
General discussion => The Prodigy releases => Topic started by: Firestarter on December 22, 2001, 04:13:46 AM

Title: Prodigy & BT team-up
Post by: Firestarter on December 22, 2001, 04:13:46 AM
 :D Well I've heard only two Brian Transeau songs and they are "Revolution" and "Mad Skillz" And I think BT is fucking good! I think that Prodigy and BT tema-up would be the BEST! thing!  WHo else?

BTW i'm downloading full version of Trigger right now.

Go to Search/Audio: Prodigy - Trigger/ Enter/ Download.
Title: Re: Prodigy & BT team-up
Post by: Firestarter on January 09, 2002, 11:31:34 PM
WHAT THE FUCK???? I thought I'll Get some FUCKIN Replies!!!  >:( Topic....Useless???? Is that too hard to reply? What!!? I said is that TOO FUICKIN Hard to REPLY???!!! WHAT???! YOU HEARD ME!!!

AND I THOUGH Fellow 'Electronic Punks' Like eletctronica that much, so they could share athough reply! No WAY They can't Get their hand on the keyboard and FUCKIN TYPE!!!
Title: Re: Prodigy & BT team-up
Post by: Arie on January 10, 2002, 09:55:56 AM

Second of all, I don't know this other band and to be honest I am too busy to find any of their music. Besides that The Prodigy deside themselves with whom they collaborate. If they will choose that band, then we will hear. Remember that stating things like these is actually no real use since The Prodigy won't listen to us anyway and do their own thing. Postings like these are useful to show others what you think would be a good mix of artists. If the other people don't know that artist then the use of the posting is lost like in my case, hence I didn't reply.
Title: Re: Prodigy & BT team-up
Post by: Ekko on January 10, 2002, 05:06:13 PM
I knew BT, but I don't get why Prodge would do music with that guy.
Maybe they should also do something with the Chems. Or with me. Or Zed.

I didn't reply because I wouldn't have had much to say.
It would be nice.
Or not. Dunno. How should I?

There you've got your reply.  :P

Title: Re: Prodigy & BT team-up
Post by: Firestarter on January 10, 2002, 08:15:14 PM
Yeah i feel better. I just found out that BT's studio was robbed while he was in UK over the holidays ,eeting up other techno bands (his friends) Geez