Here we go again: Juge, I still cant log in. Any ideas?
The Firestarter Issue: I first heard the track on the radio and you know why? Cause some nut that works in the Emergency Room called the radio and told them that if they dont play firestarter again, he's going to go absolutely mad. So, as I really wanted to hear the track (cause back then they also went under the bloody ground for a while) I was eagerly waiting for it to start. When I listened to it,recorded it I was really dissapointed. Dont know why,really. Probably because it didnt seem very much to me. It's a simple track. One drumloop,vocals,distortion and a sample. I mean, it just had very few elements that I could admire @ that time. Afterwards, when I started to listen to it more often I discovered something far more deeper. It has a soul, it's so fucking raw & dirty, it's so dirty that they should of release it with a little bag of dust & dirt that would go with the CD/Vinyl. Now I love the track (I like the Empirion Mix as well)
The Experience Expanded Issue: I think that XL had very little to do with the re-release (or the remastered version,as you wish) cause It's a U.S. release basically. Did it even come out in Europe?
The best tracks Issue: Hard to say,really. Well,@ the moment those would be: No Good, Mindfields, Charly, Break & Enter,3 Kilos (unfuckingbelievable),Poison,Funky Shit...
ah screw it,the list would be to long anyway...
The least favourite ones:
Full Throttle,Charly (Trip in tho the D&B Version) - really fucked up beats (the rhythm is great but the bass just doesnt fit in),Jericho (I like the remix 10 times more),Climbatize (I gues this one was a TRIP too (and acid one),G force part I (I think this one is the worst).
P.S. I'm really sorry that Leeroy left. It's just a tragedy. I couldnt believe it when I read it in the newspapers. I thought it was a rumor @ first...If I was Liam or Keith or Maxim I would probably chain Leeroy to a chair or something and just put him on stage so everyone can see him. He wouldnt have to dance or anything. He would just have to show up. It's just isnt the same without him. Everyone is leaving their bands and I'm just sick of it. Does anyone think about the fans?? I mean c'mon: Darren Emerson left Underworld, Zach left Rage Against the Machine and the only person I admired in the whole Limp Bizkit shit (Wes Borland) also left the god damn band (cant say that I blaim him really, cause I bet Fred Durst is a fagget). Who else? hm...ah yes, the Chemical's have gone mad also: It Began In Afrika? Who give's a shit!
P.S.2. sorry If I went a little over the line here.
P.S.3 I put this post as a new thread cause the No.1 has three pages so this one's much easier to spot. If this was a mistake, I apologize.
P.S. I'm really sorry that Leeroy left.
Yeah, he was much better in Prodigy that in his solo project. Flightcrank sucks!
Yeah, he was much better in Prodigy that in his solo project. Flightcrank sucks!
Maybe he thought that it was a good time to leave the sinking boat and start a new project.. :'( Personally I respect him cause he is doing his own thing and won't even try to copy Prodigy.
Juge, the sinking boat? Please,explain.
I also respect him, it's just not same without him. It'll probably never be.
Juge, the sinking boat? Please,explain.
I also respect him, it's just not same without him. It'll probably never be.
Yeah.. in 99-00 Leeroy was the only person from Prodigy giving some sort of interviews about the "new album".. He told that they are doing new stuff etc.. anyway.. nothing really happened (not his fault).. maybe he just fed up with that.. and of course he wanted to produce some own music too. So, he deside to leave. That's my opinion. Anyway.. like you said.. the Prodigy will not be the same band anymore.. and that's for sure.
Interesting theory, Juge. I never looked @ it like that.
Climbatize - you didnt like it?
One of my fav songs, love it, didnt at first but love it
yes, it's sad but true! ;D, I will start calling the prodigy as the sinking boat!
they have wasted too many time this time,so my interest in the forthcoming ??? ;) album is decreasing instead of rising. sorry ,I might sound harsh but time goes by and music (i'm afraid) is so far from the prodigy right now.
and music (i'm afraid) is so far from the prodigy right now.
What the heck is *that* supposed to mean? Why should it be away from Prodge?
What else should they be doing? Noise?
Or comedy? I'd say music was never more near, since the guys are much more involved into it by now (reputation, experience, new live shows, everything's waiting for them).
ekko, it's just my opinion, please respect it.I'm not trying to say something just to bother you but I'm afraid that the prodigy is over,just wait till the next???? ;) album and we will talk about this again.
from my point of view, I consider that 5 years are too much.
Yeah, of course I respect your opinion, but I wonder what makes you think The Prodge is over? Why should 5 years be too much, look at the Rolling Stones or Biohazard or Herbie Hancock or whatever, they all were / are great bands with much influence on other bands and peoples. They've been present for so long, because they broke new grounds and mostly did great new albums after those that've been before.
I think I understand what you mean & feel about the new album.
We all have doubts, but why? Really, everyone's mad about it, but what exactly makes us being uncertain about it? Just because of the long time they need?
Or maybe because they did so great work untill now, that it can't be topped?
People like them can always top themselves.
Or do we fear a change of style?
I dunno, but I'm in a good mood, I don't see any bad signs or something.
01. The Prodigy are NOT over.
02. Ekko, why do you compare them to non-electronic rock bands? Thats a whole new teritory, dont you agree? Electronic music as such (i.e. prodigy) cannot go for a long time or turn into mainstream (yes it can (this is my alter ego)). I think that this will be their last album (dont get me wrong, I really do want another one but it's more likely this will be their last)
03. Or better yet, Ekko, you know what? Fuck all that I just wrote, the new album's gonna be a big bloody miracle and we'll have champaigne when it comes out :D
04. C'mon people, breathe with me until the new album comes out. Let's all take some breathing lessons. It'll get us trough, Im positive.
02. Ekko, why do you compare them to non-electronic rock bands? Thats a whole new teritory, dont you agree? Electronic music as such (i.e. prodigy) cannot go for a long time or turn into mainstream (yes it can (this is my alter ego)). I think that this will be their last album (dont get me wrong, I really do want another one but it's more likely this will be their last)
I'm not comparing. I just said that a great band (-whatever style it is, it does not matter,) is mostly
not getting worse without any reason.
Oh, I think Prodigy did turn a little bit into mainstream, but as Liam said: It's the best to retreat after having a huge tune out there. But of course they are everything but
mainstream atm.
I find that Fatboy Slim turned very much into the chart-area at least. He was giving out singles without stopping. He didn't had to do it.
I too think it will be their last album. They also stated that, btw. But you know that you can't rely on theri statements...
Liam said he'd like to go into film-scoring after Prodge, I think that's a very good idea. Looking forward to that.
03. Or better yet, Ekko, you know what? Fuck all that I just wrote, the new album's gonna be a big bloody miracle and we'll have champaigne when it comes out
hi folks
the sceptic poster is back :P
I have to repeat it again:I wish the new album was great!!
but I have certain doubts about that and I'll try to explain them to you.
firstly, I got to say that I buy a lot of music so I'm deep into electronica... so I'll make some comparisons on this regard that base my ideas (or fears) :(
1996:prodigy-firestarter,breathe---great,the best!chems-loops of fury,propellerheads-dive,take california,orbital-in sides etc...incredible tunes/albums
1997:prodigy-the fat of the land,chems-dig your own hole,fatboy slim-better living through chemistry,lunatic calm-metropol (superb)!,junkie xl-saturday teenage kick(1998),the crystal method-vegas,etc... all these were fantastic album,sure.
1999,2000,2001-chems-surrender and come with us :-/,crystal method's last one is quite bad according to several people I requested about,orbital-middle of nowhere(their worst),propellerheads are faded away as well as lunatic calm etcx....and fatboy's last is awful.
so, for me that kind of dance music is decadent though I love it,now what takes the piss is house and trance.
and please, do not insult me or something similar to this, I only write what I consider that is worth.
orbital-middle of nowhere(their worst)
eeerm... that's totally brilliant album.. can't say anything else.. but that's my opinion :)
ps. the new one is their worst :)
I loved the last Crystal Method Album, it's so good. It's like you're running over a field of eggshells, you know -crunchy!
The last Orbital is indeed very silly, but I heard that they are a little unpleased by life atm. One of the guys wife had a miscarriage and they all are a little stressed.
But I get your point what_evil_lurks.
You are so right, I'm really a bit depressed about all the lost artists. I also miss the Propheads very much. Maybe they are just preparing a new record. And I miss the old Chems and the old Fatboy. Sigh. But we had that already.