
General discussion => The Prodigy releases => Topic started by: philchill on April 30, 2002, 07:18:05 PM

Title: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: philchill on April 30, 2002, 07:18:05 PM
I was just reading through one of my old
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: philchill_aiii on May 02, 2002, 02:28:43 AM
Well i thought it was interesting!  ::)

Lol, come on peeps.  ;D
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: des on May 02, 2002, 03:47:14 PM
Yeh your right, it was an interesting snippet, but didnt liam later dash any plans of the collaberation.
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: paulbi1 on May 02, 2002, 04:14:01 PM
hey des,

Maybe Keith could sing "Cars" with Gary Numan and Liam could put a dirty breakbeat over it.
That would make your day, yeah????

pauly b
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: des on May 02, 2002, 04:43:48 PM
your winding me up right ;D

I like this talk of breakbeat....but keith and gary numan,

eeeeuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwww....the taste im my mouth has turned sour

keith murderd ghost town, so I cant see him doing any better on cars.
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: mouzzer on May 03, 2002, 05:25:49 PM
There will be a breakbeat track with Garry Numan. Just heard that Junkie XL will be recording a track with Numan.

Junkie XL also did the track for the new Nike Commercial. The track will be released on june 10th as JXL vs. Elvis - A Little Less Convesation.

And for the Prodigy connection, for the new album Junkie worked with Saffron from Republica.
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: philchill_aiii on May 03, 2002, 07:33:17 PM
And wasn't it mostly junkie xl of the fake prodigy album some dirty russian came up with called Castbreader?
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: Zed on May 03, 2002, 09:21:36 PM
yeh, those dirty russian bastards, i hate them all! they even didn't say it's a fake album!
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: Ekko on May 03, 2002, 09:37:34 PM

Junkie XL also did the track for the new Nike Commercial. The track will be released on june 10th as JXL vs. Elvis - A Little Less Convesation.

Yeah, already heard the track in the commercial *yaaawn*,
Nothing new, nothing new
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: des on May 15, 2002, 12:46:35 PM
Hey Ekko can I ask a question?

You like BGAT yes? but you dont like Jxl's a little less conversation?

But yet both artists are cashing in on their tried and tested formulas, their really isnt anything between the two tracks both tired tunes....


Yeah, already heard the track in the commercial *yaaawn*,
Nothing new, nothing new
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: Ekko on May 15, 2002, 05:50:49 PM
Yeah, sure, but if you have something that you don't find interesting being repeated over and over again (JXL), than this just stands back against something being repeated (not even over and over again but put onto another level) that you love.

There was a little chat about JXL at the tracks -thread already, IIRC. I think he did about only four good tunes.
Question of taste, of course.
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: des on May 15, 2002, 07:03:05 PM
yep I agree, JXL has gone back to what he was doing in 98 which was big beat...but then he went all techno, I seen him support underworld....and he was pure he's gone back hopping on the bootleging bandwagon with the elvis vocals...Ok its way less credable to what howlett has done with BGAT..but their incentive is the same

Ive been hearing BGAT for the past 5 years if you know what I mean.....

Yeah, sure, but if you have something that you don't find interesting being repeated over and over again (JXL), than this just stands back against something being repeated (not even over and over again but put onto another level) that you love.

There was a little chat about JXL at the tracks -thread already, IIRC. I think he did about only four good tunes.
Question of taste, of course.

Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: Ekko on May 15, 2002, 07:55:50 PM

yep I agree, JXL has gone back to what he was doing in 98 which was big beat...but then he went all techno, I seen him support underworld....and he was pure he's gone back hopping on the bootleging bandwagon with the elvis vocals...Ok its way less credable to what howlett has done with BGAT..but their incentive is the same

Ive been hearing BGAT for the past 5 years if you know what I mean.....

Right, I know what you mean, and I really think that Elvis-thingie sounds totally like Mr. Slim's music about three years ago. Which was what I adored a lot then, but it soon lost its flavour, maybe now I'm ready for another round Love Island again, but I remember loosing even the last drip of interest when I saw that Slim's music were handled like booze-hymns in Brightons clubs, brrrr, fat sweating football-fans... (Sorry If I caught someone with that, was just a metaphor...)

And BGAT isn't really new stuff, indeed, and it destroys what I thought was the plan of Howlett, to out bring a record (including the 1. single) that sounds different to the previous one.
But I like, like mentioned, the track because of its high level of detail, it's like the lost track from the FOTL.
God can be found in the detail - a famous saying here.

Yeah, as I think about it, it should have been on the FOTL, between Serial Thrilla and Mindfields...
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: PoisoN on May 15, 2002, 09:28:26 PM
yeh, those dirty russian bastards, i hate them all! they even didn't say it's a fake album!

LOL!  ;)
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: BiG-BoB on May 19, 2002, 11:07:27 PM
shit...relax man

yeh, those dirty russian bastards, i hate them all! they even didn't say it's a fake album!

Castbreeder has some pretty good tracks on it...most of them are amasing! Even though its fake, I'm pertty sure AONO is going to sound even worst than Castbreeder... (Just came to that conclusion after I heard BGAT)
Title: Re: Gary Numan Collaboration
Post by: Ekko on May 20, 2002, 02:15:06 AM

shit...relax man

Well, Zed, looks like you succesfully fooled someone  :D