download the mp3....
Just makes me think what could have been achieved with this much better without keith and the firestarter riff.
Wow!!!!! That actually sounds amazing! Did you make that or is it from that Prodigy bootleg site I heard about? That also makes me wonder if Maxim would be better on lead vocals. Why does Liam never let Maxim do a full vocal? I know he's capable. His solo album was great.
Very Good Where is more of thease?
I made that myself, I could have cleaned up the levels but I just wanted to give you folks an idea....I decent rapper would have been a much better choice....
It would have really been nice if maxim was on it, he would have been 10 times better on lead...
Sorry dude but that is just shit. I think liam would be better off with Flint
There are some 'bootleg' recordings like the one posted here at . I'm currently trying to get hold of an intrumental of Maxim's 'My Web' so I can take the vocals out and put them on BGAT instrumental (to extract vocals from a tune you need the original and the instrumental. If anyone wants to know exactly how to do it, just say).
Sorry dude but that is just shit. I think liam would be better off with Flint
Nah, the instumental is clearly more hip-hop. Keith has only sung on the more punk tracks before (Serial Thrilla, Firestarter, Fuel My Fire, etc) whearas Maxim has always done the more hip-hop tracks (Poison, Mindfields, and the stuff on his solo of course). Just spinning Maxims Killing Culture over the BGAT instrumental makes it sound amazing. It just goes to show what a difference the vox can make.
If anyone wants to know exactly how to do it, just say).
*puts his hand up*
to extract vocals from a tune you need the original and the instrumental
wow, never heard about that, lol... it's sad that no one said it to me year ago, i could do a great remix, something like carmen queasy remix...
to extract vocals from a tune you need the original and the instrumental. If anyone wants to know exactly how to do it, just say).
Yeah, go on then ;D
Ok here's what you do:
You need an instrumental and vocal version of the same song. The two versions have to be IDENTICAL apart from the vocals or it won't work. Rip them onto your hard drive as wav files. If you have mp3's you can convert them to wav with programs such as musicmatch jukebox. What you then do is invert the phase of the instrumental. What this does is make the waveform of the song the opposite of what it was. You can probably do this in Wabelab or Soundforge, etc. You then play the intrumental at the same time as the vocal version. Because the two waveforms are exactly opposite they cancel each other out, EXCEPT for the differences between them, i.e. the vocals.
I've not managed to do it with someone elses song yet as they often start at slightly different places, meaning the waveforms don't cancel each other out. If you are patient you could probably move the waveform about until it's in the right place.
I know the technique works because I tried it with one of my own songs.
If anyone wants to make these kind of remixes ACID Pro is by far the best program.
You need the acapella and instrumental and a decent ear for music...also clever changing in pitch