoo People, Breathe, Firestarter, Serial Thrilla and Fuel MY Fire. I think that's all the tracks that use guitar. If you don't like electronic music you don't like most of what Prodigy do.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: The Prodigy on December 01, 2001, 02:13:36 AM

What are you saying? You like only 6 prodigy tracks?
Their Law, Voodoo People, Breathe, Firestarter, Serial Thrilla and Fuel MY Fire. I think that's all the tracks that use guitar. If you don't like electronic music you don't like most of what Prodigy do.

FOCK YEAH!!! Dude you're right and Whats the deal with saying Electronic SUCKS if u want  the next album to be a lil bit rockier? CANT YOU FUCK UP ur MIND a LITTLE and just not say "Electronic sucks"? HUH? Cause brother I know that these people here are MOSTLY Electronic punks (including me) And I know how they feel! So why won't YOU BE SORRY for what u said? (free_your_mind) Cause, man! I'll be pissed at your ass MORE THAN ANYBODY IN THIS BOARD!  >:(
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: free_your_mind on December 01, 2001, 02:11:08 PM
Sorry my english is very bad so it's hard for me to write in my english and i know how to explain to ya what i think.


i like every prodigy song except death of prodigy dancers.

and i'm sorry for that statement that electronic music sucks.

and now
it would be great if someone say sorry for calling me dumbass, fucking motherfucker, idiot, moron, anti-prodigy, etc.

My favourite is Narayan.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: The Prodigy on December 02, 2001, 04:37:12 AM

Sorry my english is very bad so it's hard for me to write in my english and i know how to explain to ya what i think.


i like every prodigy song except death of prodigy dancers.

and i'm sorry for that statement that electronic music sucks.

and now
it would be great if someone say sorry for calling me dumbass, fucking motherfucker, idiot, moron, anti-prodigy, etc.

My favourite is Narayan.

Thanks for apologizing you're forgiven! :P
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: djphoenix (Guest) on December 04, 2001, 02:58:17 AM

"Bwoooooooooooooys.... I may be not Older than you but still My signature stands there for somethin'........"I'm the trouble starter punkin' instigator! (Just like Keith!) Now shut up!"
Hey Firestarter Do you belive Keith beyond the stage plays this persona, it's just a song.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: tricepsz on December 25, 2001, 03:27:46 AM
now that had the truth, but you shouldn't take him seriously, cuz he's right in his own way, just kinda jokin' or what. just playin a role to protect what he likes.

oh fuck off..... we all like them. everybody finds what he likes in the music.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: wolf eater on January 22, 2002, 06:39:46 AM
I hope your not talking about me Ekko.
And if you were I didnt leave or change my name.
Its just I had nothing to say till now!
Ohh and you didnt make me angry so dont worry, my friend and I thought the whole thing was pretty funny.
I still dont understand why you are a senior member and you dont even like the Prodigys latest stuff, if you dont like it why dont you move on, find something new, maybe get a girlfriend instead of spending your whole day replying to nearly every single post thats ever gone up in this board.
Buy the way I saw Prodigy at the BDO, Trigger and Nuclear  fudging rocked and how about that new song aye, fucking killer (ohh Ekko you wouldnt of heard that yet)
Thats all I have to say for now....
The thing is, Arie, that he won't understand you.
Not because he's silly or something, he's just not willing to.
He reads your reply and gets even more angry, about you for example, how could you 'dare to explain' him things or whatever.

Maybe you remember a certain person here -who obviously left the board (or changed his name)- I had a little rant with.
You came and tried to calm the situation, what made this person even more steamy. It was a very kind gesture of you, trying to help people who seemed to have a little misled conversation.

I'm sure Senore Firestarter is going to flame us both, because of our research about his behaviour,
or he's getting silent.

I decided not to deal with those guys too much anymore.
That leads to nothings.
Maybe I'm wrong and he'll understand, or maybe he just had a sort of a 'Gotta showya my punkin attitude'-attack and will go easy now.
Dunno, doesn't matter.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: kenzie on January 22, 2002, 05:44:53 PM
man , why do u always have to have a go at ppl man, and i hope ekko ignores what u said 'cause that was the most useless post in the history of the internet -  
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: ChemicaL_OnE on January 22, 2002, 06:59:47 PM
free_your_mind, why did you apologize? Cause 3 people on this board think you're an idiot? You said that electronic music sucks and when you said it you should of stick to that. Are you going to change your opinion and apologize everytime someone calls you a moron?

This is a free world, you can express your opinion, it's yours, you rely on it and nobody else. Ignore them all, are they of any importance in your life? My guess is... no. Dont apologize, stick with your opinion, I really dont give a rat's ass what anyone thinks. You didnt offend anyone.
And all of those people that attacked you, well, respect their opinions too altough as Arie said:"...swearing is a sign of weakness..." just dont go around saying that you're the biggest prodigy fan or whatever, you wont get any pluses for doing that, you'll just be laughed at and I think you dont want that.

That's all.

Bye now.
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: wolf eater on January 23, 2002, 06:56:59 AM
who asked you kenzie
i was talking to ekko
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: techno4yourhead on January 24, 2002, 10:32:55 PM
What is all this cack you are talking about?  And what's it got to do with the new Prodigy record??
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: wolf eater on January 25, 2002, 07:22:02 AM
good question!
ahhhhh something about the new album....wonder when its coming out. ;)
Title: Re: Some news on the next album
Post by: techno4yourhead on January 26, 2002, 03:57:30 AM
Well it probabaly come out in about 2026, but who gives a **** as long as they get they ass over here an do some good P.A's cos that wot they do best anyway.  Feck da album crap.

Prodigy for T in the Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets blast  da place again!!!!!!!