
General discussion => Live & Gigs => Topic started by: miwant on July 03, 2002, 09:50:01 PM

Title: meet up @ axion beach rock?
Post by: miwant on July 03, 2002, 09:50:01 PM
i often wonder how the other people on this forum are like irl,
i am going to axion beach rock this saturday together with thomas, i know some of you will be there as well...

i would like to meet some of you before the gig. anyone interested? plz reply!

greetz miwant
Title: Re: meet up @ axion beach rock?
Post by: mouzzer (logged out) on July 03, 2002, 10:16:48 PM
I'm going with 2 friends, so a meeting will be difficult. Don't know how late we will be there. (3 hour drive form Amsterdam). I think we will be hanging out in the Drum & Bass and breakbeat tent before the prodigy is playing.
Title: Re: meet up @ axion beach rock?
Post by: Arie on July 04, 2002, 02:18:57 PM
I'm going too if I can still get two tickets tomorrow afternoon. Wasn't going to show up, but now I will. I will be meeting up with some people there already, also with Neko. Might see some of you there. Miwant and Mouzzer, I will send you both a PM with my phone number so we can meet.
Title: Re: meet up @ axion beach rock?
Post by: neko on July 05, 2002, 02:34:51 AM
i'm meeting up with someone right AFTER the prod gig at the info stand of the festival (no.8 on map:
feel free to come and say hi, i got red & black hair...
Title: Re: meet up @ axion beach rock?
Post by: mouzzer(logged out) on July 07, 2002, 07:34:30 PM

I'm going too if I can still get two tickets tomorrow afternoon. Wasn't going to show up, but now I will. I will be meeting up with some people there already, also with Neko. Might see some of you there. Miwant and Mouzzer, I will send you both a PM with my phone number so we can meet.

Didn't read this until now (computer problems). So didn't meet anyone.
Title: Re: meet up @ axion beach rock?
Post by: pigglet on March 02, 2004, 09:45:24 PM
hey ant boy

i am a bit too late!! but any way: a mayor hug!!