Its "Official" meaning that the the tribute album "Officially Sucks", I've downloaded most of the tracks from AudioGalaxy & I am so glad I chose to try before I buy - these bastards who have ruined perfectly good Prodigy tracks are not getting a penny of my money.
I think I've said enough...
Has any one else got some comments they'd like to share about this album, if so I bet there all negative??
1. could be worse
2. nobody waited for better
3. no need to be a genius to understand it was for money
4. the more you're talking about these bastards the more they gets an attention.
5. the more you give them attention the more you play their game.
there is a saying in russia... "iz gryazi v knyazi"... that's mean "[turn] from dirt into prince".. that's those guys are doing... they don't care what you say about their cd, they care about how many people will be talking about it.
so, just, forget about them, and it will ruin them.
I got something to say SUCKS! >:(
>:( A tribute to the Prodigy album is the worst tribute album I have ever listen.That cd sucks a lot and I only like one track because is very similar to the original track, No good.The others tracks.............a shit >:(
I thought that one was okay although I don't know by heart anymore which one it was. The album was good for a laugh though ;p The cover version of No Good was in my humble opinion a very, very poor one...
Don't know if the Imperious Rex version of Diesel Power is from the Tribute Album, but this one is okay I think.
Has good moments, the refrain is more accented.
There also is a DP-version from Quarashi out on the net (Audiogalaxy), also worth to be heard.
Btw., Quarashi is a good band, check out 'Baseline' (I think in the songtitle it really is written like this), nice guitar parts.
the tribute album is now also out in the UK by Cherry Red records who have sent me a copy for review. i really dont kow how i'm gonna review this, does that mean i will have to listen to it again?
Ekko: the quarashi mix of DP is good, but nothing to do with that 'tribute-letsripoffthefans-album'.