
General discussion => The Prodigy releases => Topic started by: Soren, Denmark on July 09, 2002, 12:47:23 PM

Title: Rock Da House In....
Post by: Soren, Denmark on July 09, 2002, 12:47:23 PM
I just saw The Chemical Brothers this morning on MTV Europe playing live at Wercthers Festival, and the play some kind of Remix Track of Rock Da House In, and it sounded SO COOL....Really ass kicking !!

and to be honest it sounded more cool than anything of the new material Prodigy have done....sorry to say that!

Title: Re: Rock Da House In....
Post by: DJ_Slow on July 09, 2002, 06:47:58 PM
It's their live remix of Song to the Siren. I have a recording from when they did it at Brixton Academy back in March if you want. It's top quality cos I recorded it off digital radio.
Title: Re: Rock Da House In....
Post by: dog on July 09, 2002, 09:23:34 PM
i saw chemicals last friday live and it was really cool ... they play all their old breakbeat stuff and part of voodoo people remix ... i love this track
Title: Re: Rock Da House In....
Post by: Soren, Denmark on July 10, 2002, 10:32:49 AM
How can i get it then DJ_SLOW???

Title: Re: Rock Da House In....
Post by: DJ_Slow on July 10, 2002, 09:10:11 PM
I'll email it to you. If you don't wanna put your email up here just send an email to me first.
Title: Re: Rock Da House In....
Post by: Soren, Denmark on July 10, 2002, 10:19:46 PM
my mail is;

Title: Re: Rock Da House In....
Post by: Acid_Twin on July 11, 2002, 01:38:53 AM
Slow, are you on ICQ/AIM/MSN or anything?

I wouldn't mind that track either, if its easier u can upload it to my some space i have, i'll put the link on here so ppl can download it.

Title: Re: Rock Da House In....
Post by: DJ_Slow on July 11, 2002, 01:24:25 AM
Acid Twin, I think it would be best if I uploaded to your space. Just tell me how!
Title: Re: Rock Da House In....
Post by: Acid_Twin on July 12, 2002, 02:20:12 AM
Do u have ICQ or anything? Not gonna give the info on here!

contact me at


Title: Re: Rock Da House In....
Post by: DJ_Slow on July 14, 2002, 06:01:32 PM
Righto, I sent an email. I forgot to say I'll be on line around 9pm to 12pm normally, that's UK time.