Hi, impressive site for all followers of the Prodigy. I have a RARE peice of Jilted Generation material for sale on ebay.
Have a look and happy bidding!
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2334&it em=3813338615
Current price is 56 Pounds Sterling... and that for a promotional shop item of which there are quite a few around... Crazy... ::) :o ??? :-/
Do you have one Arie?
I thought there were only one around, then this can't be the real mask from the cover?
I don't know if i will place another bid, it might be in pieces when arriving..
Nevermind.. I saw your post on BK Forum. (don't know if i concider myself an idiot tho) ;)