
General discussion => Tracks => Topic started by: warrior on January 29, 2002, 05:19:31 PM

Title: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: warrior on January 29, 2002, 05:19:31 PM
Since there are 3 live tracks out one should be the first single for their new album.

1. Trigger
2. Nuclear
3. Baby's Got A Temper

lets hope liam decides to release a single this year!!!

Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: juGe on January 29, 2002, 05:24:17 PM
I prefer trigger without lyrics.. :)
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: ChemicaL on January 30, 2002, 01:05:24 AM
I truly hope that Trigger and Nuclear wont be on the new album. Dont get me wrong here. I find the tracks very good indeed. It's just that they dont offer anything new except maybe the "violin" sample in Trigger.

I havent heard Baby's Got A Temper yet so I cant really say anything about that.

I dont think I would like to hear Nuclear's studio version cause it would probably resemble to Fuel My Fire.

Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: techno4yourhead on January 30, 2002, 04:23:44 PM
Yeh that could b true, and apparently they've totally changed Nuclear already.
Is it just me or do the beats on Trigger sound similair to the beats on No Man Army?
I quite like Trigger but I think ttracks like that are best kept for the live show, like Rock an Roll was.
I think Firestarter etc. should have stayed that way too.
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: ChemicaL on January 30, 2002, 08:04:12 PM


Is it just me or do the beats on Trigger sound similair to the beats on No Man Army?

Prooved my point.
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: techno4yourhead on January 31, 2002, 01:23:24 AM
What point?
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: ChemicaL on January 31, 2002, 01:07:46 PM

What point?

The point that the track doesnt offer anything new.
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: what_evil_lurks on January 31, 2002, 03:32:30 PM
liam should go back to the jilted era:darker, original and underground... the mainstream will fuck the prodigy up.
seriously... trigger can be great as a single but nuclear fits better only performed live, not in the album (i don't like the fuel my fire style, sorry)
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Paul_Neumoev on February 01, 2002, 01:40:42 AM
"When we first started I was all paranoid walking around thinking, ah shit, we gotta be really careful 'we stay underground' and all that shit. But its still bollocks, really, cause in the end of the day there's nothing wrong with coming out and saying 'yeah, here we are, we're large', you know, as long as the music is good, as long as the music stays on one level and we all always know that we're going with that. Its all down to the music. "
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: ChemicaL on February 01, 2002, 02:35:56 AM
True, true.

Im drunk right now. Jesus christ, I'm so drunk. Ekko, my good man, I'm drunk. I have to admit, that I'm drunk. I was at the Hard Rock caffe 20 min. ago and I danced to "Lady Marmelade"

Jesus, sorry.

I also agree with Liam, he's the best. LOL

Sorry  8)
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Ekko on February 01, 2002, 07:07:01 PM

I danced to "Lady Marmelade"
Jesus, sorry.

Now that you showed your true evil spirit,
we must insist, that you immediately leave the board.
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: ChemicaL on February 01, 2002, 07:10:47 PM
Ok, I'm going now  :-[  

Bye, you guys.

Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Faust on April 16, 2002, 03:25:57 AM
Why are people on these boards always drunk?
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: ChemicaL on April 16, 2002, 04:28:49 AM

Why are people on these boards always drunk?

I see you're new on this board so let me fill you in a little bit:

you see, I'm not always drunk, I just get drunk every oh, let's say, 4 hours? yeah, thats it, in fact I'm drunk right now... i cant stop drinking, it's sick, I know. Yesterday I went to an "AA" meeting and guess what? we all got drunk.

sure, Ekko was there, Juge also, but Arie and Neko were really pissed when they saw that Juge drunk 9 bottles of vodka. boy, were they pissed.

I was pretty drunk by the time the meeting ended so I slept on the sidewalk for about 2 days. that's about it, really.

We called Liam up but he couldnt come cause he was buying dipers. he said he'll try to make it tomorrow though.

so...erm... if you want to be "elite" on this board you have to start drinking like a madman. (take my word for it) .

Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Arie on April 16, 2002, 10:46:02 AM
Don't listen to him, he's a liar. And a thief too, he stole all my drugs.

Hehe ;p
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: antz (to lazy to login) on April 16, 2002, 03:32:01 PM
These boards are getting quite fictional nowadays aren't they?
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Faust on April 16, 2002, 04:08:01 PM


so...erm... if you want to be "elite" on this board you have to start drinking like a madman. (take my word for it) .

who said I dont drink like a madman? I'm a student, for fuck's sake!
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Ekko on April 16, 2002, 07:14:43 PM

who said I dont drink like a madman? I'm a student, for fuck's sake!

So you're elite
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Arie on April 17, 2002, 10:04:54 AM
Ekko, like I already told you mate, they just stole all my stash man. What? You're saying that I swallowed it all myself? Why you little...! ;p
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: ChemicaL on April 18, 2002, 02:40:51 AM


Oh, and ChemicaL, next AA meeting is off, Arie refuses to spread his renowned chemicals (babbled something that he lost'em or he got robbed or stuff, pfff).

Off? What do you mean, off? Now I gotta call Liam up and tell him to save the stash for next week. Ekko, Arie, we're still on for next week, right?

Neko took'em, Arie. I saw her picking through your pockets. Then she put a couple of those in my drink (absint, of course, I dont go for anything less). I didnt argue with her, of course. I didnt have the chance to. She insisted.

And...erm... Juge, dont just stand there saying nothing. We all saw you the other night.  ;)
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Ekko on April 18, 2002, 06:38:58 PM
The good thing is, Arie can't grouse about us being off topic in an non off topic-area, because he's involved himself, harr harr!

Oh, btw, why don't we all drink a nice glass of Absinth
tomorrow at about 22.00?
I'll be doing anyway, so...

Cheers everyone
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Arie on April 19, 2002, 10:26:11 AM
Ekko, I've given up on that to be honest. Let people do what they want. Jussi is a fine administrator of the board I think. If he thinks it's neceserry to move or delete messages, he will. If he doesn't want people to go too off topic, he will prevent it, I'm sure.
Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: Ekko on April 19, 2002, 06:03:31 PM
And sometimes something interesting or funny evolves from offtopi stuff, plus, the original offtopi sec is mostly quite quiet.
I think it's enough if the unrelevant postings are moved to the offtopi sec after a few weeks, so the other sec's keep their archive-appeal.

Title: Re: The Prodigy's new album
Post by: juGe on April 20, 2002, 02:33:08 PM

And sometimes something interesting or funny evolves from offtopi stuff, plus, the original offtopi sec is mostly quite quiet.

Yeah.. I should probably move these to off topic.. :)
Let's try to keep longer off topic threads there. Anyway, I respect the freedom of speech, but I can also use  the "delete" option if I like ;)