Plz tell where i can download any of the new prodigy tracks if u know of any??? ???
The album's gonna be sik???///,,, :-X
Plz tell where i can download any of the new prodigy tracks if u know of any??? ???
Please Arie, let ME do it this time!
Nope Senor, you won't get any new stuff untill xx.xx.02
Well, we know of them being existent somewhere out there, but nobody has the faintest idea about release dates and/or details like titles (beside the obviouse stuff).
Don't rely on others man, write your own music!
(Silly argument, isn't it?)
Please Arie, let ME do it this time!
Okay, okay, you do it... ;)
Okay, okay, you do it... ;)
Mh, that wasn't as much fun as I espected, you can have your task back.