Having a lread ot of the bad reviews and general criticisms of BGAT it seems to me that the biggest problam people have with the single is that it sounds exactly like waht you would expect from the Prodigy. At the same time Oasis are hailed as heroes for their 'back in form' album that sounds exactly like Oasis pretending to be The Beatles with such effect that Lennon, Harrison and even Linda bloody Macartney could be heard filing lawsuits from their graves. Why are the Prodigy expected to sound like no one else, including themselves, with each new release. Why are they expected to 'move forward'. I suspect the fact is that Liam has now perfected the Prodigy sound and, while he's the only musician, or songwriter of any talent in te band, this is how the Prodigy will always sound. Like themselves, and no one else.
Bands like leftfield,Orbital,chemical brothers, prodigy have always pushed their sound forward.....I mean how can liam be happy with such a dated sound....
Ive read a few reviews of Oasis new album...Q ripped it apart, very funny stuff
Should be good hearing what Liam H and Liam G has to offer on the collaboration.
I was listening to Brian Molko on Under the influence their a few weeks ago...main sentence that stuck in my mind was
'When you cant push your sound forward, its time to call it a day'
I think maybe if they haven
some quotes by Liam from an interview from Australia jan 2002:
"i'll constantly strive for something thats original and a fresh sound, but it gets harder and harder. Sometimes you have to approach something in a different way for it to be fresh again - you have to work in different studios, you have to go to new clubs, you have to listen to new records all the time. And after 10 years of doing the same thing over and over again, it becomes harder to find inspiration, you really have to search."
"To be honest, I haven't been inspired over the last couple of years, there's only been a few moments when I have. the main problem is that dance music has become ever so throwaway in England. there's a new record out every fucking day and it sounds all the same, everyone's afraid to try another beat out or another tempo, they all have to be a club sound."
(Liam Howlett)
this is from the same interview where Liam also made the statement about that they wouldnt come back until they had a 'fucking bomb to drop'.
So, in a way, Des has got a point. Looking at those interviews from end of last year and then six months later Liam comes back and announces that he'd still stick to his 'old' sound makes it look a bit as if he had tried to come up with something new and didnt quite manage and therefore decided to settle with the 'tried and tested'?
On the other hand though would it make sense for Prodigy to just change direction for the sake of it?
I rather have them sounding good as they did 5 years ago and staying true to themselves than doing something 'new' no one's into.
and Maxim has posted in his own forum that bgat is not a come back single, but en 'ending of last album'.
but that guitar big beat style was invented by, so in that they are the band, the only band who really are "entitled" to use it. back then, circa 1996 it was a new sound, but now you can find many records which use that same guitar, filthy vocals, booming bass -combination.
but when it comes to Oasis; it's funny how their live shows are being praised even though all they do is play the same album version of same old songs. and during their shows they are standing still. boring.
it's a bloody shame that the band has to defend themselves even though the single isn't (offically) out yet.
If liam say`s "hese got a bomb to drop", Then i would put my mortage on it he will !!!!!
all good points... but what exactly does everyone want? A radicallly differnt sound, or the Prodigy 2002 version. I'm still not sure that there was such a huge change of style between albums, rather a gradual developement. Much of Jilted would have fitted with FOTL with out any notiocable joins. Firestarter's productions wasn't radically diffrent from previous but the vocals were. This time round the baets, guitar and vocals are straight out of FOTL, but the production isn't. Its moved on in the overall approach (even if a lot of people know how Liam got those sounds, but there's never been a great science to his stuff). What goes on behind the beats is far more liquid than before.
But its still the Prodigy.. no one else.
And if BGAT is a bad record for a lot of you, perhaps the weakest link is the songwriter? Now there's a discussion point.
:) :) :)
b.g.a.t is not a bad record.
they shouldn't change anything.
oasis back on form?? i didn't know they were ever on form
(the new prodigy book is great everyone should go out and buy it)
bgat, bgat, bgat.... it's like a virtual headache now...
first of all, yes, the Prodigy have to move on, otherwise the band have to split up. i think the reason of bgat's collapse is simple Liam's lazyness + Keith's lyrics. i've been caring about Prodigy's lyrics. i liked the music, i liked the drums. but here we've got just copy/paste work in the music and old trick with scandalous lyrics. boring. dunno why the hell they're trying to get a success with that. the Prodigy don't need any scandals or promoting, because it's all about the music, at least i used to think so. i think the new album will close much of questions. but i feel like that will be their last album, because they are trying to work together, i mean in music making process, but i think it's a bad idea, maybe i wrong. well, time will show... actually, we've got more Nuclear and Trigger.... of course we have not studio versions, but... you know, i'll never understand any lyrics in Prodigy tracks... i love some other lyrics in other band's tracks, but their lyrics about actual life, about actual emotions,but not about bullshit like Rohyphol (btw what a bullshit to use a drug to "have a sex" with a girl, it's not about Romeo and Juliet, yeh?.., btw, i've seen a serie of "ER" on tv recently, and there some guy also used Rohyphol, and it seems like it still happens in usa at least... and they called us (ussr) "evil empire"... hell, i saw Rocky IV today again... very funny movie, that russian boxer looked like a terminator, ya know, "kill, kill, kill!"... i've never seen a foreign movie where i could understand actor's "russian", scary...) anyway, i just can't understand that bgat lyrics even if Liam's says it's about Keith's actual life... that's: 1. weird, 2. stupid. 3. mistakenly, especially after a couple years of silence... well... at least now i hope all criticism will be as cold shower for the band, and they will come back to work properly, otherwise even me working in my room in the middle of siberia will surpass them in music making...
argh!! had to login! can't edit message in guest mode.... :P
Quotei've been caring about Prodigy's lyrics
i've NEVER been caring about Prodigy's lyrics
argh.... it seems like hands don't like to type negative words like "not, won't, can't, never"... gotta teach them!
Well, Liam likes to stir things up and he sure has with BGAT!
I'm totally indifferent about the track. I like it and I don't at the same time. I think Nuclear would have made a better single and would have been more of a 'bomb' than BGAT. It would have been a far better single as it is about all these punk/metal bands in the charts at the moment.
I wouldn't worry about the new album being crap yet. As Liam said, it's only 50% complete and BGAT might not even appear on it.
QuoteI wouldn't worry about the new album being crap yet. As Liam said, it's only 50% complete and BGAT might not even appear on it.
heh, and you still believe Liam's words? ;)
Please...SOMEONE! make me feel better! :-[ I'm in a mood of crying right now, LITERALLY, im feeling like cryin...You know why? it's because of this!
"With two more brilliantly belligerent tracks
Firestarter man,
stop being a girl!!!, the guys will carry on if the buzz is there.
You cant ask for more than that, i mean if they lost it and still made tunes for the sake of it(which they never would) then the tunes would definatley be s**t.
The impression i get at the moment is that BGAT is not the representation of AONO, I like BGAT, not love it admittedly, just like it, but i think it was a good release for the moment because its a real 'british sound' compared to all the american shite coming through at the mo.
For me the real stand-out track for me out of the new stuff ive heard is 'Trigger'. Cos' when i heard it for the first time it just blew me away, hairs on the back of my neck job, no what i mean. I always listen to this track on my live CD b4 anything else now, but i think 'Trigger', 'Nuclear' and 'NS' will be more like the bomb dropping.
pauly b
I must admit, trigger blew me away as well, even tho i have a fairly shit quality version of it (imho all lives versions are shit) and this may sound silly but its up there with all their other top songs, i just love it too much :P
Firestarter man,
stop being a girl!!!, the guys will carry on if the buzz is there.
You cant ask for more than that, i mean if they lost it and still made tunes for the sake of it(which they never would) then the tunes would definatley be s**t.
The impression i get at the moment is that BGAT is not the representation of AONO, I like BGAT, not love it admittedly, just like it, but i think it was a good release for the moment because its a real 'british sound' compared to all the american shite coming through at the mo.
For me the real stand-out track for me out of the new stuff ive heard is 'Trigger'. Cos' when i heard it for the first time it just blew me away, hairs on the back of my neck job, no what i mean. I always listen to this track on my live CD b4 anything else now, but i think 'Trigger', 'Nuclear' and 'NS' will be more like the bomb dropping.
pauly b
Thanks for making me feel better! :P
About Trigger...when i first heard it [the 3 min one] I HAD the craziest feeling in the world...GOOSEBUMPS!...that was such a big EXCITEMENT! then i suggested it to my Online friend who never knew about the Prodigy, then what? HE FUCKING TOTALLY LOVED IT! WE 'BOTH' were talkin about the song on some BOARD and got carried away that we made 2 PAGES! in like 5 mins! CAN U BELIEVE IT? DAMn it was like DIS!
Terran: Blah blah blah :D
Da Ice: Blah nblah blah :D
Terran: Blah blah blah :D
Da Ice: YaH! blah b;lah blah! :D
that was GREAT! He since then loved THE PRODIGY!
Trigger IS my favorite track I get so excited when i hear it, I'll be more excited when i hear the STUDIO version! !!! :D
I must admit im disappointed with Martin
"I can remember martin ranting at me to go piss off and follow oasis because they never change.....now your celebrating the fact that the prodigy are doing the same by not changing....please"
ouch! :) point taken (althjough I'm sure I didn't tell you to "piss off" ... what I was trying to say, and perhaps not very effectively, is that artists shouldn't change for the sake of it, just to say they've moved on. Change can also be a retrogressive step. In whioch case, I'd rather a lot of bands woul;d just split up rather than walking that homogenisation treadmill.
However I still mantain that there is a movement forward with BGAT. The beats and song structure are closer to standard (punk) rock, the chorus b-line more like the Chili Peppers than anything the Prod have done before, the synth noises and vocal fx like nothing before. The immediate things like Keiths vox and the guitars are very FOTL, but, Keith's voice is limited so he'll nevr be able to offer much different.
If I have a criticism of BGAT, its in the fact that the song is so dense, so full of disperate sounds that much of the tension and dynamic has been lost. Which ironically, makes you focus more heavily on the immediate (vox, beats, guitars).
BGAT does herald a change, I still mantain that the changes between albums and first new single from the next album, hasn't been that major so far. The move has always been quite gradual. The biggest change usually ideological. The changes that Liam implements are always at a deeper level than the immediate (I also don't think that there's a massove differnce between Radioheads OK Computer and Kid A for that matter, the changes are all surface level)
What I reckon is that The Prodigy have a sound which is immediately them, and they shouldn't be attacked for that. Now, if they were just putting out track after track that sounds exactly like the last one (Oasis, Travis, Chemical Brothers, the list is a long one) then yes, I would agree that the Prod should be consigned to history books. And I for one would be happy if the next album never comes out.
But I'm still not sure what kind of change people are after on these boards!!! And whether it s just change for the sake of it.
Maybe this is a new topic.
It just seems Like we have different views on BGAT.....Im not knocking you at all so their is no maliciousness in these words I post, so please dont take it as a swipe at you...its just real concern to see a band that i think are going through the motions and are slipping
To see the prodge becoming like an oasis would be criminal and so painful...the early signs are their, average live shows and dated new tracks....I just dont want to be the one to say i told you so in a years time....but hopefully youll be right and the prodge will be the ones having the last laugh
Most fans hang on liams every words so when he says the album will be more down tempo and electronic you expect something more than trigger,Nuclear and BGAT...hopefully their just LIVE tracks and wont appear on the LP...but I doubt that
as regards KidA and Okcomputer, with KidA radiohead experimented with a lot more sounds and used less guitars, which made for their most interesting and darkest Lp yet...
some tracks were leaning toward more of a Chaotic aphex twin sound
I was pleased to hear BGAT might not appear on the album, Its the only prodigy single ive ever bought and didn
hey, i don't take any of this personally. its good to share opinions. and sometimes to spout off. but none of it is personal.