Is there a version of this with maxim on vocals? I heard sumthin' like that...'"blow your mind"
has anyone heard it, has it got the same chorus and lyrics or did KOOL KEITH(LIVING LEGEND of tha old school) write the lyrics??
sorry that wa a bit vague...
did kool keith write his own lyrics for the FOTL version?
I presume he did , thats why i wanna hear the earlier version with maxim rapping.. :P ;D
The version on which you can hear Maxim is just the instrumental version really. Since it is only done live, Maxim raps over it every now and then. The only thing he says really is 'Blow(s) your mind drastically fantastically'. Personally I think that Maxim took that line from Kool Keith's rap which would mean that Diesel Power was finished or finished in some degree before they started to play it live.
yes but somwhere i read that a track called "blow your mind"
would have been on some single ( i think it was SMBU ) but was replaced with sumthin' else...(No man army i think) u think it was the live version?..?
Blow Your Mind is the fan given title to the live version of Diesel Power for as far as I know. It could have also been the beta title to Diesel Power before already.